I also think it's selfish. At the same time, I think that adults should have the right over their own life and body, what it means to be prochoice. I remember when I was very young, before I was suicidal, I wondered to myself why people can't just choose suicide if it's their own lives.
In the end, you can't control other's people's emotions and how they react to your death. I have gone for years struggling being suicidal, and kept my head up for goodness sake. I started to realize that I can't keep being suicidal for a few months every year and depend on everyone around me every time. I think that everyone will live on, and they will suffer more because of my choice to ctb, but they'll continue to live. They'll want to.
It sounds cold to say this, but personally, it's where I'm at. My close ones don't suffer as much as I do, so I'm sure that they would live on.
Your messages sound like you're coming from a different place than me. Person to person, I think that it can be worth it to stick around longer for others. The world can be a better place if you hang on. Or, it might be worse, or indifferent.