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Mental illness made me who I am.
Oct 1, 2020
If this is Funeralcry then props for commiting to the bit
I see a lot of people suspecting FC but so far there is no evidence or testimonials from users who have been approached directly by FC. In fact, she mentioned not liking private messages.
This dude on Reddit is just one of many.
Apparently this user has given too many clues, so it's all a matter of gathering as many threads as possible to find a connection.
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Missunderstood Potato
Dec 9, 2018
this is quite interesting what I've found.. When searching for that reddit user ,Google listed other stuff that other people are searching for.. I dont know if this is a coincidence or not or if there is more to this or its just nothing and im just reading too much into this..

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7th times the charm?
Apr 26, 2024
I suspect he or she is from the UK - not many nationalities use the phrase 'bugger'. I would also suggest a southerner as it's not commonly used north of the midlands.

They should be fairly easy to identify from the writing style.

Might be worth some of us looking at the 'thousand posters club'…
I am from above midlands and bugger is a pretty common word, I've mainly heard middle aged men use it, especially within my county


oh no :(
Apr 10, 2023
Why tf would anyone do that, there is nothing heroic about doing this. :(
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Apr 21, 2024
Hi Everyone, I am new here and I have a lot of questions but first I wanted to share something I found on Reddit.
Someone claiming to have been participating in a suicide forum for 3 years and have thousands of posts. He/She is claiming to participate in the forum specifically to report sources to Authorities.
This person created a brand new account on Reddit just to share this post 14 days ago, and they have no other posts or any other activity on Reddit. I have taken a screenshot of the user and the post in case they decide to take it down. Here is their post. I find it incredible that people like this exist. What a superiority complex. They have no compassion of human suffering, illness, pain, old age, probably because they have never experienced chronic pain, debilitating disease or real suffering. In any case, this is the post I found on Reddit, in case someone recognize this person:

I participate in a suicide forum to report sellers of suicide methods to authorities
I have participated in a pro-choice suicide forum for 3 years now. I have thousands of posts on it. My initial intention to begin with was to help talk people through tough times. The community there has a lot of people who feel comfortable venting, publicly, about things that hurt them to the point of wanting to hurt themselves. In a forum full of those who encourage suicide as an answer to all problems, I tried to be the one to put reason into peoples heads. Offer solutions, ways to keep people's mind at ease. I've played Minecraft and other games with users when they needed it. I've seen people recover, I've met good people in this place. And that's why I continue to participate. However, this place has plenty of bad apples.
There is a sad reality on this website: There are vendors of product used to commit suicide, fully aware of where their clients are coming from. These products are usually sodium nitrite, a legal inorganic salt, used as a food preservative. People on the forum advocate for using it, claiming it is 'peaceful'. (For those of you concerned about this, contact your lawmakers and urge them to regulate the sale, and shipping of sodium nitrite). People gatekeep the sources to protect the seller. What they don't know, is that I rat them out. In my opinion, if you knowingly profit off of selling substances for suicide, you are worse than a heroin dealer, and a total piece of shit. I report every new source, and then all of a sudden they stop shipping, and all the people on the forum just assume they're scammers. Nah, I reported them to the authorities. I'll say it, criminals really are stupid. I work in cybersecurity and I've been interested in computers my whole life. None of these people know how to hide themselves. The only vendors I haven't been able to do anything about, are chinese warehouses that are labeling the product as other substances to pass customs(again, contact your lawmakers about this), and a couple buggers that are good at covering their tracks.

I haven't told a single soul about my activity on this website. Needed to get it off my chest. (Source: )

Who cares fuck them
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May 11, 2024
@KuriGohan&Kamehameha There are too many people in this world that like to use other people hospitality, help and compassion when in a crisis and then afterwards discard or turn on very people who helped them. I have seen it all the time in my family and other people outside of family.

People who go through hard times either become a better compassionate person or become a selfish human being who participates in bullying the downtrodden.

Sanctioned Sucide is a community of the downtrodden. I have met so many people on here who have gone through a lifetime of trauma and suffering. This website has truly opened my eyes about the real suffering people go through in life , the determination to try to and make things work out to finally losing the battle to life. I have learnt so much from people on here for that I will be always be grateful.

People who attack Sanctioned Sucide do not understand how people in this world actaully suffer and do not have the privilege of caring friends, families and acess to good quality supportive mental healthcare. Society doesn't give a shit about these people because if society did then society would work to reform the system and make sure these people's lives are improved upon. People bash Sanctioned Suicide to make themselves feel better their own lives.

These people who complain about this site themselves are overpriveilged people who are very lucky to never suffer mental torment to the point of death being the only form relief. Its easier to blame a site rather than to actually fix the society that is driving people to kill themselves.
This is beautifully stated and so, so true. People who aren't suffering take their ability to enjoy life for granted and want to pat themselves on the back for preventing us from making our own choices.


Tyra Banks screaming “LEARN SOMETHING FROM THIS.”
Jan 2, 2020
LOLing at the "do-gooder" hinting where to find sn still at the end of the post 💀
  • Yay!
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Dusk till dawn

Dusk till dawn

Sep 7, 2018
That sounds interesting, i'll try researching this person through OSINT to see i can find his identity, since OSINT and counter-intelligence is the only thing i'm talented in
I see a lot of people suspecting FC but so far there is no evidence or testimonials from users who have been approached directly by FC. In fact, she mentioned not liking private messages.

Apparently this user has given too many clues, so it's all a matter of gathering as many threads as possible to find a connection.
I also suspected FC as the prime suspect because she is the most active one, her posts are very repetitive, she is also from the UK as she claims, but it can't be FC

FC never uses keywords like "nah" unlike the poster, and i don't recall her messaging anyone or even playing minecraft or anything similar with anyone

There's a very good chance that's not @FuneralCry since she never approaches anyone and i'm pretty sure she never played any games with anyone
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Apr 22, 2024
That sounds interesting, i'll try researching this person through OSINT to see i can find his identity, since OSINT and counter-intelligence is the only thing i'm talented in

I also suspected FC as the prime suspect because she is the most active one, her posts are very repetitive, she is also from the UK as she claims, but it can't be FC

FC never uses keywords like "nah" unlike the poster, and i don't recall her messaging anyone or even playing minecraft or anything similar with anyone

There's a very good chance that's not @FuneralCry since she never approaches anyone and i'm pretty sure she never played any games with anyone
I pretty much blocked this user after only my third day here, just too repetitive for me, like a dog chasing their own tail, circular thought patterns, always the same thoughts, same words, same opinion, not able for dialog or any thought variation. When we get to this point, what is the difference between the human brain and something programmed. But each to their own. I am glad this forum helps her, she has been here for years, so obviously here more for company than information on methodology. Everyone needs company but I don't think she is the Reddit user, nobody can pretend to be this single focused
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Tyra Banks screaming “LEARN SOMETHING FROM THIS.”
Jan 2, 2020
LOLing at the "do-gooder" hinting where to find sn still at the end of the post 💀
  • Yay!
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May 16, 2022
It's actually so mean for someone to find fame or chase clout , on social media regardless of using other people's pathetic situations . You are worse than all those you mentioned in your reddit post .

Unsure and alone

It's a slow fade
Dec 10, 2023
This behavior is absolutely horrible.

How can you say you are trying to save people here
While you are actively lying to those people and betraying them ?

Openly trying to talk someone undecided through it is okay.
Just make sure to respect it if the person responds with a clear I'm not wanting that signal.

But to be so deceitful and go against the very rule of this place that allows for honesty and letting it out when so many spaces don't.

That's just horrible . I hope that person is identified and banned from the site .
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Dec 14, 2023
"you are worse than a heroin dealer, and a total piece of shit" - oh, the irony.

Seriously, what is this person hoping to gain from this activity? A chance to live out some kind lf sweaty teenage fantasy of being a hero, recieving the key to the city, eternal gratitude and a rose petal shower as millions of cameras are flashing in their face? I'm not sure - and I seriously hope not - that this person understand just how much damage their little project can do.
Coconut blue

Coconut blue

May 13, 2024
im glad all the comments this person is getting are frowning down are his behavior haha


I need RCs
May 6, 2024
this user is lying lmao they make a new account just to scare a forum full of mentally unstable people which is just as bad as what they claim to be doing though if you think for a moment you'd realise "reporting to authorities" doesn't mean jack shit when SN sellers are obviously based in places where it's legal otherwise they'd be on the dark web


Eternal Spirit Experiencing a Human Moment
Dec 23, 2023
Hi Everyone, I am new here and I have a lot of questions but first I wanted to share something I found on Reddit.
Someone claiming to have been participating in a suicide forum for 3 years and have thousands of posts. He/She is claiming to participate in the forum specifically to report sources to Authorities.
This person created a brand new account on Reddit just to share this post 14 days ago, and they have no other posts or any other activity on Reddit. I have taken a screenshot of the user and the post in case they decide to take it down. Here is their post. I find it incredible that people like this exist. What a superiority complex. They have no compassion of human suffering, illness, pain, old age, probably because they have never experienced chronic pain, debilitating disease or real suffering. In any case, this is the post I found on Reddit, in case someone recognize this person

Reddit shills are going to shill. Don't feed the trolls.

The top comments are all blasting the poster for being a dickhead anyway.
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May 6, 2024
They sound like another attention jockey, trying and failing to farm upvotes. They even named SN, basically telling people how to kill themselves all over again.
indeed. by naming and detailing what SN is thru basically just advertised the method on a more mainstream forum. this person is not the brightest bulb.


Mar 30, 2024
That reddit user thinks he's being so good and heroic when all he is doing is making people feel more miserable being trapped for decades I'm this hellish existence
I would say that person is 10x worse than the people who he claims are so evil
exactly, the way he does it is really bad, people that are in such a bad mental state should not be treated like some mentally deranged outcasts that are dangers to society, if you do want to help, leave it to the pros and only help those who wanna be helped, no one in this world can decide what is morally right all the time, while I don't personally agree with cbt, I have no right to argue or tell others otherwise only present them with options with no pressure, do what you want and think is right, but also carefully look at your options
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