I was always pro-choice. I didn't get why suicide had to be such a huge ordeal, why it's illegal, why it's so hard to goddamn die if you're old and in pain.
I never understood the "guilt" aspect of it until after I became suicidal. And only because apparently I had a support network I had no idea I had.
Why should anyone have a say on your life besides yourself???
What I learned from pro-choice, pro-bodily autonomy, pro-suicide, is that more information is always better. If people already made X decision, that doesn't harm others, let them talk about X decision and discuss the best and safest ways of doing so. Hiding resources leads to a lot of misinformation and unintentional harm. Fuck the modern internet for hiding every good site with "you shouldn't do this" BS warnings. I miss the old web.
For example, I learned from these forums that my escape I had planned wasn't so easy (1,4-BDO) and I'd have to take like 4x of what I was planning, plus antiemetics, to have a good chance. I was just going to end up hurting myself.