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May 25, 2019
i'm trying to decide what way should i die and would like to hear your options.
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Apr 29, 2019
At the risk of being insensitive, this entire forum is overflowing with threads - many of them with anguished, soul-searching comments by people - addressing the very questions you're asking. Just start reading......
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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
I would like to buy N if I had money and I lived alone for a months. This is the only method that doesn't cause me to fear in general (like if my SI is turned off), for some reason poisoning with something has never frightened me (but i know how painfull it could be).
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First loss

First loss

Jan 28, 2019
First of all, welcome to out community. I hope that you find the assistance you need here.

My choice will probably be:

Partial hanging.


Shallow water blackout.

I don't have any other ideas. Browse around for a bit and find a method that suits you. Best of luck.
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May 25, 2019
First of all, welcome to out community. I hope that you find the assistance you need here.

My choice will probably be:

Partial hanging.


Shallow water blackout.

I don't have any other ideas. Browse around for a bit and find a method that suits you. Best of luck.
thank you for your reply.
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Kringle's Curse

Kringle's Curse

May 1, 2019
I'm lucky to own several guns so that's my way out. I'll be using a 12 gauge shotgun with a 3 inch shell that has a 1 1/4 ounce slug. It'll be over damn near instantly, and theres no surviving such a powerful round.
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Apr 9, 2018
Partial suspension but it's difficult to pull off, too many thoughts creep in

I'd ideally like to OD on heroin or something, where I didn't go out staring death in the face.
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Apr 30, 2019
inert gas method
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May 6, 2019
First of all, welcome to out community. I hope that you find the assistance you need here.

My choice will probably be:

Partial hanging.


Shallow water blackout.

I don't have any other ideas. Browse around for a bit and find a method that suits you. Best of luck.
well, a partial veeery is problematic for some people. and some succeed the first time.
and about hyperventilation, a good idea. The main thing is to train and achieve the feeling of "an excess of oxygen" or what is called. in general, "clouding of consciousness." then you can go swimming ^ _ ^ There is another option, when water gets (by chance or not, it will not be proved) in the lungs and you die in a dream after 1-24 hours.
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Apr 19, 2018
Partial suspension
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May 11, 2019
Sodium nitrite because I know I wouldn't be capable of overcoming SI with other methods.
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May 18, 2019
Sodium azide due to the almost 100% certainty that it will work. I know it's probably going to be painful but at least I know I'm not going to wake up afterwards.
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New Member
Apr 28, 2019
Partial suspension. I already have all the materials in my own home and the only thing you have to overcome is SI.
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Jun 27, 2018
If I had enough money, I'd take N or SN. But unfortunately I don't, so I'll go with full suspension hanging. Maybe already this weekend


Feb 15, 2019
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning is my first choice, if I decided to opt for another method it would probably be Shallow Water Blackout.
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May 6, 2019
If I had enough money, I'd take N or SN. But unfortunately I don't, so I'll go with full suspension hanging. Maybe already this weekend
hm. sn so cheap. i can buy 1kg with ~1$. its legacy, no problem with customs ^_^ or in other countries with this problem?
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Jun 27, 2018
hm. sn so cheap. i can buy 1kg with ~1$. its legacy, no problem with customs ^_^ or in other countries with this problem?
I think in Germany it's pretty difficult to get it
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I Liked Ike
May 11, 2019
I haven't tried to buy any NaNO2, but a quick Google search indicates that there doesn't seem to be any problem acquiring it perfectly legally in most jurisdictions. It is, after all, a food additive when used in the correct proportions (though a carcinogen).
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Dec 27, 2018
How about combining SA and hydrogen sulfide?

I have access to both of them, and my plan is to drink 25 gr of SA first and then mix H2S inside my car. Is this a foolproof way to ctb?
Sodium azide due to the almost 100% certainty that it will work. I know it's probably going to be painful but at least I know I'm not going to wake up afterwards.

How many grams of SA will you use and what percentage of purity? If you don't mind can I know the brand? Thanks !
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May 18, 2019
How many grams of SA will you use and what percentage of purity? If you don't mind can I know the brand? Thanks !

The PPeH says that you should take 2-3 grams mixed in 50ml of water, however I'm going to take more just in case and I'm also going to take meto beforehand. I'm going to be using some SA I bought off of Amazon from HiMedia. Unfortunately I don't know the purity, but I'm assuming it's going to be just fine.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I will hang myself off a bridge because I have crippling depression. No life problem, just depression. DDoesnt make sense lol.
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Apr 21, 2019
Probably SN. I've thought about eb/inert gas but do not want to mess up on the setup.
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F’ing A
Apr 19, 2019
Hoping for a change in situation and not having to...
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I am really hoping to take advantage of the opioid epidemic and get ahold of some painless fentanyl or heroin.
Now, this is not as easy as it sounds.
I am so socially awkward that purchasing illegal substances is a huge challenge for me. HUGE. I hate having to deal with people for any reason, and on the rare occasions when I meet ppl who have illegal substances, they are so creepy and weird and try to leverage it for sex, which ends up making me want to die even more. That's probably how I'll go. ODing on the heroin that I had to let some jerk bang me just to score, hopefully before he even finishes, so he'll have the experience of knowing he just sexually exploited a corpse, serve him right!
Plus I have a very weird metabolism for drugs, I am super scared that I will take enough to kill a horse but still wake up, or half wake up paralyzed or brain damaged or both.

So it will probably be most ideal if the creepy heroin dealer is also a serial-killer, just in case the dope doesn't finish me.

No immediate plans though; this would all require me to interact with another so-called human IRL, which I LOATHE.
I will hang myself off a bridge because I have crippling depression. No life problem, just depression. DDoesnt make sense lol.

Lol. I used to want to kill myself from crippling depression. Then I got the great idea to try to fix it by immersing myself in pleasurable and humorous experiences. Luckily this was doable, because I am very easily amused, and I love weed. So I got high constantly and laughed myself stupid, til the depression started to lift (this won't work for everybody, but I REALLY love weed).
Then all the people who used to hassle and bully me for being depressed, also started hassling me and bullying me for laughing all the time and seeming happy. And I realized that other people hate my fucking guts whether I'm happy or not, and in fact they actually *prefer seeing me depressed because then they can tell themselves I am hideously damaged, and feel superior about themselves, which is all neurotypicals ever actually want: for other people to feel shitty, because they think it makes themselves seem better in comparison.*
(this is not just my perception, primate studies have universally confirmed it.)

That realization really solidified the despair and hopelessness of human relationships for me. It's not just that I'm bad at interacting with people; it's that none of them are worth interacting with, even if I wanted to. Which makes me more depressed than ever, but--
I still love weed and being amused.

So I've combined these traits into a monstrous personality wherein I know and accept that other people hate my fucking guts (for real, they aren't shy about reminding me); so instead of being depressed, I loudly, gluttonously indulge in my own amusement, knowing other people hate me for seeming happy, and getting even more morbidly amused by their vitriolic hatred of me, because FUCK THOSE PEOPLE, I HATE THEM RIGHT BACK, but when I'm stoned it's hilarious. I put on quite a show of pretending to be blissfully unaware of how much they hate to see anyone happy; I'm smiling, making silly jokes and laughing sweetly while their organs boil in acidic rage, til finally they completely lose their shit and start screaming about how much they hate me and want to kill me. And then I laugh even harder, because I know I have made them be honest about how they feel, usually for the first time in their pathetic, hypocritical little lives.

You know how neurotypicals are programmed whenever they hear about suicide or depression, to immediately put on their phony little act of "empathy and concern"?
Well, they don't pull that fakeass bullshit with me anymore. When I say "suicide", every neurotypical in the vicinity starts screaming

And then I smile and go "But then, who would you hate? Nah, I think I want to live. For you."
I just get a kick out of making them drop their phony little acts of pretending to be "nice". Inside, they are all nothing but putrid, rotting sacs of hate and misery and acid and pus and shit. And they know it. And they know I know it.

Obviously humans are disgusting and I still want to die just to get away from them, that will never change. But I think this combination of amusement and spite can sustain me for awhile.

How You doin'?
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
i'm trying to decide what way should i die and would like to hear your options.

lol total bait-thread, I didn't even notice it at first. Durr.
They are trying to entrap somebody into saying something that could be considered a criminal liability in the event of a suicide.
The second someone says "You should" use a particular method, they will claim it's "promoting suicide" so some showboating prosecutor can get their stupid name in the news.
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Can't wait for the summer
Feb 23, 2019
i'm trying to decide what way should i die and would like to hear your options.

I would be down for any method that could pass for an accident. My actions are my own and I don't think I should hurt others in the process. So I'm still looking for a suitable method. Too bad humans can't trade lives. It sucks that there are so many people wishing for just another day and then there is me wishing I don't wake up to face another day. If a diety exists, they must be pretty sadistic.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I would be down for any method that could pass for an accident. My actions are my own and I don't think I should hurt others in the process. So I'm still looking for a suitable method. Too bad humans can't trade lives. It sucks that there are so many people wishing for just another day and then there is me wishing I don't wake up to face another day. If a diety exists, they must be pretty sadistic.

Car crash. Not totally foolproof though. And you don't want to use another car or hurt anyone else.

Lots of stories about ""accidental" opioid ODs but I think a lot of them are deliberate. But then people will think you were a junkie. Personally, I don't give a shit what anybody thinks of me when I'm gone; hell, they don't e even like me now, why would I give a shit what they think after I'm dead?
Like writing long suicide notes, if you still care that much what people know or think of you afterward, you probably aren't really ready to go, or are doing it for the wrong reasons.
Like anyone who thinks killing themself will make someone else feel bad= wrong reason, it perverts the autonomy of the suicide if you're doing it because of someone else.
Just my opinion.
I just want it to be an act of glorious individual freedom. If I'm thinking of doing it and I find my thoughts drifting to anything that happens after I'm gone, I just cut the thought off.
"NOTHING is what will happen after, because you will be gone. Nothing that happens after exists, because you will not exist. Are you really ready? If you are still thinking of what will happen after, you are not ready."

Like the mind has not fully accepted the finality of death if it is still contemplating "what will be the outcome of this/after this?" I figure I will know I am ready when my mind just feels resignation, acceptance. It will cease to consider a future that it is not meant to be a part of.
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Can't wait for the summer
Feb 23, 2019
Car crash. Not totally foolproof though. And you don't want to use another car or hurt anyone else.

Lots of stories about ""accidental" opioid ODs but I think a lot of them are deliberate. But then people will think you were a junkie. Personally, I don't give a shit what anybody thinks of me when I'm gone; hell, they don't e even like me now, why would I give a shit what they think after I'm dead?
Like writing long suicide notes, if you still care that much what people know or think of you afterward, you probably aren't really ready to go, or are doing it for the wrong reasons.
Like anyone who thinks killing themself will make someone else feel bad= wrong reason, it perverts the autonomy of the suicide if you're doing it because of someone else.
Just my opinion.
I just want it to be an act of glorious individual freedom. If I'm thinking of doing it and I find my thoughts drifting to anything that happens after I'm gone, I just cut the thought off.
"NOTHING is what will happen after, because you will be gone. Nothing that happens after exists, because you will not exist. Are you really ready? If you are still thinking of what will happen after, you are not ready."

Like the mind has not fully accepted the finality of death if it is still contemplating "what will be the outcome of this/after this?" I figure I will know I am ready when my mind just feels resignation, acceptance. It will cease to consider a future that it is not meant to be a part of.

It's not that I care what anyone thinks. I don't give a damn. It's just that my family and friends have been really nice to me my whole life so I think this will be a shitty way to reciprocate. I don't want them to be in pain. That is all. If somehow magically, they didn't care about me anymore, I will ctb in a heartbeat.
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