

I see the chaos in your eyes.
Oct 8, 2018
Survival instinct sucks. Almost succeeded with a scarf. Got to black out stage, felt really weird, didn't hurt but pulled self up. Was trying partial. So close yet so far. Took a few seconds to feel normal again. Dang it.
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Dec 7, 2018
Ughh I am nowhere near blacking out :((
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I see the chaos in your eyes.
Oct 8, 2018
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Dec 18, 2018
I just thought this information is better off here now, because the original source has been taken down.
If this violates any rules or if the author doesn't want this information to be reproduced on other sites, the admins or mods are free to delete my thread. I hope you don't mind, this is very useful, and it's not my intention to steal Loe's content.
Source and credit: Loe


Guide to partially suspended hanging:

Warning: Don't try this method unless you're totally sure that:
a) you want to kill yourself
b) that you won't be found for at least 30 minutes after you attempt.

This method is very lethal and quick (quick from your perspective
anyway, as you black out within seconds), but if you're found in time
and 'saved' you can end up with serious brain damage and/or be left a

Why partial suspension?
Because full suspension seems to me to be unnecessary and creates
difficulties. First of all you need to find a place which would hold
your entire weight, which isn't easy, and also you need a stronger
ligature, which isn't always easy to find either. There's nothing
wrong with full suspension, but it may not be a viable method for
everyone, especially if you're looking to use everyday materials from
around the home.

By partial suspension I mean that you hang yourself around the neck
(specifically the carotid artery), and push downwards while kneeling.
This should create enough downward pressure on the ligature to tighten
it and close the carotid artery and stop the blood flow to your brain.
All you need is 3 kilograms of pressure to do this, which isn't much
at all.

Also, with full suspension your entire body weight is pressurizing
your neck, and this would probably be more than enough to not only cut
off the blood supply to your brain, but break your neck as well. I'm
not too sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I do know though, that
statistically people who've attempted via hanging have more often been
found kneeling and partially suspended than being fully suspended.

Where is the carotid artery?
Before you start you have to know this. If you place your hand around
the middle of your neck, around your Adam's apple, with one thumb on
one side and all fingers on the other, you should feel a strong pulse
and heartbeat. If you close your hand now fairly firmly, you'll
probably make yourself pass out. It might be a good idea to try this
to make sure you've got the right spot.

What type of ligature?
You need a ligature that's strong, but not too elastic. It doesn't
have to be very long, 1 meter or more would be plenty. I'd advise
against nylon rope, string, fishing wire, etc.
Neckties on the other hand, are perfect Smile .

It may also be a good idea to lubricate the ligature with soap. This
would help the noose tighten even quicker, especially if you're using
a rough ligature such as a rope. Lubricating it in this way will
increase the friction once you push your head down and tighten the
noose, and could make it a little more effective and faster.

What type of knot?
A slipknot. It's one of the most basic knots around, and you make it
with one end of your ligature. The other end should go around your
hanging place.

Many people have the misguided idea that a hangman's knot should be
used, but they're wrong. A hangman's knot is for a completely
different purpose, and won't work for this method.

Where should I hang?
You should hang from a support which will hold part of your weight.

You should test this by tying the loose end of your ligature around
the support several times, sticking your hand (NOT your head) in the
noose and pushing down with it. If the noose holds, you're fine. If
not, then you'll have to find another spot.

A great and easy place to hang is from the thick horizontal metal bar
which you find in wardrobes in most homes.

When should I do it?
When no one else will be in the same area, for at least 30 minutes.
You lose consciousness within seconds but your body doesn't completely
die for around 15-20 minutes. The extra 10-15 minutes is for
preparation time and just in case.


When you're completely ready, kneel down, stick your head in the
noose, position it around the carotid artery and push downwards with
your head.

Good luck...

Further illustrations and evidence of high success rate for this method:










how does this work when you're on your knees? won't your sirvival instinct kick in? and wouldn't it be more reliable to stand a chair and then kick the chair over and just hang there?
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Dec 9, 2018
I am having no luck with partial I think part of problem is that the jump rope I'm using is kind of stretchy thinking of an extension cord? Just tried again I have it tied to a lower closet rod, kneeled down and let weight go, but couldn't get past pressure building in head and teeth started hurting too for whatever reason how do these little kids/teenagers do it this sucks
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Lady black

Lady black

35 male, central Europe, German speaking
Oct 22, 2018
If it´s streatchable forget it
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
After reading into partial and experimenting over the past few days, I figured it out tonight and can repeat it (maybe a little too well). I made this account so that I can share my knowledge with you. The difference for me was in how completely (and to a lesser extent quickly) I put my weight onto the noose. I had previously been pussyfooting around and easing my weight in, but the difference came when I relaxed all my weight into the noose all at once–it didn't hurt as much as I expected. I'll go into a little more detail for those who would like it:

It's not as confidence inspiring as a doorway pull-up bar, which I consider the gold standard, but I have had no issue using one of these door hanging metal coatracks as an anchor point. I weigh less than 165 lbs in case you're wondering. I've also been using a metal caribeaner and rope rated for what I believe was 180 lbs from Walmart. The caribeaner is in place of the knot on the noose end which makes things much simpler. I also pad the front of my neck with a face towel before applying the noose.

Since changing the key variable (complete, rather than tentative, release of weight onto noose), I have had three consecutive successful trials. My subjective experience was similar in all of them:
I started the timer on my phone and then released my weight with feet still in contact with the ground. In under eight seconds, I experienced the following: dimness of vision, feeling of weightlessness, mild tingling. Upon releasing myself, I had a hard time standing. I didn't experience anything unpleasant besides the minor discomfort of the weight of the noose on my neck, which was quickly (2-3 seconds) overshadowed by the darkness, tinglyness, and weightlessness.

My last trial is worth giving special note to. I followed the same procedure as the others but stayed just a second too long and nearly went over the edge. Of all my trials so far, this one quickly led to the dimmest vision, lightest and numbest body, foggiest thoughts, and greatest difficulty in standing. I remember looking at the timer and seeing 8 seconds when I staggered to my feet and struggled to remove the noose (although it's just a simple snap style caribeaner). Consciousness was very loose indeed.

A word of caution to those of you experimenting with partial: make sure you're ready to go and that you will not be found, even if you're just doing tests, as you may "succeed unexpectedly." There were others in my house who might've heard me and interrupted once the spasms started, and god knows what kind of situation I'd be in then.

This trial gave me some things to consider. The primary emotion I felt after nearly losing my grip on the third trial was panic that my cohabitators would find me and get me locked away (need to experiment/attempt in a strictly empty house moving forward and also try to ensure that they will not be the ones finding me). The panic was exacerbated by the fact that I might've shared just a little too much with my doctor today–nothing to put my independence in jeopardy, but maybe enough to raise an eyebrow or two.

The secondary emotion I felt was the enhanced gravity and seriousness of the situation now that I really know what I'm doing and can ctb fairly reliably (knock on wood). I had some ambivalence, which was unexpected and needs to be examined before I fully let go.

Finally, I felt a mixture of satisfaction and relief knowing that I'd finally found a winning formula and that the choice is truly in my hands now. Partial is very peaceful and effective once you've dialed it in and is certainly my method of choice should I choose to proceed.

Happy to field any questions you may have.
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Dec 7, 2018
After reading into partial and experimenting over the past few days, I figured it out tonight and can repeat it (maybe a little too well). I made this account so that I can share my knowledge with you. The difference for me was in how completely (and to a lesser extent quickly) I put my weight onto the noose. I had previously been pussyfooting around and easing my weight in, but the difference came when I relaxed all my weight into the noose all at once–it didn't hurt as much as I expected. I'll go into a little more detail for those who would like it:

It's not as confidence inspiring as a doorway pull-up bar, which I consider the gold standard, but I have had no issue using one of these door hanging metal coatracks as an anchor point. I weigh less than 165 lbs in case you're wondering. I've also been using a metal caribeaner and rope rated for what I believe was 180 lbs from Walmart. The caribeaner is in place of the knot on the noose end which makes things much simpler. I also pad the front of my neck with a face towel before applying the noose.

Since changing the key variable (complete, rather than tentative, release of weight onto noose), I have had three consecutive successful trials. My subjective experience was similar in all of them:
I started the timer on my phone and then released my weight with feet still in contact with the ground. In under eight seconds, I experienced the following: dimness of vision, feeling of weightlessness, mild tingling. Upon releasing myself, I had a hard time standing. I didn't experience anything unpleasant besides the minor discomfort of the weight of the noose on my neck, which was quickly (2-3 seconds) overshadowed by the darkness, tinglyness, and weightlessness.

My last trial is worth giving special note to. I followed the same procedure as the others but stayed just a second too long and nearly went over the edge. Of all my trials so far, this one quickly led to the dimmest vision, lightest and numbest body, foggiest thoughts, and greatest difficulty in standing. I remember looking at the timer and seeing 8 seconds when I staggered to my feet and struggled to remove the noose (although it's just a simple snap style caribeaner). Consciousness was very loose indeed.

A word of caution to those of you experimenting with partial: make sure you're ready to go and that you will not be found, even if you're just doing tests, as you may "succeed unexpectedly." There were others in my house who might've heard me and interrupted once the spasms started, and god knows what kind of situation I'd be in then.

This trial gave me some things to consider. The primary emotion I felt after nearly losing my grip on the third trial was panic that my cohabitators would find me and get me locked away (need to experiment/attempt in a strictly empty house moving forward and also try to ensure that they will not be the ones finding me). The panic was exacerbated by the fact that I might've shared just a little too much with my doctor today–nothing to put my independence in jeopardy, but maybe enough to raise an eyebrow or two.

The secondary emotion I felt was the enhanced gravity and seriousness of the situation now that I really know what I'm doing and can ctb fairly reliably (knock on wood). I had some ambivalence, which was unexpected and needs to be examined before I fully let go.

Finally, I felt a mixture of satisfaction and relief knowing that I'd finally found a winning formula and that the choice is truly in my hands now. Partial is very peaceful and effective once you've dialed it in and is certainly my method of choice should I choose to proceed.

Happy to field any questions you may have.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience
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Dec 24, 2018
After reading into partial and experimenting over the past few days, I figured it out tonight and can repeat it (maybe a little too well). I made this account so that I can share my knowledge with you. The difference for me was in how completely (and to a lesser extent quickly) I put my weight onto the noose. I had previously been pussyfooting around and easing my weight in, but the difference came when I relaxed all my weight into the noose all at once–it didn't hurt as much as I expected. I'll go into a little more detail for those who would like it:

It's not as confidence inspiring as a doorway pull-up bar, which I consider the gold standard, but I have had no issue using one of these door hanging metal coatracks as an anchor point. I weigh less than 165 lbs in case you're wondering. I've also been using a metal caribeaner and rope rated for what I believe was 180 lbs from Walmart. The caribeaner is in place of the knot on the noose end which makes things much simpler. I also pad the front of my neck with a face towel before applying the noose.

Since changing the key variable (complete, rather than tentative, release of weight onto noose), I have had three consecutive successful trials. My subjective experience was similar in all of them:
I started the timer on my phone and then released my weight with feet still in contact with the ground. In under eight seconds, I experienced the following: dimness of vision, feeling of weightlessness, mild tingling. Upon releasing myself, I had a hard time standing. I didn't experience anything unpleasant besides the minor discomfort of the weight of the noose on my neck, which was quickly (2-3 seconds) overshadowed by the darkness, tinglyness, and weightlessness.

My last trial is worth giving special note to. I followed the same procedure as the others but stayed just a second too long and nearly went over the edge. Of all my trials so far, this one quickly led to the dimmest vision, lightest and numbest body, foggiest thoughts, and greatest difficulty in standing. I remember looking at the timer and seeing 8 seconds when I staggered to my feet and struggled to remove the noose (although it's just a simple snap style caribeaner). Consciousness was very loose indeed.

A word of caution to those of you experimenting with partial: make sure you're ready to go and that you will not be found, even if you're just doing tests, as you may "succeed unexpectedly." There were others in my house who might've heard me and interrupted once the spasms started, and god knows what kind of situation I'd be in then.

This trial gave me some things to consider. The primary emotion I felt after nearly losing my grip on the third trial was panic that my cohabitators would find me and get me locked away (need to experiment/attempt in a strictly empty house moving forward and also try to ensure that they will not be the ones finding me). The panic was exacerbated by the fact that I might've shared just a little too much with my doctor today–nothing to put my independence in jeopardy, but maybe enough to raise an eyebrow or two.

The secondary emotion I felt was the enhanced gravity and seriousness of the situation now that I really know what I'm doing and can ctb fairly reliably (knock on wood). I had some ambivalence, which was unexpected and needs to be examined before I fully let go.

Finally, I felt a mixture of satisfaction and relief knowing that I'd finally found a winning formula and that the choice is truly in my hands now. Partial is very peaceful and effective once you've dialed it in and is certainly my method of choice should I choose to proceed.

Happy to field any questions you may have.

Thank you for this. Adding your comment to my list of useful things to know once I'm able to start practicing
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
Two quick notes for anyone who might consider using a doorway coat hanger as an anchor point:
  1. I tie the rope onto the sideways metal part of the frame and not one of the hooks—feels sturdier
  2. I did significant testing to make sure it would hold my weight (or at least as much as is needed). You should do some tests and inspect the frame afterwards as well... better safe than sorry!
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Sep 21, 2018
Hotels or other places for full suspension hanging.

So I'm in Europe and location is everything ... The place I live in, the ceiling is just too low. And you have to attach the rope to something and it has to be 'survival instinct' resistant. I'm not exactly mobile, poor health, indoor has its perks. I guess some hotel rooms might be suitable, others are not.

Comments ?
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Nov 19, 2018
Is body thrashing common? The infamous nsfw video of Swedish guy (never a user here) looked like his body moved around a lot, it's a miracle he never raised concerns with his 'close' neighbours nearby if he lived in an apartment or townhouse etc?

Does the body 'thrash' or 'move a lot' in partial compared to say full?

I saw a video of full, on live leak, guy basically was only swinging a little still from the chair kick off. No movements I saw till the video ran out, it was old, liveleak website stuff.

Thoughts anyone?
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Nov 19, 2018
Is body thrashing common? The infamous nsfw video of Swedish guy (never a user here) looked like his body moved around a lot, it's a miracle he never raised concerns with his 'close' neighbours nearby if he lived in an apartment or townhouse etc?

Does the body 'thrash' or 'move a lot' in partial compared to say full?

I saw a video of full, on live leak, guy basically was only swinging a little still from the chair kick off. No movements I saw till the video ran out, it was old, liveleak website stuff.

Thoughts anyone?

And how long is guaranteed revival cannot occur (1 hour, 2 hours) and does it differ between suspension or partial?

That thread a little bit ago worried me how some mother saved her hanging son but he was left brain damaged but alive.

Don't want that if I go with hanging.
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  • Aww..
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
Is body thrashing common? The infamous nsfw video of Swedish guy (never a user here) looked like his body moved around a lot, it's a miracle he never raised concerns with his 'close' neighbours nearby if he lived in an apartment or townhouse etc?

Does the body 'thrash' or 'move a lot' in partial compared to say full?

I saw a video of full, on live leak, guy basically was only swinging a little still from the chair kick off. No movements I saw till the video ran out, it was old, liveleak website stuff.

Thoughts anyone?
Body thrashing is pretty much a given, but from what I've seen online it's not as violent or loud as you might imagine. As far as how long before death, I know I came across it somewhere but can't find it now. I wouldn't feel comfortable attempting unless I knew I'd have at least a few hours uninterrupted. I'd prefer to "savor" the experience (there's a better word than savor but I don't know what it is) and not feel rushed
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Aug 25, 2018
really need some help guys, im planning to do it either tonight or before the end of the year, im very determined now. i have a dog lead, i weigh about 53kg and the lead has been able to hold a 30-40kg dog with no trouble. heres a picture

does this seem like a reasonable ligament? i really dont want to fuck up my ligament, it seems very sturdy but i want to be 100% sure.

secondly, it has a ring and a slip knot like this

is this sufficient for partial or is it necessary for me to actually tie a literal slip knot like here

i believe the latter may make for a tighter noose, but it might make no difference.

i have been posting lately and getting little response so im really desperate for any answers or advice.

(sorry for how big the image sizes are, not sure how to resize them)
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Lady black

Lady black

35 male, central Europe, German speaking
Oct 22, 2018
If it´s not flexible it could work. Maybe you should fixit anywhere and test it if it holds your full weight by pulling yourself up like at a climbing rope
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Dec 25, 2018
really need some help guys, im planning to do it either tonight or before the end of the year, im very determined now. i have a dog lead, i weigh about 53kg and the lead has been able to hold a 30-40kg dog with no trouble. heres a picture

does this seem like a reasonable ligament? i really dont want to fuck up my ligament, it seems very sturdy but i want to be 100% sure.

secondly, it has a ring and a slip knot like this

is this sufficient for partial or is it necessary for me to actually tie a literal slip knot like here

i believe the latter may make for a tighter noose, but it might make no difference.

i have been posting lately and getting little response so im really desperate for any answers or advice.

(sorry for how big the image sizes are, not sure how to resize them)
Go for the slip knot.
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
Body thrashing is pretty much a given, but from what I've seen online it's not as violent or loud as you might imagine. As far as how long before death, I know I came across it somewhere but can't find it now. I wouldn't feel comfortable attempting unless I knew I'd have at least a few hours uninterrupted. I'd prefer to savor the experience and not feel rushed!
really need some help guys, im planning to do it either tonight or before the end of the year, im very determined now. i have a dog lead, i weigh about 53kg and the lead has been able to hold a 30-40kg dog with no trouble. heres a picture

does this seem like a reasonable ligament? i really dont want to fuck up my ligament, it seems very sturdy but i want to be 100% sure.

secondly, it has a ring and a slip knot like this

is this sufficient for partial or is it necessary for me to actually tie a literal slip knot like here

i believe the latter may make for a tighter noose, but it might make no difference.

i have been posting lately and getting little response so im really desperate for any answers or advice.

(sorry for how big the image sizes are, not sure how to resize them)
In my trials I've used a metal carribeaner to form the noose in the same manner you use the metal ring. I have found it to be very successful and don't possibly see it loosening as long as there is some weight in the noose. I've also had luck with a slip knot but prefer the carribeaner at this point. If someone has contradictory info or experiences I would also love to hear about them
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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
Has anyone here failed at full suspension? More specifically not the rope breaking, or ligature point giving way, but just not able to pass out despite full body weight weighing down on the ligature point.
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Dec 7, 2018
Does anyone know if this is true??

20190102 135008
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
Survival instinct sucks. Almost succeeded with a scarf. Got to black out stage, felt really weird, didn't hurt but pulled self up. Was trying partial. So close yet so far. Took a few seconds to feel normal again. Dang it.
Dont give up!
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Reactions: TimeToBiteTheDust, sif, therhydler and 3 others


The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
I have just realised that Ican use the door hinge for partial hanging, instead of the door handle


  • DEA49805-4483-4826-8660-5A25C47753F4.jpeg
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  • D2E27E2C-B71B-47AC-9F96-9F52871E9672.jpeg
    1.2 MB · Views: 381
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
Should work with position nr.2?
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Dec 7, 2018
I have just realised that Ican use the door hinge for partial hanging, instead of the door handle

Is that a shoelace?
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
Is that a shoelace?
Yes, too risky?

I read that prisoner do hang themself with shoelace soo thats why?

My life is like prison of hell...

I have just tested it. It works very well.
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Dec 7, 2018
Yes, too risky?

I read that prisoner do hang themself with shoelace soo thats why?

My life is like prison of hell...

I habe just tested it. It works very well.

I think it can work but it might snap. Also might be a bit painful since it's very thin. Im sorry you're going through hell :(
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Dec 18, 2018
I just thought this information is better off here now, because the original source has been taken down.
If this violates any rules or if the author doesn't want this information to be reproduced on other sites, the admins or mods are free to delete my thread. I hope you don't mind, this is very useful, and it's not my intention to steal Loe's content.
Source and credit: Loe


Guide to partially suspended hanging:

Warning: Don't try this method unless you're totally sure that:
a) you want to kill yourself
b) that you won't be found for at least 30 minutes after you attempt.

This method is very lethal and quick (quick from your perspective
anyway, as you black out within seconds), but if you're found in time
and 'saved' you can end up with serious brain damage and/or be left a

Why partial suspension?
Because full suspension seems to me to be unnecessary and creates
difficulties. First of all you need to find a place which would hold
your entire weight, which isn't easy, and also you need a stronger
ligature, which isn't always easy to find either. There's nothing
wrong with full suspension, but it may not be a viable method for
everyone, especially if you're looking to use everyday materials from
around the home.

By partial suspension I mean that you hang yourself around the neck
(specifically the carotid artery), and push downwards while kneeling.
This should create enough downward pressure on the ligature to tighten
it and close the carotid artery and stop the blood flow to your brain.
All you need is 3 kilograms of pressure to do this, which isn't much
at all.

Also, with full suspension your entire body weight is pressurizing
your neck, and this would probably be more than enough to not only cut
off the blood supply to your brain, but break your neck as well. I'm
not too sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I do know though, that
statistically people who've attempted via hanging have more often been
found kneeling and partially suspended than being fully suspended.

Where is the carotid artery?
Before you start you have to know this. If you place your hand around
the middle of your neck, around your Adam's apple, with one thumb on
one side and all fingers on the other, you should feel a strong pulse
and heartbeat. If you close your hand now fairly firmly, you'll
probably make yourself pass out. It might be a good idea to try this
to make sure you've got the right spot.

What type of ligature?
You need a ligature that's strong, but not too elastic. It doesn't
have to be very long, 1 meter or more would be plenty. I'd advise
against nylon rope, string, fishing wire, etc.
Neckties on the other hand, are perfect Smile .

It may also be a good idea to lubricate the ligature with soap. This
would help the noose tighten even quicker, especially if you're using
a rough ligature such as a rope. Lubricating it in this way will
increase the friction once you push your head down and tighten the
noose, and could make it a little more effective and faster.

What type of knot?
A slipknot. It's one of the most basic knots around, and you make it
with one end of your ligature. The other end should go around your
hanging place.

Many people have the misguided idea that a hangman's knot should be
used, but they're wrong. A hangman's knot is for a completely
different purpose, and won't work for this method.

Where should I hang?
You should hang from a support which will hold part of your weight.

You should test this by tying the loose end of your ligature around
the support several times, sticking your hand (NOT your head) in the
noose and pushing down with it. If the noose holds, you're fine. If
not, then you'll have to find another spot.

A great and easy place to hang is from the thick horizontal metal bar
which you find in wardrobes in most homes.

When should I do it?
When no one else will be in the same area, for at least 30 minutes.
You lose consciousness within seconds but your body doesn't completely
die for around 15-20 minutes. The extra 10-15 minutes is for
preparation time and just in case.


When you're completely ready, kneel down, stick your head in the
noose, position it around the carotid artery and push downwards with
your head.

Good luck...

Further illustrations and evidence of high success rate for this method:










doesnt survival instinct kick in and you stand up?
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
Sometimes it doesn't...
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