40 years ago in a major metropolitan area of 3 million there were only 19 psychiatric beds available, so even though many people wanted to be institutionalized, few were accepted. The alternative is to be rich and pay for private care.
When problems seem insurmountable, one can desire to be "taken care of". However, as one tackles and solves problems (starting with the small ones first), confidence is built and there can be sustaining satisfaction in the control over ones life one is able to achieve.
Some sail through life with this confidence as if they have never faced a single problem. Others of us have to scratch and claw our way past many problems. I think that the difficult path is more rewarding because one appreciates what is gained more than those who never face any challenges.
Well worded. Yeah, to be taken care of is frankly EXACTLY what I want. I know it's not realistic though. I saw one website for inpatient depression care. It only said the cost for the first month. 69k
Won't you be so fucking bored? Or grossed out by others there?
I did get pretty bored. However there was always others there who could carry on conversations. And do puzzles. Even that got boring.
And I know that wouldn't cure my depression or anxiety. But it's a trade off. To be able to trade off freedom and in exchange I feel safe AND lose the stresses of everyday life. Adulting like rent and car insurance and job making sure I renew my car registration in time. And actually doing my taxes. I hate all that stuff so much. Plus I've practiced CTB attempts in the past. My current episode of depression isn't to that point yet but I'm scared it will be and I feel scared of my future self. I want to lose that fear so bad!
I never did get grossed out by anyone there. If I did i would just go to my room (in this fantasy ward that would keep me for life). Where I was in Kentucky we had private rooms.
I was in there twice in a months time. Each time there was at least one friendly person there admitted who engaged me in conversation and socialization. Made me feel welcome and good that others wanted to interact with me.
But yeah I get it. It's odd for one to be in one of those places. GOSH YES IT'S SO BORING!!! My second stay I paced for hours in the hall. And yeah even everyone else in there mostly seemed to hate it in there and would express it.
And everything in there from the door handles to the toilets are designed in a way that no sort of ligature could ever be hung from them. Cameras everywhere but in the rooms. And being checked on every 15 minutes. I actually felt safe!!! For the short time it was. Under 2 weeks each time. I often didn't want to do the activities they made us to. But it was only a few hours a day if that. Wasn't that bad. They didn't even always make us.