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Apr 9, 2019
Starting to think i could actually get the courage to do this if i get decently drunk.
Great thread, thanks!
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Feb 1, 2020
Thanks for this. Do you know how exactly you made yourself pass out? I've located the pulse on my neck but no matter how much pressure I use I can't make myself pass out. In my last attempt, even with padding I just felt like I was choking. It wasn't painful at all, but very uncomfortable.

It was definitely due to blood constriction. Bear in mind the pressure was mostly coming from the bottom up as opposed to front to back. I'll post pictures of the setup tomorrow
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Jun 16, 2019
Great thread, I believe alcohol can definitely help with the fear and perhaps even the pain of it all.


Criminally insane
Jun 10, 2019
I believe it IS amazing, can hardly wait, phil122. I reason that full suspension does the trick; there is next to no time to reconsider—-one drop and its over. This, I seem to reason, is why you were not successful; partial hanging requires strength of will to succeed. Kudos to you for trying, however. As for me, only full suspension will do. I am very interested—— what is death like? Did you feel a sense of self? Was there an ego to it, by that I mean did you have an awareness of self and/or were you aware that you had done the deed and, if so, were you aware of any remorse or guilt or regret? I hate to deluge you with questions, but... it would appear that you have seen the other side and would be well-suited to educate others like me.
nono i didnt actually die thats just what i said to the officer in my drunken state. i went unconscious for a while. being unconscious and being dead should be the same tho which is nothing. just like taking a nap without dreaming anything.


Oct 24, 2019
I believe it IS amazing, can hardly wait, phil122. I reason that full suspension does the trick; there is next to no time to reconsider—-one drop and its over. This, I seem to reason, is why you were not successful; partial hanging requires strength of will to succeed. Kudos to you for trying, however. As for me, only full suspension will do. I am very interested—— what is death like? Did you feel a sense of self? Was there an ego to it, by that I mean did you have an awareness of self and/or were you aware that you had done the deed and, if so, were you aware of any remorse or guilt or regret? I hate to deluge you with questions, but... it would appear that you have seen the other side and would be well-suited to educate others like me.
nono i didnt actually die thats just what i said to the officer in my drunken state. i went unconscious for a while. being unconscious and being dead should be the same tho which is nothing. just like taking a nap without dreaming anything.
you came close, that is all I know...best to you


Feb 1, 2020
As promised, here are the pics.

The fabric is a 1m x 1m piece of satin, cut into four 25cm wide strips. Two are tied to the handles and two to the other end. There are two slipknots. Everything is doubled. The other pieces are to prevent it from sliding to the sides and reduce friction. The door is able to close and lock.


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Oct 24, 2019
Now I'm gonna feel like a fool for hanging myself.
Why!? Full suspension does it, and within seconds..
After you pass out, you cross over in approximately 20 minutes or so...why feel like a fool? Death is death—-period.
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New Member
Feb 4, 2020
Why!? Full suspension does it, and within seconds..
After you pass out, you cross over in approximately 20 minutes or so...why feel like a fool? Death is death—-period.
Totally agree


Oct 24, 2019
If you are lucky enough to be alone as I am,then the path is clear. A.basement. B. Rope dand c. You are free. Forget sn, nofailures w/ full suspension.forget the robin wiiiams approach—he as lucky, that is all...don't be afraid —+eternal peace is @ your finger tips. Get it done and done with! I eagerly await spring; my time to do it.

Badass or not, it IS the easiest, cheapest and quickest way... many defer because they have roommates, family, etc. I have neither, which makes cellar and waterpipe made to order. One kick start of the chair and that is it. Freedom, rather than happiness, is what it is all about. Who cares, ultimately,who finds me, who cares if my house is a mess? Finders keepers as they say
In my humble opinion, there is no improved version- neck plus rope equals death. We can fine tune this until doomsday, what counts is ACTION.
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Oct 24, 2019
Actually, there is no improved information; the equation remains the same. Full suspension equals rope, neck and death.


Oct 24, 2019
I know that I won't be found for at least twelve hours. I have noticed more friends left to find me or call on me; the only person(s) to find me are my neighbors and tenant. My mother and I have a problematic relationship, to put it mildly. SHE is responsible for plenty of this shit. I have $$$$ but who cares, actually? $$$$ can't buy happiness, but it can't by freedom, either. Only the Great Liberator (I.e. death) can do that.
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Oct 24, 2019
Full suspension nixes S.I. (survivor instinct); there is very little time for second thoughts; before you say "caterpillar", you're done. Forever.

Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
Is it
Why!? Full suspension does it, and within seconds..
After you pass out, you cross over in approximately 20 minutes or so...why feel like a fool? Death is death—-period.
Really that quick with full? Do you have to position anything or just put the noose on and go?


Oct 24, 2019
Yes. It truly is, if you will, the grab and go method. Brain death takes approx. 20 minutes.judging from videos I have seen and studied, there may be some convulsing, but not much. Over the 20 minutes to brain death, the victim is unconscious and feels nothing. It is wise to avoid food at least 2-3 hours prior to ctb, or you will soil yourself. Getting very drunk is optimal; one quick drop and you are done. Of course, the person who discovers your body may be traumatized by the sight; I recommend a small plastic bag over the head with duct tape over eyes and mouth.
For the first time in history, suicide is now the leading cause of death in the industrialized west, with hanging being the number one choice for lack of a firearm. It is so common among older folks that it is being called the "curse of the boomers".
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Feb 1, 2020
Update on my situation

I realized that satin was hurting my neck a lot more than the tie, and it was because it is not elastic. I bought some elastic fabric the other day and improved the setup. The satin knots are still there as they are good insurance, but the main pressure will b coming from the elastic fabric.


By a thread
Jan 28, 2020
I'm making this thread because the current thread that this forum links to regarding hanging, is pretty lacking of actual information. If it has any, it's buried beneath questions and confusion. There should be a thread here, where you read the main body post, and you are ready to go. I'm going to try and make that thousand page long thread into one post, you can read right now, and not have to sift through thousands of comments to find an answer.

Let's approach this the right way. Hanging is a very common method, yet it also seems to be the most debated when it comes to logistics...why? The variables.

Hanging method #1: partial suspension : http://lostallhope.com/suicide-methods/hanging/short-drop/simple-suspension

Hanging method #2: full suspension: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanging

How to tie a proper noose:

Valuable information:
  1. In general, there are two ways of performing suicide by hanging: suspension hanging (the suspension of the body at the neck) and drop hanging (a calculated drop designed to break the neck). Manual strangulation and suffocation may also be considered together with hanging.[26]

2. To perform a suspension hanging, a rope or other ligature is tied into a noose which goes around the neck, a knot (often a running knot, which tightens easily) is formed, and the other end of the rope is tied to a ligature point; the body is then suspended, which tightens the ligature around the neck.

Regardless of the material used to form the noose, suspension hanging will kill the person in three ways: compression of the carotid arteries, the jugular veins, or the airway.[9][27]About 11 lb (5 kg) of pressure is required to compress the carotid artery; 4.4 lb (2 kg) for the jugular veins;[9] and at least 15 kg (33 lb) for the airway.[15] The amount of time it takes to lose consciousness and die is difficult to predict accurately and depends on several factors. Some believe unconsciousness occurs in five seconds, though Alan Gunn writes that it generally takes longer. It took a man who filmed his hanging 13 seconds to become unconscious, 1 minute and 38 seconds to lose muscle tone, and 4 minutes and 10 seconds for muscle movement to cease.[28][29] Full suspension is not required; most hanging suicides are done by partial suspension, according to Wyatt et al.[30] Geo Stone, author of Suicide and Attempted Suicide: Methods and Consequences, suggests that death by obstruction of the airway is more painful than by the other ways.[26]

The aim of drop hanging, which is also frequently used in executions, is to break the neck. Participants fall vertically with a rope attached to their neck, which when taut applies a force sufficient to break the spinal cord, causing death.[26][31] The length of the drop, usually between 1.56 and 2.75 metres long, is calculated such that it is long enough to allow a less painful death, but short enough to avoid a decapitation.[32] This form of suicide is much rarer than suspension hanging[15] and is likely to be less painful.[33]

When I comes down to it, there are many ways you can choke yourself to death. If you cannot find peace in any of the information listed above, or any choking method already detailed here (like the night night method) then this method is simply not for you. It should be known already this is not a quick and painless death. You will experience agony, if only for a few seconds. If you think you can handle under 1 min of pain, hanging might be the best option for you. It's tried and tested true. It's all about how bad you want it.

There is a video I linked on how to tie a noose. If you jump off a solid object with that around your neck, you will be out in under 1 min and die if undisturbed. All these questions about rope quality and structural integrity of where you choose to tie to...don't kid yourself...it's up to you to find that out. If you are so desperate to find out the pounds per square inch a hotel closet bar can hold....I doubt your seriousness. Don't get me wrong, I've failed attempts too...but I can also be real about our situation...killing yourself is not hard...there are 1000000 ways to die...at the end of the day, it's how about how bad you want it.

Robin Williams probably didn't spend months of research on belt type statistics. He wanted to die, wrapped a belt around his neck, and did it. If you are not ready to face some uncomfortableness before your death, this method is not for you, plain and simple.

I don't want a painful death. I think hanging is the fools way out if I'm honest, because there are so many other less painful methods...but in the same breath, once you commit, that's it. There is no failing when you have a noose around your neck with a solid object.

Don't ask people about PSI. Don't ask people what rope to buy. Don't ask people what tree to tie too. These are all decisions you should be making yourself. The only thing you need to learn, is how to tie the rope, and what to tie it to. Once you know this, the ball is in YOUR court.

Edit: if you want this thread to gain traction, leave a comment and emoji. If you don't, this will get buried and the other thread will take back over, just saying.

eloquently worded and informative...Thankyou
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Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
No, you don't. All you need is rope, a strong support and you are fre.i
Thanks. How fast? Some are saying 10seconds and I'm really scared of panicking


Oct 24, 2019
Panic is irrelevant with this method; you are unconscious, with brain death occurring over twenty minutes of time. You are unconscious within seconds; you cannot back out. Unlike partial suspension, you have less control over situation. If you consider this method, please remember that you should allow for a window of 20-30 minutes. Do not eat at least two hours before, or you will soil yourself. It is cheap, quick and lethal. This is why more and more people are opting for this method, given that guns are not readily available. Again, with this method, there is no turning back.
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Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
How quick to unconcious is what I want to know. Other posters say 10seconds


Oct 24, 2019
Ten to twelve seconds at most. You are unconscious during that period,with brain death occurring over twenty to thirty minutes of time. Is is best that you are alone with this method. This is why more and more are opting for this method. In fact, with suicide now being the primary cause of death after motor vehicle accidents, more and more baby boomers, for example, are hanging themselves. In fact, it is now called the "curse of the boomers".for that reason.
Update on my situation

I realized that satin was hurting my neck a lot more than the tie, and it was because it is not elastic. I bought some elastic fabric the other day and improved the setup. The satin knots are still there as they are good insurance, but the main pressure will b coming from the elastic fabric.
Satin, is bound to fray and rip. A good strong rope is what you need.
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Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
Ten to twelve seconds at most. You are unconscious during that period,with brain death occurring over twenty to thirty minutes of time. Is is best that you are alone with this method. This is why more and more are opting for this method. In fact, with suicide now being the primary cause of death after motor vehicle accidents, more and more baby boomers, for example, are hanging themselves. In fact, it is now called the "curse of the boomers".for that reason.
But won't I panic during those 10-12 seconds?.


Oct 24, 2019
You can panic all you want; it won't do any good. You are in full suspension; the law of gravity applies. Struggle all you want, but with a slip knot it tightens. You simply do not have enough time before you enter total unconsciousness. Some convulsing of the body may ,occur: from the footage I have examined, it is minimal. Death is guaranteed.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
But won't I panic during those 10-12 seconds?.

With the correct compression around 15 seconds. Shouldn't hurt if done right, more like drifting off. Be careful testing this though as it can come on you all of a sudden without the chance to back out. The reason you have to practice this first is to find the sweet spot, otherwise it could turn out quite nasty. Only try this without closed knots and the ligature not anchored to anything, so it can loosen itself should you pass out. Am a little unsure what's the best way to test this without putting yourself in serious danger, so double check on this. If you get the feeling your head is bursting it's not working and you aren't constricting the correct arteries, thus have to readjust the position. Take all of this with a grain of salt please, as it's only what I've gathered from the various threads. This one might help:


And this video to get an idea:

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Majin K.

Majin K.

too weak for this world
Jan 9, 2020
With the correct compression around 15 seconds. Shouldn't hurt if done right, more like drifting off. Be careful testing this though as it can come on you all of a sudden without the chance to back out. The reason you have to practice this first is to find the sweet spot, otherwise it could turn out quite nasty. Only try this without closed knots and the ligature not anchored to anything, so it can loosen itself should you pass out. Am a little unsure what's the best way to test this without putting yourself in serious danger, so double check on this. If you get the feeling your head is bursting it's not working and you aren't constricting the correct arteries, thus have to readjust the position. Take all of this with a grain of salt please, as it's only what I've gathered from the various threads. This one might help:


And this video to get an idea:

Attempted partial with a strap and it was way too uncomfortable tbh.
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Feb 1, 2020
With the correct compression around 15 seconds. Shouldn't hurt if done right, more like drifting off. Be careful testing this though as it can come on you all of a sudden without the chance to back out. The reason you have to practice this first is to find the sweet spot, otherwise it could turn out quite nasty. Only try this without closed knots and the ligature not anchored to anything, so it can loosen itself should you pass out. Am a little unsure what's the best way to test this without putting yourself in serious danger, so double check on this. If you get the feeling your head is bursting it's not working and you aren't constricting the correct arteries, thus have to readjust the position. Take all of this with a grain of salt please, as it's only what I've gathered from the various threads. This one might help:


And this video to get an idea:

Excellent thread recommendation dude, thanks for posting.
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Mar 21, 2019
How quick to unconcious is what I want to know. Other posters say 10seconds
You might be happy to know you finally accomplished that which you long strived to complete.
Majin K.

Majin K.

too weak for this world
Jan 9, 2020
Even when placing the strap below the Adam's apple I couldn't pass out or more precisely it eventually got too uncomfortable to continue. Maybe I should get an actual rope. But at least now I know that how thick the rope is doesn't matter. I envy the woman from the video. She didn't even want to die and yet managed to pass out.


Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
Even when placing the strap below the Adam's apple I couldn't pass out or more precisely it eventually got too uncomfortable to continue. Maybe I should get an actual rope. But at least now I know that how thick the rope is doesn't matter. I envy the woman from the video. She didn't even want to die and yet managed to pass out.

Yeah, indeed, looks and supposedly is so comfortable... Unfortunately, there is a catch to all this, there have been people on this board who have reported that no matter what they tried they couldn't find their carotid arteries, the sweet spot. Apparently you can feel and compress them with your thumbs, but so far I haven't been able to either. I feel the pulse on my left thumb, but haven't managed to compress them and faint. Doesn't feel so bad though.

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Oct 24, 2019
I have seen all the videos I need to see, thank you. Enough, I think, to confirm that full suspension is the method of choice. Full suspension is undramatic. It nixes any concerns about pain, thrashing of body, etc. Convulsions are minimal and momentary. Unlike partial suspension, there is no turning back—-you are Dead, dead, deader.
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