
Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
I'm disabled, 30 something, live in a toxic family household, tried hard as possible to earn a good life, and I'm tired of trying. A while back I made a vow to myself that I will off myself by late 2022 if I haven't been able to fix my life or found a solid solution.

I can't work even in a PT job anymore due to autistic burnout, often family members call me names like lazy/failure to launch/and other names, when my sister gets drunk or high and I mentioned anything like "please stop using autism as a weapon" (she keeps using my autism against me. Like today she said they is able to get a job, and how even with me being sober I can't. And saying her kids must be autistic when they are acting up) I am the one who gets yelled at or threaten to be kicked out, and I'm just always tired of things. And it isn't like I didn't try my hardest. I've gotten 4 degrees, I self taught myself how to code and other things when I was told that would get me a job, I taught myself how to invest only to find out it takes nearly half a million to invest with just to make a livable salary, I tried many many many things to include going into the military (only to find out the military has policies against people who are autistic from joining). Hell, I even worked in a number of places where I dealt with real workplace harassment to the point one place lowered my pay to $8 a week due to a bet to see how low they could go before I quit.

I'm scared of dying. I'm scared it will hurt, and I'm scared what will happen after. But I'm more scared what will happen if I don't end my life. I'm scared that I might have to off myself sooner because I might get kicked out. I'm scared I might not be able to off myself not because I don't want to/mentally can't, but physically can't. I'm scared I might get locked up in a nut house.

I hate this life. If I have a choice on if I get to come back, if I can't fully control things to the point of fully remembering my past, I would pick to just not exist at all.
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Reactions: Belaya Noch, Callie Arcale, death137 and 9 others


Nov 15, 2020
I'm sorry things are so bad for you. I hope you find peace.
fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
Your sister is a rotten filthy bitch!
Is thete anyplace you mght go where things are better. If youhave fourdegrees youmust be very smart!!
Good luck,I hope things improve!
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Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
Your sister is a rotten filthy bitch!
Is thete anyplace you mght go where things are better. If youhave fourdegrees youmust be very smart!!
Good luck,I hope things improve!
Sadly, I don't have anywhere better to go. Group homes are known for not being good places, and if I was kicked out I would be on the streets.
I've already decided if I end up on the streets my number one mission is to die. What scares me is all ways to die if I'm homeless is extremely painful.

Being smart or not, this society we have values social over other things. Around 85% of us with degrees can't get a job, and only 12% can make enough to be independent. Autism is known to be one of the highest able worker unemployment rate if not the highest. And with how the govs are, there is no help fo us. If we land a full time job judges say you don't qualify for SSDI because you were autistic before, during the job, and after. In the UK and the help pretty much stops after 25, and this is even with 65% of their homeless being autistic. In most places help stops after you're 18. And then when you look at workplace harassment, it can get extreme. When someone sues the judge tells the autistic person decline because you could leave the job any time. In many countries like the USA you can legally pay disabled people cents per hour, the is how one place was legally able to only pay me $8 a week while I was cleaning toilets, floors, animal waste and so on.
My point society doesn't view smarts as something worthy when compared to home many friends you can make in a short time. If I had to pick between being a likeable idiot and this, I'm sure you know which I would pick. I even asked someone a long time ago why does so many treat me bad. The only answer is I have a bad vibe about me. Not an action I done, but just by being different I have no choice but to deal with the evil side of humanity.
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Mar 4, 2021
I'm disabled, 30 something, live in a toxic family household, tried hard as possible to earn a good life, and I'm tired of trying. A while back I made a vow to myself that I will off myself by late 2022 if I haven't been able to fix my life or found a solid solution.

I can't work even in a PT job anymore due to autistic burnout, often family members call me names like lazy/failure to launch/and other names, when my sister gets drunk or high and I mentioned anything like "please stop using autism as a weapon" (she keeps using my autism against me. Like today she said they is able to get a job, and how even with me being sober I can't. And saying her kids must be autistic when they are acting up) I am the one who gets yelled at or threaten to be kicked out, and I'm just always tired of things. And it isn't like I didn't try my hardest. I've gotten 4 degrees, I self taught myself how to code and other things when I was told that would get me a job, I taught myself how to invest only to find out it takes nearly half a million to invest with just to make a livable salary, I tried many many many things to include going into the military (only to find out the military has policies against people who are autistic from joining). Hell, I even worked in a number of places where I dealt with real workplace harassment to the point one place lowered my pay to $8 a week due to a bet to see how low they could go before I quit.

I'm scared of dying. I'm scared it will hurt, and I'm scared what will happen after. But I'm more scared what will happen if I don't end my life. I'm scared that I might have to off myself sooner because I might get kicked out. I'm scared I might not be able to off myself not because I don't want to/mentally can't, but physically can't. I'm scared I might get locked up in a nut house.

I hate this life. If I have a choice on if I get to come back, if I can't fully control things to the point of fully remembering my past, I would pick to just not exist at all.
I think this or next week is the last one. So I don't know if you need to envy me. At least I hope I can.


Apr 3, 2019
People are horrible, I'm sorry everyone has been so cruel to you. I was going to recommend finding somewhere else to go, but it seems you don't have many options, and I don't know the ins and outs of your situation. What I can say is that you'd be better off away from your family, or finding support elsewhere. Have you tried connecting with a therapist or social worker?

I'm sorry things have been so difficult for you. And four degrees and coding? Holy shit, that's a showcase of your potential! It just seems like you're support system is weak and your condition is discriminated against, which is fuck up.. I hope things look up for you somehow, before you feel the need to resort to drastic measures.


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
People are horrible, I'm sorry everyone has been so cruel to you. I was going to recommend finding somewhere else to go, but it seems you don't have many options, and I don't know the ins and outs of your situation. What I can say is that you'd be better off away from your family, or finding support elsewhere. Have you tried connecting with a therapist or social worker?

I'm sorry things have been so difficult for you. And four degrees and coding? Holy shit, that's a showcase of your potential! It just seems like you're support system is weak and your condition is discriminated against, which is fuck up.. I hope things look up for you somehow, before you feel the need to resort to drastic measures.
The gov said I can go to a group home but they advice me not to. Looking into it, group homes are horrible and many end up homeless anyways.
Therapy isn't an option. I tried but they wanted to give me a ton of depression pills. That quickly showed me they didn't care and it won't help. I ended up finding out they are some of the biggest drug pushers in the area, but their operation is legal

Basically those aren't realistic options for me sadly.
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
i also fear winding up homeless someday. i'll be chugging my SN in that case!

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