

Life and Death
Feb 14, 2024
Don't you find it hypocrite how humanity works hard to fight suicide but at the same time studies increasingly destructive weapons for wars, what's the point of all this? Does humanity love life or not? Why make life difficult for someone who wants to take it away and at the same time study weapons to take it away for millions of people?

The fact that the police also intervene against people who then want to kill themselves is absurd since suicide is legal, at least in the West.
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I don't want to get used to it.
Aug 11, 2023
Don't you find it hypocrite how humanity works hard to fight suicide but at the same time studies increasingly destructive weapons for wars, what's the point of all this? Does humanity love life or not? Why make life difficult for someone who wants to take it away and at the same time study weapons to take it away for millions of people?

The fact that the police also intervene against people who then want to kill themselves is absurd since suicide is legal, at least in the West.
We love life - for the people we "care" about. That is to say, people who are part of our group. Thus, as long as there are competing nation states, weapons development must continue out of love for life (for our own people) lest we let the other guys kill us for free (IE nuclear deterrence). Just the same, that life (of our own people) must be protected at all costs through preventative measures, such as police intervention.

(From an American perspective) Those guys in Russia? China? If they didn't have those dang nukes, we'd obliterate them right now, lol. But not our guys, we can't let any of our guys die.

Humanity has multiple priorities. Nationalism right now takes precedence over foreign life but not over domestic life. There's obviously more layers than that, but that's a whole shipping container full of cans of worms. Enough that people get confused and lose track of why they do or believe things.
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Feb 22, 2024
I was about to make a similar thread, interesting timing.
I live in the USA. For as long as I remember, there has been a political divide, with large numbers of people following and joining "democrat" "republican" "left" "right" type cults/religions/movements. I call them those 'demeaning' names because they do not really represent principles except vaguely, but do indeed more resemble shitty bully gangs organized to torment each other for mad props or whatever. All of their moral appeals mean absolutely SHIT: liberals are the most hyper-racist of all, conservatives are the most anti-freedom and so on--all contrary to their professed beliefs.

There can be absolutely no reasonable doubt, after a 5 minute conversation with any adherents to a political party, that they have reduced the world to us versus them. ALL political anything is like that: the world has problems-->it's cuz of these people I don't agree with-->kill them-->world now = heaven. If you talk to them you realize very quickly ALL people want ALL people they don't like to more or less be exterminated or enslaved for what they perceive to be the betterment and advancement of the world.

The percentage of people are bullies and *paths, dark3, 0-empathy, hyper-selfish, sadistic, all that is VASTLY underestimated and downplayed. Those who aren't? Well those empaths are no better, they just going gangs to righteous-ify their violence.

People want anyone who so much as visually displeases them for a few microseconds to be tortured and killed. Yet the minute people offer to voluntarily make the world better by removing themselves from it? NOOOO NO NO NONO !!! LIFE IS PRESSHHHUS WE MUST SAVE SAVE SAVE.

It's so fucking phony and infuriating. Completely fraudulent, moral theatrics cultures and belief systems.

GET REAL: imagine a trump/MAGA lover and a biden/ANTIFA-ist or whatever the fuck is the latest hottest political groups in the USA now--do you REALLY think they don't want to kill each other??? But if one of their enemies asks for some fentanyl or medical aid in dying--which should be a good thing because they think these people are evil forces making the world worse--all the soap opera tryout phony sentimental heroics goes on endlessly.

FUCK THEM ALL. We need political action for those of us who know there is NO FIXING life because it is fucking designed by evolution to be HELL plain and simple, except for a tiny % of genetically blessed specimens.
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annihilation anxiety
Apr 19, 2024
I thought suicide was illegal in the west, especially the US. Otherwise, why are they able to lock us away without consent if they find out we're seriously thinking about it?
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Many Governments justify investing more into weapons for the sake of defense rather than offense. In this context, it's not hypocritical for them because they are still valuing the lives of their own citizens in both cases by increasing their weapons stock and by banning suicide. Is that their real intention? Maybe not always, but it's at least the excuse they came up with.
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