

If you want, you can talk to me about anything
Jul 17, 2023
Hi, it's my first poste here (Sorry if it's in the wrong section).

I wanted to ask if anyone has any tips on how to fall asleep, or maybe some medications that may help (preferably over the counter)? I really like to sleep, but falling asleep takes hours of just being in bed and thinking. I would really appreciate if someone has any advices!
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Mar 9, 2023
Melatonin does the trick for me.
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Nothing lasts forever.
Jul 8, 2023
Melatonin for otc medicine, I have this sleep routine where I'll either put on music or a youtube video to keep my mind occupied while I lay completely still, if you're completely still for 20 minutes your brain will slowly transition to sleep if you're tired or not, this is how some people lucid dream.
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exists by being merely labeled
Jul 1, 2023
completely cutting out caffiene helped me very significantly in not spending hours trying to sleep every night. as in never having caffiene, not just for that one day, cuz it's an addiction that you have to detox from to get the benefits.

and once you detox you dont need the caffeine to wake up or stay awake. first 2 weeks or so will be hell with headaches.

would recommend even if youre not a heavy caffeine drinker.
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electric angel
Feb 9, 2023
melatonin. if that doesn't work, benadryl. it can cause issues over time though, so i would try to get something prescribed. but it would work in the meantime. hydroxyzine is rx only i think, but it's nice. and if all else fails, ask for trazodone…


Jul 11, 2023
Exercise! Tiring yourself will make you pass out quicker.
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Jul 3, 2019
weed with thc
anti-histamines don't work for me…do they say benadryl


Jul 5, 2023
When my insomnia was at it's worst at some point my body just gave up struggeling and accepted that 4 hours in a good night is all it was going to get.
Doc put me on Amitryptiline and actually knockes me out. (Got it for constant neck pain)
Otherwise setting alarm each day helps. Get a sleep mask to block any light and never use your phone in bed. Only ever enter the bed to sleep or for adult activities. Helps the brain assossiate the bed with sleeping and calm down.
Also try blue light filters. Blue makes the brain stay awake cause blue=sky.
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If you want, you can talk to me about anything
Jul 17, 2023
Thank u everyone for advice. Will have to try and follow some of the advice I got here for a couple of weeks and see what happened
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Jul 16, 2023
Is seeing a doctor not an option? I've been taking Zopiclone for two months and it's great, as are all Z-drugs. Melatonin and stuff never worked for me, the 4-7-8-rule is great though, breathe in for four seconds through your nose, hold your breath for seven seconds, breathe out for eight seconds through your mouth. Repeat that over and over, it will at least calm you down. However with severe sleeping issues none of that really works, you should just see a doc and he'll give you something which let's you sleep.
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If you want, you can talk to me about anything
Jul 17, 2023
Is seeing a doctor not an option? I've been taking Zopiclone for two months and it's great, as are all Z-drugs. Melatonin and stuff never worked for me, the 4-7-8-rule is great though, breathe in for four seconds through your nose, hold your breath for seven seconds, breathe out for eight seconds through your mouth. Repeat that over and over, it will at least calm you down. However with severe sleeping issues none of that really works, you should just see a doc and he'll give you something which let's you sleep.
Ig I can see a doctor, but what if my insomnia is actually not as serious as I make it up to be? I don't know anyone with diagnosed insomnia, and so I have no one to compare myself to. Also yeah, melatonin is useless for me


Jul 16, 2023
Ig I can see a doctor, but what if my insomnia is actually not as serious as I make it up to be? I don't know anyone with diagnosed insomnia, and so I have no one to compare myself to. Also yeah, melatonin is useless for me
I think you're not going to be diagnosed with insomnia either, most of the time sleep disorders and what not are symptoms of other things. Are you going through a depressive episode? Do you have PTSD? Doesn't even have to be that severe, sometimes being stressed out is enough. If you're going to tell your doc that you can't sleep he will ask you out about various things, and if for example you are depressed (which he could find out btw, in case you couldn't answer that) you will easily get sleeping meds. And if you're laying in bed awake at night that's a solid reason for a doc to look for the issue and prescribe some meds.
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Apr 7, 2023
Hows your circadian health?

Audiobook to drown out your internal monologue


Apr 2, 2023
Try to get a consistent sleeping schedule. At least 8 hours and you'll see you can wake up at the same time without an alarm clock (I've noticed this last week on my vacation stay). I went to bed a little before midnight and woke up at 8.00 am.

The more physical activity you do, the easier it is to fall asleep. If I do some moderate work, I get sleepy around 15 hours since getting up. I don't drink coffee, energy drinks on rare occasions. Sugar doesn't help. I like my bedroom to be a little cooler, maybe open a window before going to sleep.

If you don't do much activity, I recommend
you take up running. It's not ideal to exercise right before sleep, but in high school i used to go on runs at 1AM or 2AM and after running for a few KM i was so tired and sweaty i just wanted to collapse in my bed. I've noticed myself if i don't do physical stuff during the day it's a lot harder to fall asleep. I don't think i have any sleep related problems, other than just tinnitus, which is just a pain i can't di much about. Some people use CBD oil, as a legal option and you don't have to deal with the negative (legal) effects of THC on your body and mind. Although, some of the side effects of the substance are sleepiness and drowsiness, it can also cause bad sleep quality. Probably depends on the person.
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If you want, you can talk to me about anything
Jul 17, 2023
Try to get a consistent sleeping schedule. At least 8 hours and you'll see you can wake up at the same time without an alarm clock (I've noticed this last week on my vacation stay). I went to bed a little before midnight and woke up at 8.00 am.

The more physical activity you do, the easier it is to fall asleep. If I do some moderate work, I get sleepy around 15 hours since getting up. I don't drink coffee, energy drinks on rare occasions. Sugar doesn't help. I like my bedroom to be a little cooler, maybe open a window before going to sleep.

If you don't do much activity, I recommend
you take up running. It's not ideal to exercise right before sleep, but in high school i used to go on runs at 1AM or 2AM and after running for a few KM i was so tired and sweaty i just wanted to collapse in my bed. I've noticed myself if i don't do physical stuff during the day it's a lot harder to fall asleep. I don't think i have any sleep related problems, other than just tinnitus, which is just a pain i can't di much about. Some people use CBD oil, as a legal option and you don't have to deal with the negative (legal) effects of THC on your body and mind. Although, some of the side effects of the substance are sleepiness and drowsiness, it can also cause bad sleep quality. Probably depends on the person.
Have tried getting myself into a sleep schedule, but I'm so afraid of going to sleep that i can't help myself but try to find something to do to not go to sleep. Also going running at night isn't really an option for me, and since I don't live alone and have terrible sound isolation, I can't do much exercise at night either. Ig my option is to try and get tired more during the day

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