

Apr 8, 2020
The only good news I had year was when I got accepted into my masters programme at a top UK university. I was starting to be happy with life again and spent the past months preparing to start my new life then at the last minute issues regarding tuition fees meant I couldn't start my course. My mum ran out of money because our overseas trip to see relatives aboard this year and always sending money to our relatives overseas. In my family's culture it's common for African immigrants living in western countries to send money back home to poor relatives overseas.

I fought so hard against all the difficulties of this year and getting into that university was the only good thing that happened to me this year and not having that it just broke me. Worst of all I am not even allowed to be upset about it. My family even made me feel so guilty for being upset and preaching about how " everything happens for a reason " and " how it's only year"

Its perfectly normal I am fucking resentful that my mum and grandmother constantly sends money aboard to our ungrateful freelaoding piece of shit relatives because I can't go to university because of them. If my relatives where good people I wouldn't be as mad but they are not. My relatives abroad are just self-centred horrible abusive people who just use people. My relatives believe immigrants living USA or UK have money and they believed they are entitled to the money because "we are family."

I am so sick being guilt tripped all my life into feeling sorry for these arsehole relatives all because my family made it to the west and they are left behind in poverty. These relatives only be nice because they want money or some kind of benefit I fucking hate them. Worst of all my think me being angry is a pharse that I will snap out of and that I don't hate the relatives. My relatives are just biggest pieces of shit, the worst relatives in the world.


Nov 23, 2023
the only solution is to get a job and leave them for good. Toxic family are like a tumor in your mind that only grows and eats you little by little the longer you live with them

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