

Mar 18, 2021
I have been to multiple hospitals in the past month and none seem to take me seriously when I mention that I am researching methods and know ways to CTB. I always say that I don't want to CTB but that I feel it is my only option. I tell them that when I will kill myself I will not return and they seem to shrug it off and tell me to try more CBT and eventually maybe electroconvolusive therapy, since my anxiety and PTSD do not respond to SSRIs. Benzos help but they think that me feeling overwhelmed and hopeless is better than taking a medication that actually makes me feel normal.
What are my options? Should I just give them a random date I plan to CTB so I get taken seriously?
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Well, idk when people seek help they don't get it, obviously. I replied to one of your other threads before. Do you have an idea what triggers your desire to CTB and where the anxiety is coming from? What happened that caused PTSD? Imo that is the most important part for a recovery, it's either u know it or have at least an idea what it could be. Meds may not work here, they don't necessarily work for everyone unfortunately.

Idk where you are from can you visit another therapist/psychiatrist?


Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
Nov 2, 2023
So medications are complicated. It doesn't seem they trust that you'll be stable enough to take something for a few weeks. Telling them you'll CTB isn't going to help that. Have a psychologist/therapist to start CBT based treatment. That'll give you stability and support. Anxiety is harder to treat than depression. Expect to be trying out drugs for 2-8 months and to be going back every couple weeks till you find something that works.