my frustration is just that relationships seem like a can't live with them can't live without them kind of thing, i wish i could do what you've done and just accept being on my own but i see other couples being happy and just get so insanely why can't i have what they have?
I experienced the feeling "I can't live with them but can't live without them" when my ex and I broke up, and although my memory is hazy, I think it was excruciating, and I actually made several CTB attempts at that time. I had also struggled at work, so I lost all my self-worth.
I'm really sorry your ex treated you like that, it's really shitty and you didn't deserve that, though it does show the type of person they are.
Thank you so much. I thought it was my fault when I broke up, because their family was rich and I couldn't keep up with their luxurious (or just extravagant) lifestyle. But now I think I didn't deserve that - I've recovered and regained self-worth to some degree.
i see other couples being happy and just get so insanely why can't i have what they have?
I think, good relationship need both luck and an effort - you had made so much effort but it's not your fault your exes didn't reciprocate it.
I think, you can't simply turn off your desire for romance - and you have to take the risk of being treated badly when you pursue relationship (you can leave them anytime unless you're dependent of them I think, though.) That seems to be a quandary - I'm so sorry.
I want a platonic relationship if I pursue it again because I'm an asexual and really hate having sex. Currently I can connect to people on this forum who are exceptionally compassionate, so I don't feel I need a partner, although I feel pathetic from time to time.