
New Member
Sep 3, 2021
I bought the thing months ago, and had it specially customed at a tailor so that it had only one continuous piece of strap.
I spent fair amount of time "reading" on the subject; how to find the arteries etc.
I had the thing in my home for months, and I would periodically practice using it.
The fact that I had it in my house made me believe that I could leave at any time I wish. It was like an exit door that provided me a sense of safety and comfort for months.

Well, it was 25 days ago that I finally decided to do it. I made sure to do it by the end of the day so that I was very sleepy and tired. It was a situation that I thought would force me do it, in contrast to doing it at the start of the day where I would think "oh I just woke up, might as well spend the day doing the usual useless stuff".
At night, I wrapped the thing around my neck, and had two pieces of rubber erasers on my neck below the strap, so that they would press on where I thought the arteries were. I chose rubber eraser because I thought they were hard enough to block the blood, but still wouldn't feel to harsh on the skin.
I tightened the strap around my neck to the point that any one more round of tightening would start the process of blocking the arteries.
Then I spent long hours in bed talking myself into doing it. I almost fell asleep few times. I was holding the piece of metal by my hand the entire time making sure I do it before I fall asleep with the heavy metal piece pressing on my neck.

Well, after long hours I finally got the courage to do it, and in a fast way did multiple rounds of tightening. The first seconds hit my strong, and I definitely felt it. I immediately started feeling the pulses in my neck pushing strongly against the strap as if it was going to explode. My head was going crazy, It felt like as if it was expanding and shrinking periodically, or swinging back and forth. But I genuinely felt good; It was the climax of long hours trying to do it, and I had the best feeling of relief as I closed my eyes and thought I was finally going to lay in peace.

So I lied there waiting to pass out. I was sure I was going to go unconscious in a matter of 10-15 seconds or less.
Well, after what felt to me like more than enough time had passed I started panicking, as I noticed I was still able to move my arms.
I freaked out and started adjusting the rubber eraser's places to hit "the perfect spots", then I'd wait for more time to see if I go unconscious. My head and pulse were still going crazy but the lights are still on. After repeating this multiple times I freaked out more, as I really didn't want the nightmare of surviving and living as a vegetable, and I started to believe that at this rate it will actually happen.
Ratchet straps are supposed to have an immediate unlock mechanism, but mine was either faulty or just too cheap, as I've tried it multiple times over the months and it didn't work. So every time I had to manually unlock it in a way that's impossible to do when doing the thing for real. But I never saw this as problem, because I was sure the thing would work.

Well, in midst of horror, I was able to remove the two erasers that I used to press on my neck, which luckily was able to barely stop the process. I say "luckily" because when I was tightening the thing I made sure it was really tight, and I was going for one more round of tightening but I stopped because at the last moment I felt my throat was about to be crushed, even though I had the metal piece positioned not directly on my throat, but slightly to the side of my neck. Had I made that one more round of tightening, the process would've not stopped when I removed the erasers, and I would've had no chance at doing anything but lay there and wait for the nightmare to happen.

I was then lying in bed, at around 1 am, with this thing that I can't get off my neck. I thought it was tight enough to give me brain damage in not too long time. I tried to get up but couldn't at first, as my neck would hurt me strongly whenever I tried to move. But after few tries with different ways, I managed to get up.
I immediately left the house, and rushed towards the very small local medical center that's literally next to my house to ask them to get the thing off my body, but I found them closed. On my way back I found a person doing something with his motorbike. I asked the person, who I thought was a delivery guy, to not get afraid and just tell me if he has a pair of scissors. He rushed to his house and brought scissors, and after a while he was able to get the thing off me. I was tasting blood deep in my throat, and my entire throat was very runny. I spat saliva and it was red.

I thanked the guy and really wanted to get back home, but he asked me stay and talk with him in a small park next to us. I felt it would be rude to say no. Well, after few minutes of him repeating the question " why did you do it?" an ambulance van arrived. When I asked him why he did that he smiled and showed me his police ID card.
Shortly after, a minimum of 4 police cars also arrived.
They all gathered around me for like 20 minutes staring at me while they took turns asking me questions. Then they said I should go to a hospital. I was too serious about not wanting to go, I expressed it very strongly and repeatedly, but at the end one of them put his hands on my shoulder and said " You're either going by your will or against it".
So, they told me to leave my phone with them, and searched my body. Then they told me to get in the ambulance van. I asked to get my phone back, they hesitated a bit but then decided to give it back to me.

We arrived at the hospital around 2 am. Before I drop off the van they stopped me, and told me to wait as they put the syringe needle in my arm. Just the needle, without any liquid bag attached to it.
The ambulance guys lead me to the emergency room or a similar room, as I'm still not sure what it was. People started coming to me and asking questions, ambulance guys were saying in the loudest voice "Suicide!".

At this point I have expressed clearly to everyone who came to me that I didn't want to be there, and I was brought against my will. Nobody cared. At first many people came to me, and they would talk loudly about how I wanted to suicide. Patients and random people around me could listen.
Then what I think is a doctor came. The first thing she said to me was "What happened this night?"
I was startled, and at this point so frustrated. Well again, before I spoke, people shouted "suicide". When I told her I don't wanna be here she said I can't leave because what I did was "criminal", then she left and never came back.

I stayed in that cold freezing room full of people and beeping devices for more than 6 hours. The only medical attention I got was that they checked my blood pressure when I first came in. They didn't mind taking the device off my arm, so after like 10 minutes I realized it's still on my arm and removed it myself. The syringe needle stayed in my arm the entire time without any bag of liquid, just the needle. I told them that I have a headache and I taste blood in my throat and that my throat is runny. But they did nothing. I didn't even get a bottle of water. Every now and then I would go and tell someone that I wanted to leave, they would say in the rudest way possible "you can't leave, go back to your bed". I would then ask them what are they making me stay for, and they would say " A psychiatrist is coming". Well sure, a psychiatrist is coming at this late hour for me!

Hours passed by before I asked them to go to the toilet. They sent someone with me to wait for me at toilet door so I don't escape. Then finally around 8 am I asked to go to the toilet again. This time they let me go alone. Well, I just walked out of the hospital.
Once I was away, I started running. I took a taxi and went back home. I had to remove the syringe needle from my arm by myself. An unknown number called me shortly after and I just declined, I was sure it was them.
They next day, I found out in my online medical records that it says I have attended an appointment with a specific psychiatrist in that hospital that day, and that I was diagnosed with "general symptoms".

To this day I don't know how I failed. Maybe I didn't tighten it too much, maybe I didn't hit the spots.
I'm still very suicidal, it's just that I can't find a method.
My neck is much better now, but it still hurts me often specially when I move it or position it in specific ways, or when I get tired physically like walking.

I wanted to post this here to possibly warn people intending to use this method. I was serious while using it and really intending to die but I still failed.
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Jan 17, 2021
Hardly read anything positive about this night-night thing. Really sketchy method.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I now know that I will never consider this method. I'm sorry you have been through this, it sounds awful. I wish you well.
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Apr 28, 2020
Damn, you had an awful time, especially at the hospital.

Strange, this method always seemed very decisive to me. I would never do it because where I live it would be difficult to find the tools.

Well, the gorilla tape might have been even more difficult to got it off.

Tough situation. Obviously the psychiatrist would only arrive at dawn and you could even be sent to the ward.
Good that you manage to get out of the hospital, you were great. Well done.

Careful making any medical appointments now, but make sure your head is okay.
If you want, you might check SN or N. Or try recovery if you can.

In any case, I wish you the best.
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
I'm so sorry you had to go through something so scary. Are you in Korea? I remember reading that the culture is strongly anti-suicide over there. I almost can't believe that they called your attempt "criminal".
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New Member
Sep 3, 2021
I'm so sorry you had to go through something so scary. Are you in Korea? I remember reading that the culture is strongly anti-suicide over there. I almost can't believe that they called your attempt "criminal".
I'm not in Korea. It's just that I remember reading about this method and it was called "Korean night", but I might be mistaken because I can't find the post anymore.
Anyway thank you.
Damn, you had an awful time, especially at the hospital.

Strange, this method always seemed very decisive to me. I would never do it because where I live it would be difficult to find the tools.

Well, the gorilla tape might have been even more difficult to got it off.

Tough situation. Obviously the psychiatrist would only arrive at dawn and you could even be sent to the ward.
Good that you manage to get out of the hospital, you were great. Well done.

Careful making any medical appointments now, but make sure your head is okay.
If you want, you might check SN or N. Or try recovery if you can.

In any case, I wish you the best.
Actually I still didn't make any medical appointments because of this, and 'm trying to take care of my neck by myself.
Last time I checked it was pretty hard to get SN where I live for personal use, it's only sold for labs and stuff. But I might check again. Right now, all I'm thinking about is jumping but I'm just too lazy to search for a high enough building that I can get into easily.

Thank you.
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Aug 4, 2021
This is the kind of horror experience which terrifies me more than ghosts stories , the feeling of pain, powerlessness and fear how could humans turn someone's pain into horror and than call it procedure, all those people must have been so hollow from inside that they couldn't give one moment to think about what you must be feeling and how horrified you must have been.
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Good Bye
Aug 2, 2021
Something about these erasers made this entire method sketchy. I'm just picturing someone using the pink erasers that school kids buy as a suicide apparatus and makes it seem a bit comical. Black board erasers...even worse. Not laughing at you.

Next time you fail tell them you were practicing your autoerotica hold and the strap failed.

Hopefully enough time has passed since the ordeal to find some humor in this.

I always looked at these kinds of methods with a raised eyebrow. I say stick to full suspension hanging, SN, N, lethal street drugs, train severing if you prefer gore or jumping from 20-story hotel buildings. Everything else is suspect.
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New Member
Sep 3, 2021
I'm just picturing someone using the pink erasers that school kids buy
They were pretty thick and hard erasers, and I'm pretty sure their material wasn't the cause of failure. Also, one of the reasons why I decided to use them is that I thought they wouldn't slide around my neck so easily due to their texture. Their size or shape definitely might have been reason for failure though in my opinion. But I really still don't know how it all failed in the end. All I can do is speculate, and that's why I'm never using this method again. And, yeah I was aware of how they make the entire thing look comical, dw about it
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Life has rode me hard I sometimes get back up.
Jun 27, 2021
I'm so sorry that the hospital mistreated you so much. ER stays suck. My experience is when you are admitted after ER things tend to get better.
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To infinity and beyond!
Sep 1, 2021
I bought the thing months ago, and had it specially customed at a tailor so that it had only one continuous piece of strap.
I spent fair amount of time "reading" on the subject; how to find the arteries etc.
I had the thing in my home for months, and I would periodically practice using it.
The fact that I had it in my house made me believe that I could leave at any time I wish. It was like an exit door that provided me a sense of safety and comfort for months.

Well, it was 25 days ago that I finally decided to do it. I made sure to do it by the end of the day so that I was very sleepy and tired. It was a situation that I thought would force me do it, in contrast to doing it at the start of the day where I would think "oh I just woke up, might as well spend the day doing the usual useless stuff".
At night, I wrapped the thing around my neck, and had two pieces of rubber erasers on my neck below the strap, so that they would press on where I thought the arteries were. I chose rubber eraser because I thought they were hard enough to block the blood, but still wouldn't feel to harsh on the skin.
I tightened the strap around my neck to the point that any one more round of tightening would start the process of blocking the arteries.
Then I spent long hours in bed talking myself into doing it. I almost fell asleep few times. I was holding the piece of metal by my hand the entire time making sure I do it before I fall asleep with the heavy metal piece pressing on my neck.

Well, after long hours I finally got the courage to do it, and in a fast way did multiple rounds of tightening. The first seconds hit my strong, and I definitely felt it. I immediately started feeling the pulses in my neck pushing strongly against the strap as if it was going to explode. My head was going crazy, It felt like as if it was expanding and shrinking periodically, or swinging back and forth. But I genuinely felt good; It was the climax of long hours trying to do it, and I had the best feeling of relief as I closed my eyes and thought I was finally going to lay in peace.

So I lied there waiting to pass out. I was sure I was going to go unconscious in a matter of 10-15 seconds or less.
Well, after what felt to me like more than enough time had passed I started panicking, as I noticed I was still able to move my arms.
I freaked out and started adjusting the rubber eraser's places to hit "the perfect spots", then I'd wait for more time to see if I go unconscious. My head and pulse were still going crazy but the lights are still on. After repeating this multiple times I freaked out more, as I really didn't want the nightmare of surviving and living as a vegetable, and I started to believe that at this rate it will actually happen.
Ratchet straps are supposed to have an immediate unlock mechanism, but mine was either faulty or just too cheap, as I've tried it multiple times over the months and it didn't work. So every time I had to manually unlock it in a way that's impossible to do when doing the thing for real. But I never saw this as problem, because I was sure the thing would work.

Well, in midst of horror, I was able to remove the two erasers that I used to press on my neck, which luckily was able to barely stop the process. I say "luckily" because when I was tightening the thing I made sure it was really tight, and I was going for one more round of tightening but I stopped because at the last moment I felt my throat was about to be crushed, even though I had the metal piece positioned not directly on my throat, but slightly to the side of my neck. Had I made that one more round of tightening, the process would've not stopped when I removed the erasers, and I would've had no chance at doing anything but lay there and wait for the nightmare to happen.

I was then lying in bed, at around 1 am, with this thing that I can't get off my neck. I thought it was tight enough to give me brain damage in not too long time. I tried to get up but couldn't at first, as my neck would hurt me strongly whenever I tried to move. But after few tries with different ways, I managed to get up.
I immediately left the house, and rushed towards the very small local medical center that's literally next to my house to ask them to get the thing off my body, but I found them closed. On my way back I found a person doing something with his motorbike. I asked the person, who I thought was a delivery guy, to not get afraid and just tell me if he has a pair of scissors. He rushed to his house and brought scissors, and after a while he was able to get the thing off me. I was tasting blood deep in my throat, and my entire throat was very runny. I spat saliva and it was red.

I thanked the guy and really wanted to get back home, but he asked me stay and talk with him in a small park next to us. I felt it would be rude to say no. Well, after few minutes of him repeating the question " why did you do it?" an ambulance van arrived. When I asked him why he did that he smiled and showed me his police ID card.
Shortly after, a minimum of 4 police cars also arrived.
They all gathered around me for like 20 minutes staring at me while they took turns asking me questions. Then they said I should go to a hospital. I was too serious about not wanting to go, I expressed it very strongly and repeatedly, but at the end one of them put his hands on my shoulder and said " You're either going by your will or against it".
So, they told me to leave my phone with them, and searched my body. Then they told me to get in the ambulance van. I asked to get my phone back, they hesitated a bit but then decided to give it back to me.

We arrived at the hospital around 2 am. Before I drop off the van they stopped me, and told me to wait as they put the syringe needle in my arm. Just the needle, without any liquid bag attached to it.
The ambulance guys lead me to the emergency room or a similar room, as I'm still not sure what it was. People started coming to me and asking questions, ambulance guys were saying in the loudest voice "Suicide!".

At this point I have expressed clearly to everyone who came to me that I didn't want to be there, and I was brought against my will. Nobody cared. At first many people came to me, and they would talk loudly about how I wanted to suicide. Patients and random people around me could listen.
Then what I think is a doctor came. The first thing she said to me was "What happened this night?"
I was startled, and at this point so frustrated. Well again, before I spoke, people shouted "suicide". When I told her I don't wanna be here she said I can't leave because what I did was "criminal", then she left and never came back.

I stayed in that cold freezing room full of people and beeping devices for more than 6 hours. The only medical attention I got was that they checked my blood pressure when I first came in. They didn't mind taking the device off my arm, so after like 10 minutes I realized it's still on my arm and removed it myself. The syringe needle stayed in my arm the entire time without any bag of liquid, just the needle. I told them that I have a headache and I taste blood in my throat and that my throat is runny. But they did nothing. I didn't even get a bottle of water. Every now and then I would go and tell someone that I wanted to leave, they would say in the rudest way possible "you can't leave, go back to your bed". I would then ask them what are they making me stay for, and they would say " A psychiatrist is coming". Well sure, a psychiatrist is coming at this late hour for me!

Hours passed by before I asked them to go to the toilet. They sent someone with me to wait for me at toilet door so I don't escape. Then finally around 8 am I asked to go to the toilet again. This time they let me go alone. Well, I just walked out of the hospital.
Once I was away, I started running. I took a taxi and went back home. I had to remove the syringe needle from my arm by myself. An unknown number called me shortly after and I just declined, I was sure it was them.
They next day, I found out in my online medical records that it says I have attended an appointment with a specific psychiatrist in that hospital that day, and that I was diagnosed with "general symptoms".

To this day I don't know how I failed. Maybe I didn't tighten it too much, maybe I didn't hit the spots.
I'm still very suicidal, it's just that I can't find a method.
My neck is much better now, but it still hurts me often specially when I move it or position it in specific ways, or when I get tired physically like walking.

I wanted to post this here to possibly warn people intending to use this method. I was serious while using it and really intending to die but I still failed.
Sorry to hear about that. I tried night night too but I never got to pass out. Though it looks good in theory, the objects suggested to block the arteries are just too wide and blunt that it barely hits the vein. However, I saw in this forum a specialized collar with adjustable bolts directed to the vein for precision. Another thing is that I believe the man stuck a needle on your arm to make it look like you tried to OD yourself. How sad and infuriating it is that people will gang up on someone who is already needing help. Feels like bullying mentality and I can never tolerate that. How sad it is that they were more focused on the laws rather than compassion.
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
I hate to ask, but what ratchet strap were you using?
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New Member
Sep 3, 2021
I hate to ask, but what ratchet strap were you using?
Well, they looked very similar to these.

I got a 25 mm one, which was smallest one in width I could find.
Idk if I'm allowed to post links in here.
Sorry to hear about that. I tried night night too but I never got to pass out. Though it looks good in theory, the objects suggested to block the arteries are just too wide and blunt that it barely hits the vein. However, I saw in this forum a specialized collar with adjustable bolts directed to the vein for precision. Another thing is that I believe the man stuck a needle on your arm to make it look like you tried to OD yourself. How sad and infuriating it is that people will gang up on someone who is already needing help. Feels like bullying mentality and I can never tolerate that. How sad it is that they were more focused on the laws rather than compassion.
I feel that I don't have guts to try this method again. Even though I kinda have no other way of going out besides jumping, which is pretty bothersome for me to plan.
Before 25 days ago, I had a "safety net" that I could fall to. It was this method and the tool I had in my home. I was sure I can just leave whenever I want. Now, reality feels much scarier, I don't have my exit door ready anymore, and I just feel stuck in this world now.

Thank you!
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Well, they looked very similar to these.

I got a 25 mm one, which was smallest one in width I could find.
Idk if I'm allowed to post links in here.

I feel that I don't have guts to try this method again. Even though I kinda have no other way of going out besides jumping, which is pretty bothersome for me to plan.
Before 25 days ago, I had a "safety net" that I could fall to. It was this method and the tool I had in my home. I was sure I can just leave whenever I want. Now, reality feels much scarier, I don't have my exit door ready anymore, and I just feel stuck in this world now.

Thank you!
Thanks. Night Night frustratingly seems almost impossible to get right when it comes to pressure against the carotid arteries.

Maybe there's better luck with Partial Hanging using body weight instead of a ratchet. Looks a lot more straightforward.
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To infinity and beyond!
Sep 1, 2021
Well, they looked very similar to these.

I got a 25 mm one, which was smallest one in width I could find.
Idk if I'm allowed to post links in here.

I feel that I don't have guts to try this method again. Even though I kinda have no other way of going out besides jumping, which is pretty bothersome for me to plan.
Before 25 days ago, I had a "safety net" that I could fall to. It was this method and the tool I had in my home. I was sure I can just leave whenever I want. Now, reality feels much scarier, I don't have my exit door ready anymore, and I just feel stuck in this world now.

Thank you!
I feel you. I was desperate too that is why I tried various methods. This was one of them and I felt just as frustrated and scared as you are when it didnt work.
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Mar 11, 2021
This method is so.dumb and nonsensical I wonder what drug was using the guy that sells those books about ctb when this came to his mind
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Dec 18, 2019
This is the kind of horror experience which terrifies me more than ghosts stories , the feeling of pain, powerlessness and fear how could humans turn someone's pain into horror and than call it procedure, all those people must have been so hollow from inside that they couldn't give one moment to think about what you must be feeling and how horrified you must have been.
I've been to the ER twice and can confirm - these people have the deadest eyes you'll ever see. Deader than the abyss. They have been completely and utterly desensitized to suffering and to death. All they care about is getting themselves home from their shift as soon as possible. I literally heard a woman who was quite apparently in AGONY begging for assistance down the hall from my room, and they threatened to section her if she didn't stop bothering them (rather than, I don't know, giving her some morphine?)
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Jul 18, 2021
I've been to the ER twice and can confirm - these people have the deadest eyes you'll ever see. Deader than the abyss. They have been completely and utterly desensitized to suffering and to death. All they care about is getting themselves home from their shift as soon as possible. I literally heard a woman who was quite apparently in AGONY begging for assistance down the hall from my room, and they threatened to section her if she didn't stop bothering them (rather than, I don't know, giving her some morphine?)
You'd think being desensitized would help them have a clear mind to help people deal with whatever they are going trough in the most efficient way possible instead of leaving people to hurt and rot in a corner and threatening them if they ever dare to be a bother due to, you know, being in pain
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Aug 29, 2021
I've tried this method and had a similar experience (physically, not involving police or anything like that) - I just know it's not for me. I'm sorry you went through this.
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Ob La Dee

Ob La Dee

Aug 4, 2021
I'm sorry this happened to you. I was seriously considering this method a few months ago, but gave up because I was unable to find the "sweet spot" so many people were asking the op about in the night night thread. That is a huge obstacle to being successful, which is why I changed my mind. I have purchased SN and will follow through with that method sometime over the next few weeks. Provided I don't puke it up, it's almost guaranteed to be successful. I am still trying to come to terms with the guilt I feel about leaving my 5 children (18-36) behind, but it's not enough for me to continue living this miserable life. Best of luck to you, whatever you decide to do.
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Jul 7, 2021
Sorry you had to go through this, I think I cannot let myself get caught. Seams like I will have to ctb in my house because hotel room is to risky
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Mar 30, 2021
That section you wrote about your experience in the hospital literally reads like a Kafka novel. Utterly bizarre. You would expect hospital staff to treat the subject of suicide with some sensitivity.
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Aug 11, 2021
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Mar 24, 2021
The night night method seems dangerous and difficult to perform.
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chronically unlucky
Nov 27, 2021
Hardly read anything positive about this night-night thing. Really sketchy method.
Yeah. It's difficult to perform correctly and reliably. Super easy to fail, but in theory it's almost as peaceful as N if you can get the technique right. Not a method I'd ever try unless I was in the worst of worst situations (held hostage and tortured) and needed to go quickly.
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Aug 17, 2021
I'm not in Korea. It's just that I remember reading about this method and it was called "Korean night", but I might be mistaken because I can't find the post anymore.
Anyway thank you.

Actually I still didn't make any medical appointments because of this, and 'm trying to take care of my neck by myself.
Last time I checked it was pretty hard to get SN where I live for personal use, it's only sold for labs and stuff. But I might check again. Right now, all I'm thinking about is jumping but I'm just too lazy to search for a high enough building that I can get into easily.

Thank you.
I know of a SN site where you can buy. But I can't pm you


Nov 11, 2021
Fuck. I am literally in the hotel preparing this exact method.


Dec 18, 2021
ugh, shit you too? i thought was just uniquely inept at it. i'm sorry you had to go through that, the way they treated you after how you suffered was awful. i hope you're doing a little better now, at least.
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Dec 21, 2020
As far as I know, what you DONT want with this method is the feeling of your head exploding. So you definitely didn't have the proper placement unfortunately. Sorry for the ordeal :(
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Aug 9, 2019
I tried a similar method using a BP cuff. I can remember the feelings of intense anxiety and "head exploding" and ears throbbing after I pumped it up. I tried without alcohol at first, then with. I went through two BP cuffs actually - the bladder of the first one ruptured and with both I had to use packing tape around the outside because the velcro wouldn't hold.

It was a manual one with a bulb and a screw to release the pressure. I persisted for 15 hours because I kept getting close to passing out, but it wasn't a euphoric feeling at all... pure panic, and I would release the screw. Once, the valve in the screw "stuck" and the feeling of terror of passing out was so intense that I peeled layer after layer of packing tape off until I could rip the Velcro off.

Knowing the "screw mechanism" was now faulty, I decided to give it one last try. I placed the cuff around my neck and used the last (of I think 8) rolls of packing tape, in various lengths before cutting thinking it would be almost impossible to find where each piece was stuck on the outside of the cuff.

I remember having it over my neck for maybe an hour trying to mentally prepare for the feeling I'd have after pumping the bulb up. It was a "for sure" method in my mind, and I was 100% certain I would prefer anything over the life that was coming every day. I lay on my back and pumped up the pressure as fast as I could, "knowing" 'this was it'. It's difficult to describe the absolute panic associated with this method - after the pressure reaches a point, you can't swallow. I lay there and counted but just felt my eyes bulging and my heart throbbing in my head and wanted to abort again after 20 sec. I went for the screw out of pure instinct and it deflated the cuff.

After 15h I was exhausted so I went to sleep. When I woke up I had red marks on my neck and my eyes were bloodshot.

I would not recommend this method to anyone but reading the OP's post reminded me of it.

I can only imagine the humiliation I'd feel if I had a ratchet strap around my neck that I needed help with and police & paramedics, saying "suicide" around other patients, nurses, etc. What an absolute nightmare scenario! My heart goes out to you. Truly. ♥️
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