
Aug 18, 2022
Ok. So I fucked up. So there's this really interesting, cool comic called, "A Wonderful New World." It's NSFW. So I was reading it and one day I stayed up for 2 whole days reading it. I was passing in and out cause I was so sleepy. So then later I went to sleep. A few days later I realized my behavior was a little bit more sporadic. Then a few days later I got some eye pains. No big deal right? I've had this before so I thought it would go away. It didn't.

So I think, "Ok I'll just take it in strides I mean I'm pretty healthy and stuff. This is just like my night-night carotid artery attempt." The pains get worse. I also start noticing pressure in the left side of my body. Then some pains and tingles. I start to wonder if I should go to the doctor. A few weeks later I start seeing things in my vision, like dots and little lights and stuff. Now it's turned into some visual snow that actually looks like it's there.

A week passes (I think?) and now I start to get flashes of light in my eyes and it's harder to look at lights now. I also notice at night I get breathing problems and anxiety. At some point I get EXTREME, severe pain in my left eye. Now I have this kinda inflamed part under my left eye (which I can still see fine out of but it just hurts a lot). I also notice I get sleepier easier. Like really easy I can lie down and almost immediately I feel like I need to go to sleep.

So yeah as you can tell by the title this might just be my good bye post. I have to ask the mods not to get rid of my account yet because I'm not sure if I'll recover from this. I say this because I know there is no way I can kill myself with my SN because it's way too risky. I have no idea what would happen if I drank SN with my condition. Also the only way I can drink my SN is by doing it outside which is extremely hard because I have a family that watches me like a hawk.

So the only option I have left is hanging which.... or going to the hospital and probably becoming mentally retarded if I'm ever given surgery. Who knows I might even end up brain dead. And at that point I might just get thrown into a mental hospital. So I guess this is goodbye.

And the thing is I KNOW what's happening to my body. It's getting harder to think, I'm getting sleepier, getting spasms in my body and eyelids, I'm gaining so much white hairs on my head. I'm getting brain death.

You know.... none of this would have happened if I learned about controlling my emotions and become mentally healthy and stable early on in my life. I was recently reading stuff about mental health and I feel like everyone here should watch that stuff. In my opinion. I'm not saying it helps everyone in their situations because everyone is different but I dunno it can help alleviate you, help you become a little better. Like they have ways of showing you how to regulate your emotions and I never knew how to do that before.

And if I learned about mental health early on in life then maybe I would've learned how to be happy while alone and never being lonely. Maybe I would've still been suicidal but I would've had enough self-awareness to realize that I should've just kept that to myself and not even THOUGHT about suicide at that point in time, just chill. Just relax. And maybe I would've learned how to be happy by myself, with myself so that I could have learned how to express my ideas online (and perhaps to the family members who wanted to know what I was doing) in a healthy way. Of course one thing I never should've done was say, "Hey guys I'm making a video game." Never say that unless you have actual progress, can back it up, and it's nearly completed or a good way into development. And then I wouldn't have a lack of self-awareness and poor judgment so I wouldn't have done all the stupid shit in my life. Like at that point I would've known how to get a job and not be afraid of getting a job. That way I wouldn't have searched up all kinds of crazy things like paypal generators and making money online.

I would've learned to say something like this to my family: "Hey before I get a job let me focus on my mental health and being a better person. Oh and also... chill out with the putting me into school thing. Relax a little because I'd need A LOT of time to seriously consider it because I know with who I am getting a career is impossible so I'd need to change to be able to even think of getting a career. And frankly after I fix my emotional/mental state let me just focus on getting a job so I can help you guys pay the bills" Maybe then things would've been a lot healthier instead of being forced into a community college and then being mocked and stared at angrily when I dropped out due to fear and anxiety.

And at some point I had enough money to get a shotgun and the gun shop near where I live would've still been open and maybe I would've been able to kill myself so easily while keeping all this from my family.

Oh and of course I never would've had such a terrible time in school. I mean don't get me wrong high school/middle school still would have been murder but at least it would've been more bearable if I had better control of my emotions and mental health. I should've learned how to say no. I think that's also where I went wrong but also not to become overconfident and rage filled for no reason.

Anyways I'm not sure what's going to happen to me now. I guess in closing in my opinion everyone here before you think of suicide maybe try to focus on your mental health first. This isn't a pro-life statement, I strongly believe suicide should be a healthy decision, I think it is a healthy decision but it can become a problem when it becomes an obsession AND when you don't know how to control your emotions or when you need to get over trauma. Suicide should never be impulsive, Some of the lucky ones have done impulsive suicide and succeeded and I wish I was one of them. Others? Not so much.

And if you're in a scary situation maybe see what you can do to get yourself out of it first or at the very least research an extremely good suicide method that works most of the time and you have faith in. I'm not saying to not kill yourself, I'm just saying you should probably think it out first. You could hang yourself without proper research and end up messing up. You don't want that. Or you could drink SN and then end up screaming or alerting someone you live with and then they call the ambulance and it's all over for you at that point. I'm not fear mongering I'm just giving my honest to god opinion. Not being judgmental. All I'm saying is be careful.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Sorry but in my case wanting to die is all that feels rational, you can think and say what you want about your own situation as it's your life after all but other people aren't you. I thought this was supposed to be a pro-choice place to respect people's decision to die rather than strangers who know nothing about other people telling them to do this, do that. Maybe in the recovery section where people are specifically looking for life advice that type of thing is more appropriate in my opinion.
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Aug 18, 2022
Sorry but in my case wanting to die is all that feels rational, you can think and say what you want about your own situation as it's your life after all but other people aren't you. I thought this was supposed to be a pro-choice place to respect people's decision to die rather than strangers who know nothing about other people telling them to do this, do that. Maybe in the recovery section where people are specifically looking for life advice that type of thing is more appropriate in my opinion.
I want to say that first of all I completely agree with you that suicide is only rational but I already addressed you:
I'm not saying it helps everyone in their situations because everyone is different
When I said "everyone is different" I had you in mind because you know as you've said you view suicide as the only rational thing. So when I say, "Everyone is different" I was meaning to say "Some people like funeral cry just want to kill themselves and don't want or even need to focus on mental health. Some people like me should've focused on mental health from the very beginning so that they could think even more clearly about their decision and the process of doing it."
And if you're in a scary situation maybe see what you can do to get yourself out of it first or at the very least research an extremely good suicide method that works most of the time and you have faith in
Here I wasn't actually referring to you because as I was saying everyone has a different situation but I was talking about those who are in these kind of life-threatening situations. Sometimes you need to be really careful about how you commit suicide, it's difficult. Also I guess I messed up on wording but yes this an opinion. Just what I think.

Now if I have to be honest I'm not sure why I'm given this response:
you can think and say what you want about your own situation as it's your life after all but other people aren't you
I was only giving opinions on what I think people should do in some situations. Not like I was trying to control how people think or say that other people are me. I know they're not me. I'm just saying that personally sometimes I think it's important to focus on mental health and well-being first before trying to kill yourself. Not in a "You won't want to kill yourself anymore way" but more like it can help you think better, become a little bit better. Like for example there are some people here who are struggling with break-ups here and want to kill themselves because of that. I'm saying in that case I think they should focus on mental health so that they can learn not to become obsessive over those people who they broke up with so that they can hopefully get over them, prioritize themselves, and then hopefully not think irrationally. That can lead to failed suicide attempts. I firmly believe suicide should be done with a clear mind.

Some people have poor judgment and they can let their emotions cloud their actions. I just think that's unhealthy and impulsivity can lead to failed suicide attempts.

I thought this was supposed to be a pro-choice place to respect people's decision to die rather than strangers who know nothing about other people telling them to do this, do that.

Perhaps it was my wording. I apologize if that's how that came out but I wasn't being pro-life here, I was totally and am totally pro-choice. And I was never telling anyone to do this or that. Again I was just giving my opinion on what I think would be helpful to some people who might be in some hard situations. No one ever gave me this kind of advice and I see a lot of people struggling here so I just thought that maybe if some of them knew what I learned recently it would help alleviate some of their problems, that's all. I thought I was being clear when I said this:
I'm not fear mongering I'm just giving my honest to god opinion. Not being judgmental. All I'm saying is be careful.
I was just saying to be careful. Again impulsivity can lead to fates worse than death, like failed suicide attempts and living with the pain and trauma, etc.
Maybe in the recovery section where people are specifically looking for life advice that type of thing is more appropriate in my opinion.
That's fair but this is also a good bye thread so I thought I would just add some in here. Maybe it's the fact that this seems like unsolicited advice is what is a problem with all this. Is it unsolicited advice? I mean I was just giving my opinion, that's all really.

It was probably this part:
I guess in closing in my opinion everyone here before you think of suicide maybe try to focus on your mental health first
I wasn't saying you should do it or telling you what to do, just saying personally I think people should focus on mental health like just as an opinion. I dunno I don't think that's a bad thing to say. I'm not sure how this comes off as controlling. Though I'm not really sure what I could've said differently. Maybe don't say anything at all about that? But then again I dunno I just don't see how this is wrong thing to say.

Is it a wrong thing to say? "Personally in my opinion I think everyone should focus on mental health and self awareness. For some people it can help you think clearer about the steps you will take in order to successfully CTB" I dunno I just don't know how this is wrong thing to say.

I guess it's more of a "who asked for your opinion?" thing but I dunno am I not allowed to say that I personally think that for some people practicing self awareness and working on their mental health and trauma can help them feel better about themselves and think clearer so that they don't mess up their suicide attempts due to being impulsive?

Although I guess in my defense this is a public forum. I think I'm allowed to give my opinions. But I think what it was was that it was me giving my opinions on peoples' lives. "Personally I think everyone should focus on mental health." Hmm. I dunno I don't really see anything wrong with saying that though.

Anyways though I'm sorry for what I've said. I'm still kinda processing this and figuring out how I'm wrong but I'm just apologizing because I don't want to cause any kind of problems. And I don't want to offend. So again sorry.
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I Can't Say

I Can't Say

Oct 21, 2023
Um... I don't want to speak out of turn, but can we just back up a second here?
And the thing is I KNOW what's happening to my body. It's getting harder to think, I'm getting sleepier, getting spasms in my body and eyelids, I'm gaining so much white hairs on my head. I'm getting brain death.
I'm not a doctor or anything, but that doesn't sound like a real medical diagnosis to me. Your post reads like, "I was reading some comics and now I'm dying" and maybe I'm missing something, but this just seems surreal. I don't want to give you unsolicited advice in a goodbye thread, but it sounds like you haven't sought any medical advice for what's going on. Can someone explain this to me?
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Aug 18, 2022
Um... I don't want to speak out of turn, but can we just back up a second here?

I'm not a doctor or anything, but that doesn't sound like a real medical diagnosis to me. Your post reads like, "I was reading some comics and now I'm dying" and maybe I'm missing something, but this just seems surreal. I don't want to give you unsolicited advice in a goodbye thread, but it sounds like you haven't sought any medical advice for what's going on. Can someone explain this to me?
I have not sought out any medical attention. It started when I was reading the comics. I was awake for 2 whole days reading the comics on my laptop (not the entire time of course but you know on and off). And then I started to feel strange. One day I started to feel some pain in my left eye. I thought it was nothing. I left it alone. And it just kept getting worse and worse until my body started getting worse and worse. Now I'm living with the symptoms.

Part of the problem is a year ago before all this started when I had suicide attempts with the tourniquet method I ended up messing up my mind (trying to find the carotid arteries) and became worse off. Not to mention I had untreated throat and breathing problems which made things worse. Then I had terrible symptoms. I had to go to the doctor to get treatment for things that were happening to me. I made the mistake of going to the hospital and urgent care first when it started though. And they gave me all kinds medicine for it. It kinda made me a little crazier. And after a while all the symptoms went away for a year and never came back. Ever since then I was on olanzapine and fluoxetine to treat my behaviors. After a while I stopped taking the medications and later on found out that I felt just as good without them. And I was completely fine like this up until a few weeks ago. So I guess this is a little backstory on why I have these problems.

I didn't get medical treatment because I thought it would go away and because I had crippling fear of confronting my mother and the doctors about this. I have a poor sense of self awareness and self esteem and therefore sometimes have poor judgment. So I thought it would kinda just go away if I left it alone but it never did and only got worse. So I think I should just tell my mom about it and see what we can do from here if anything can be done.
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Oct 24, 2023
It might be a good idea to get yourself checked out by the doctors - just to be kn the safe side?
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Jul 26, 2023
I am not a doctor but it sounds like you might be experiencing retinal detachment or a possible neurological issue and not "brain death". What you are going through very well likely won't kill you but it could make your life significantly more agonizing without treatment or some sort.
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I Can't Say

I Can't Say

Oct 21, 2023
I'm sorry to hear you've had bad experiences with the doctors, that's understandable. You sound calmer in your last message, I'm sure you'll figure out the right thing to do. FWIW I think you should buckle down and face the doctor. Be well.
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Nov 7, 2023
I am not a doctor but it sounds like you might be experiencing retinal detachment or a possible neurological issue and not "brain death".
I second this- but I think you may be experiencing brain damage. In your post, you mentioned the night night method, so I assume you may have attempted this form of ctb before. In my completely unprofessional opinion, based on your symptoms, it sounds like some parts of your brain still aren't receiving enough oxygen. I have no idea why exactly, but it sounds like something you may be able to get control of by visiting a doctor. I understand that may be difficult for you to explain to your family, but I think seeking help from a medical professional may save you from (further?) permanent brain damage.
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Oct 31, 2023
I want to say that first of all I completely agree with you that suicide is only rational but I already addressed you:

When I said "everyone is different" I had you in mind because you know as you've said you view suicide as the only rational thing. So when I say, "Everyone is different" I was meaning to say "Some people like funeral cry just want to kill themselves and don't want or even need to focus on mental health. Some people like me should've focused on mental health from the very beginning so that they could think even more clearly about their decision and the process of doing it."

Here I wasn't actually referring to you because as I was saying everyone has a different situation but I was talking about those who are in these kind of life-threatening situations. Sometimes you need to be really careful about how you commit suicide, it's difficult. Also I guess I messed up on wording but yes this an opinion. Just what I think.

Now if I have to be honest I'm not sure why I'm given this response:

I was only giving opinions on what I think people should do in some situations. Not like I was trying to control how people think or say that other people are me. I know they're not me. I'm just saying that personally sometimes I think it's important to focus on mental health and well-being first before trying to kill yourself. Not in a "You won't want to kill yourself anymore way" but more like it can help you think better, become a little bit better. Like for example there are some people here who are struggling with break-ups here and want to kill themselves because of that. I'm saying in that case I think they should focus on mental health so that they can learn not to become obsessive over those people who they broke up with so that they can hopefully get over them, prioritize themselves, and then hopefully not think irrationally. That can lead to failed suicide attempts. I firmly believe suicide should be done with a clear mind.

Some people have poor judgment and they can let their emotions cloud their actions. I just think that's unhealthy and impulsivity can lead to failed suicide attempts.

Perhaps it was my wording. I apologize if that's how that came out but I wasn't being pro-life here, I was totally and am totally pro-choice. And I was never telling anyone to do this or that. Again I was just giving my opinion on what I think would be helpful to some people who might be in some hard situations. No one ever gave me this kind of advice and I see a lot of people struggling here so I just thought that maybe if some of them knew what I learned recently it would help alleviate some of their problems, that's all. I thought I was being clear when I said this:

I was just saying to be careful. Again impulsivity can lead to fates worse than death, like failed suicide attempts and living with the pain and trauma, etc.

That's fair but this is also a good bye thread so I thought I would just add some in here. Maybe it's the fact that this seems like unsolicited advice is what is a problem with all this. Is it unsolicited advice? I mean I was just giving my opinion, that's all really.

It was probably this part:

I wasn't saying you should do it or telling you what to do, just saying personally I think people should focus on mental health like just as an opinion. I dunno I don't think that's a bad thing to say. I'm not sure how this comes off as controlling. Though I'm not really sure what I could've said differently. Maybe don't say anything at all about that? But then again I dunno I just don't see how this is wrong thing to say.

Is it a wrong thing to say? "Personally in my opinion I think everyone should focus on mental health and self awareness. For some people it can help you think clearer about the steps you will take in order to successfully CTB" I dunno I just don't know how this is wrong thing to say.

I guess it's more of a "who asked for your opinion?" thing but I dunno am I not allowed to say that I personally think that for some people practicing self awareness and working on their mental health and trauma can help them feel better about themselves and think clearer so that they don't mess up their suicide attempts due to being impulsive?

Although I guess in my defense this is a public forum. I think I'm allowed to give my opinions. But I think what it was was that it was me giving my opinions on peoples' lives. "Personally I think everyone should focus on mental health." Hmm. I dunno I don't really see anything wrong with saying that though.

Anyways though I'm sorry for what I've said. I'm still kinda processing this and figuring out how I'm wrong but I'm just apologizing because I don't want to cause any kind of problems. And I don't want to offend. So again sorry.
Who have the time or the energy to read all this (newspaper) baby do whatever you want it's your life your decision only you signed up


Jul 5, 2023
I want to say that first of all I completely agree with you that suicide is only rational but I already addressed you:

When I said "everyone is different" I had you in mind because you know as you've said you view suicide as the only rational thing. So when I say, "Everyone is different" I was meaning to say "Some people like funeral cry just want to kill themselves and don't want or even need to focus on mental health. Some people like me should've focused on mental health from the very beginning so that they could think even more clearly about their decision and the process of doing it."

Here I wasn't actually referring to you because as I was saying everyone has a different situation but I was talking about those who are in these kind of life-threatening situations. Sometimes you need to be really careful about how you commit suicide, it's difficult. Also I guess I messed up on wording but yes this an opinion. Just what I think.

Now if I have to be honest I'm not sure why I'm given this response:

I was only giving opinions on what I think people should do in some situations. Not like I was trying to control how people think or say that other people are me. I know they're not me. I'm just saying that personally sometimes I think it's important to focus on mental health and well-being first before trying to kill yourself. Not in a "You won't want to kill yourself anymore way" but more like it can help you think better, become a little bit better. Like for example there are some people here who are struggling with break-ups here and want to kill themselves because of that. I'm saying in that case I think they should focus on mental health so that they can learn not to become obsessive over those people who they broke up with so that they can hopefully get over them, prioritize themselves, and then hopefully not think irrationally. That can lead to failed suicide attempts. I firmly believe suicide should be done with a clear mind.

Some people have poor judgment and they can let their emotions cloud their actions. I just think that's unhealthy and impulsivity can lead to failed suicide attempts.

Perhaps it was my wording. I apologize if that's how that came out but I wasn't being pro-life here, I was totally and am totally pro-choice. And I was never telling anyone to do this or that. Again I was just giving my opinion on what I think would be helpful to some people who might be in some hard situations. No one ever gave me this kind of advice and I see a lot of people struggling here so I just thought that maybe if some of them knew what I learned recently it would help alleviate some of their problems, that's all. I thought I was being clear when I said this:

I was just saying to be careful. Again impulsivity can lead to fates worse than death, like failed suicide attempts and living with the pain and trauma, etc.

That's fair but this is also a good bye thread so I thought I would just add some in here. Maybe it's the fact that this seems like unsolicited advice is what is a problem with all this. Is it unsolicited advice? I mean I was just giving my opinion, that's all really.

It was probably this part:

I wasn't saying you should do it or telling you what to do, just saying personally I think people should focus on mental health like just as an opinion. I dunno I don't think that's a bad thing to say. I'm not sure how this comes off as controlling. Though I'm not really sure what I could've said differently. Maybe don't say anything at all about that? But then again I dunno I just don't see how this is wrong thing to say.

Is it a wrong thing to say? "Personally in my opinion I think everyone should focus on mental health and self awareness. For some people it can help you think clearer about the steps you will take in order to successfully CTB" I dunno I just don't know how this is wrong thing to say.

I guess it's more of a "who asked for your opinion?" thing but I dunno am I not allowed to say that I personally think that for some people practicing self awareness and working on their mental health and trauma can help them feel better about themselves and think clearer so that they don't mess up their suicide attempts due to being impulsive?

Although I guess in my defense this is a public forum. I think I'm allowed to give my opinions. But I think what it was was that it was me giving my opinions on peoples' lives. "Personally I think everyone should focus on mental health." Hmm. I dunno I don't really see anything wrong with saying that though.

Anyways though I'm sorry for what I've said. I'm still kinda processing this and figuring out how I'm wrong but I'm just apologizing because I don't want to cause any kind of problems. And I don't want to offend. So again sorry.
The problem isn't you, its how that other person thinks it was a personal attack when narcissism is the real problem. Everything just has to revolve only around them and only around their views only. Even going so low to accuse other people in attempt to get them banned or failing that, ostracized by the community. This was your goodbye post, yet managed to make it about them, again. I'm sorry you're going thru this, you're advice is strongly heeded
Life Is My Coffin

Life Is My Coffin

One final action ⚰️⚰️⚰️
Oct 13, 2023
one thing I never should've done was say, "Hey guys I'm making a video game." Never say that unless you have actual progress, can back it up, and it's nearly completed
Yandere Dev moment

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