More power to you I suppose. The statistics say otherwise, though. I assume on your previous attempt someone found you and got you medical help? Whats to stop that from happening again? Public beach, right? Other people always seem to be where you never expect them to be. If you go through with it, good luck to you. And peace to you in life, and in death.
Yes. I could do it now, I won't find anyone, no one would come for me. Last time I took myself into A and E and i crashed, I could even take them in the house I'm at right now and no one would come to me. I'm so isolated in life that no one is coming to find me or is coming to help me, whatever help I want I'm told I have to find myself or that I have to do things myself so why would that change now, right now? I guarantee you I could take an OD now and it would likely work. Stats are well and good and I agree with them, but I was told my last attempt was serious, people intervened in a serious way, mental health staff and doctors specifically and directly told me and my parents it could have been fatal, apparently I nearly died. I don't know, I want to die and might just finally crash out now. Thanks
I just want some accuracy really, some truth, some clarity, some clear signs and signals about what I should do, I lost sense of my life a long time ago when I screwed it all up and I just want to crash it all out for good now, I'm fed up of suffering and swimming in my own wreckage
I just don't know how to set myself to something that will work, I'm so broken, my mind is so broken