

Stay at home son
Aug 19, 2019
8 hours per day in something useless and meaningless, just to make someone else that I would probably despise richer. And yet, there are people who try to give some sort of moral value to it. I sometimes believe I was born in the worst time in history.
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Apr 23, 2022
I just want a job for the money to check out to be honest I'm tired and I have no long term goals
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Apr 11, 2022
Yes but you can always start a business or get a high paying job it's not that hard. By sitting and thinking you are not helping yourself. My cousin an ex alcoholic he stopped drinking started a business and now is rich after 3 years. Life isn't all bad its what you make of it if you just keep thinking of how bad it is you will never get out of that loop.
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Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty.
Mar 11, 2022
Countless people would choose death if it were guaranteed quick, painless, and not scary
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No Entertainment

No Entertainment

Life is a once-in-a-lifetime experience
Apr 25, 2022
I disagree. I don't think the problem are work, but overwork or underpayment.

Work in my opinion, are just a tool create by economic system as a substitute for growing your own food. In theory it's not a bad thing.

If you able to grow your own food and build your own cabin, no one forces you to work.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
My best guess is that they feel much more belonging and pleasure in their lives than you and me, and that's how they can withstand devoting 33% of their time to something they don't give a shit about and is usually stressful. Keep in mind that 33% of time is occupied by sleeping so... If you observe them they have a good time in the remaining 33%.
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"To die is gain."
Jan 21, 2022
I'm severely depressed. I can barely get out of bed and put my socks and shoes on. I'm basically living on borrowed time (and money from parents). When the time comes at which my parents won't be there for me anymore, I'll probably end up homeless. I don't want to suffer that much more. I've tried many a treatment, but nothing's worked on my mushy brain.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I used to have the ability to work .. it was very hard due to my limitations. But I don't have the capacity now !, I'm relegated to maybe being lucky enough to one day have a job that doesn't take into account my current situation. But I don't see myself able to do any work for the disabled!

And I can only be self-sufficient if I am able to generate income for myself, which is not the case right now. I am too dependent and in 10 years I have a lot of problems because of this.

If I manage to make ends meet and have a good income of my own, I think I will solve a lot of things. I always think that the only thing that was wrong before when I worked was just one-off events that put me on the ropes, as well as that I am not at all efficient working more than 4 hours a day then (12 years ago), now no idea.

He received a disability benefit of 277 euros per month (14 payments) plus a supplement paid by the government of my region of 172 euros (12 payments). About 449 euros. It's okay if you live with your parents as is the case, but I can't go anywhere or ask for official protection flats even if I can prove that when I live in them the benefit will be higher (the current cohabitation unit is taken into account for the calculation of the benefit), as everything is assessed according to the previous year's income tax return or by presenting proof of current income.

But I don't know how I'm going to do it if I'm not able to play on the console, draw like before, or read the fantasy books I loved so much, how can I work if I can't disconnect from it? I only listen to music all day and I'm losing my sight because I'm at the same time making new damn glasses that I never dare to do (I know I've been losing graduation in a sustained way for years ... it happens to a lot of people , only I don't know how to deal with it).

I know it's an anti-work post, but I wish we'd do it!

Jo abans tenía capacitat de treball.. era molt dur degut a les meves limitacions. Però es que ara no tinc capacitat!, estic relegat a potser tenir la sort de que algún día hi hagi un treball que no tingui en compte la meva situació actual. Però es que ni feina de discapacitats em veig capaç de fer!

I només puc ser autosuficent si sóc capaç de generar ingressos econòmics per mi mateix, que ara mateix no és el cas. Sóc massa dependent i en 10 anys em veig amb molts problemes a causa d'això.

Si aconsegueixo ensortir-me'n i tinc ingressos propis benestants crec que sol·lucionaré moltes coses. Sempre penso que l'únic que hi havía de dolent abans quan treballava eren només fets puntuals que em posaven contra les cordes, així com que no sóc gens eficient treballant més de 4 hores diàries, llavors (fa 12 anys), ara ni idea.

Cobró una prestació per discapacitat de 277 euros mensuals (14 pagues) més una complementària que paga el govern de la meva regió de 172 euros (12 pagues). Uns 449 euros. Està bé si vius amb els pares com és el cas, però no puc anar-me'n enlloc ni demanar pisos de protecció oficial encara que acrediti que quan visqui en ells la prestació serà superior (es té en compte la unitat de convivència actual per el calcul de la prestació), ja que s'avalua tot segons la declaració de la renta de l'any anterior o presentant l'acreditació dels ingressos actuals.

Però no se com m'ho faré si no sóc capaç de jugar a la consola, dibuixar com abans o llegir els llibres de fantasia que tant m'agradaven, com puc treballar si no puc desconnectar d'aquest? només escolto música tot el día i estic perdent la vista perquè m'atavalo alhora de fer unes punyeteres ulleres noves que no m'atreveixo a fer mai (es que estic perdent graduació de manera sostinguda desde fa anys... li passa a molta gent, només que jo no se pas com fer-hi front).

Ja se que és un post contra la feina, però jo la desitjo, que hi farem!


Jun 22, 2020
I like it. It's a challenge, gets you out of your comfort zone, you get to see things and learn. Bonus if you can stand your coworkers and boss. It's much easier when you have a routine and plan in place.


May 10, 2022
Life is a fight, some people didn't have the privilege of being asked to, I think you're overdramatising things, work is the core representation of mechanical impediment in life, without it nothing is possible including leisure. Human goal as mechanical being is work enough to enjoy rest, or reach the necessary technology to relieve itself from work, or what is known as fully automated luxury communism, the utopia that keeps us all employed so that one day we can work no more.

The real problems with work are: employment, slavery, condition, and financial stagnation. These are much more interesting subjects than ranting about work itself.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
I loved working. Working made me feel less depressed as it helped me pass the time in a constructive, disciplined way and gave me a sense of dignity. I liked earning money every month and being financially independent.

If I was healthy, I'd get a job right away.
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Dec 14, 2021
I'm severely depressed. I can barely get out of bed and put my socks and shoes on. I'm basically living on borrowed time (and money from parents). When the time comes at which my parents won't be there for me anymore, I'll probably end up homeless. I don't want to suffer that much more. I've tried many a treatment, but nothing's worked on my mushy brain.
Same here


Feb 7, 2021
I am not a greedy person. I never wanted a luxury house, car or status. All I wanted was to live and die in peace and dignity, but that is impossible without money. but when you look at it realistically, you have 2 options (at least in my country) you will starve in the street or become a full time slave. Frankly, I think it makes more sense to be nothing than to be in a negative state in order to exist.
My god, and people here in the US can't stop buying logos, and other unabashed displays of wealth. It's disgusting (looking especially at you, Kardashians)


Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
You get paid to be a slave these days. 💲


Mar 26, 2022
Yes but you can always start a business or get a high paying job it's not that hard. By sitting and thinking you are not helping yourself. My cousin an ex alcoholic he stopped drinking started a business and now is rich after 3 years. Life isn't all bad its what you make of it if you just keep thinking of how bad it is you will never get out of that loop.
Wow. The ridiculousness.
So those types also linger on this forum, not surprised.
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Dec 29, 2021
because they 1: have normal minds and are capable and competent unlike us mentally sick no hopers and 2: they have drive and want to acquire things.
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Jun 3, 2022
Most sought-after jobs are about controlling, monitoring people, basically human infighting, not trusting each other, not creating anything new except new forms of control. Accounting, banking, law/enforcement, ngo, etc. Even doctors are treating diseases mostly due to human infighting, stress, heart disease, depression. Bitcoins are wasting energy because people can't trust each other. The vicious circle is making people more and more busy, even with machine and automation which should have done most work for human by now. Maybe people are already doing more of what they want. But for one part of life spend on hobby one may have to spend 99 more parts to get other people out of the way.

Having said that I don't know what kind of alternative world I want to be in.
Enigmatic Sailor

Enigmatic Sailor

vicissitudes of fate...
Oct 29, 2021
You don't work; you don't eat.


Mar 26, 2022
You don't work; you don't eat.

There's SNAP.


Apr 5, 2020
Yeah I can't understand it either. The only people who work who I can understand are those really successful people who just have fun with their interests and are making loads of money whilst doing that. That requires incredible luck of course. But working some min wage or close to min wage, purely to afford things? At this point it's alien to me. I can sooner see myself homeless than doing that. Which is really awful, it's not like that's a better fate really. But still...

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