

Feb 17, 2022
Hey everyone,

I am still debating on whether going through and ordering N. The warnings for it repercusions seem a bit scary to me. I want to see if I do this, or if maybe I do something different to cope, like my therapist suggested to go outside. I don't go outside a lot, it's typical for me to spend a whole week at my house without ever leaving. Does this happen to some people? How do you motivate yourself to be outside? I don't see a point so its hard for me to find the joy.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
What repercussions? And where the hell are you thinking of ordering from because I didn't think any sellers were on the scene at the moment! Be careful of scammers, it's more than likely that anyone currently selling is a scammer! I don't go outside unless I absolutely have to. Tho for the first time in 15 years I have something to motivate me! Going to a rave in early Feb next year, should be awesome!
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Feb 17, 2022
The book says that it's illegal to order?

And yeah repercussions of scammers too.

I had just gotten SN in September so I don't really know what else to do since it never arrived. Was supposed to arrive October 27.

Yeah remember you posting about it. That's a really long time ahead to schedule a rave must be a big one.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I go out when I have to run errands, go to the doctor or buy something I want to have... and I usually try to put it all together in one outing.

For example: I'm going to pick up some glasses and I take the opportunity to go to the bank and on the way I pass by a store to buy a prepaid card and I ask if they have the Playstation 5 (and they tell me again that they don't) and when I come back I look at the cakes from the window of a bakery and I run back home lest someone find me (I don't feel like giving any kind of explanation to the neighbors).

And that's it, I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday of next week and I'll go out, but since it's dusk I won't be able to do much more.
And in principle I don't have to leave the house anymore until... I don't know, once I spent 4 months there.


Jo surto al carrer quan he de fer gestions, anar al metge o comprar alguna cosa que vull tenir... i normalment miro d'ajuntar-ho tot en una mateixa sortida.

Per exemple: Vaig a recollir unes ulleres i aprofito per anar al banc i de pas passo per una botiga per comprar una targeta de prepagament i pregunto si tenen la Playstation 5 (i em diuen una altre vegada que no) i quan torno em miro els pastissos de l'aparador d'un forn i torno a casa corrents no sigui que em trobi algú (no tinc ganes de donar cap tipus d'explicacions als veïns).

I ja està, el dimecres de la setmana que ve em toca metge i sortiré, però al ser al capvespre poca cosa podré fer de més.
I en principi ja no he de sortir més de casa fins... no ho se pas, una vegada m'hi vaig passar 4 mesos.
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Nov 16, 2022
I can totally relate to the difficulty in leaving the house. I myself have little motivation or desire to do it. I go out for a doctor's appointment or go to the pharmacy. I get groceries and other things I need delivered. It is quite common for me to spend a week (or two) without going out. Yet another reason ctb is always on my mind.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Personally I find scarce comfort "outside" but it has served as a distraction so far from the fact that my life isn't worth it but I'm neither convinced of the convenience of suicide.

So yeah, there are benefits to "going outside". You can find short/medium lived evasion this way.
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May 29, 2018
For me it's to simply keep my figure. Granted, I'll usually buy a beer or some shit when I do go for my walks so they cancel each other out, but I haven't gotten fat yet so whatever it is out there I'm doing is working.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
Hey everyone,

I am still debating on whether going through and ordering N. The warnings for it repercusions seem a bit scary to me. I want to see if I do this, or if maybe I do something different to cope, like my therapist suggested to go outside. I don't go outside a lot, it's typical for me to spend a whole week at my house without ever leaving. Does this happen to some people? How do you motivate yourself to be outside? I don't see a point so its hard for me to find the joy.
I am motivated to go outside the house by the fact that I will have to clean up after my dogs if I do not.
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Reactions: Wannagonow, Need2BFree, whatevs and 2 others


I stay in my power
Aug 20, 2020
If I were alone, I would stay the hole week at home, too. Inside my bed... But If I go to buy something to eat or some other things or If I am in the nature I feel a little better after. Not better like everything is fine, but better then before.

In march I adopted a dog, because I thougt I have to change something (I cant commit suicide at the moment). It works a little. I really like to feel the different weather, it makes me feel lively. I like to see and take pictures of the nature, the trees, the sky. Maybe you like it too and find a dog to go for a walk once a week.

Just an idea, maybe its not something for you. But going outside can help, better then being just with the own thoughts all the time...
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Oct 5, 2022
Exposure to natural light can do great things. They say waking up with natural sunlight is the best. Maybe, it just takes the right moment. Sometimes, all it takes is to sit outside to make a difference.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Vitamin D aside, going outside isn't automatically a solution in itself. For anyone who finds other people intimidating or feels isolated watching everyone else appear to 'fit in', the good and bad aspects of going outside can cancel out.

What has more value is doing something you'd actually enjoy, whether it be calming time in nature, some sort of fitness activity or meeting friends. Maybe is worth looking into to see what's in your area. It is still a big effort to start the process, but it could lead to new and healthier routines.
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Nov 5, 2022
Hey everyone,

I am still debating on whether going through and ordering N. The warnings for it repercusions seem a bit scary to me. I want to see if I do this, or if maybe I do something different to cope, like my therapist suggested to go outside. I don't go outside a lot, it's typical for me to spend a whole week at my house without ever leaving. Does this happen to some people? How do you motivate yourself to be outside? I don't see a point so its hard for me to find the joy.
I used to struggle a lot with agoraphobia. It took me a really long time but now I have somewhat recovered. I seem to be more willing to go outside if I'm going to a familiar and somewhat quiet place (university, small grocery store, doctor's office). If I'm going out to socialize, or going to a large supermarket or mall, I tend to procrastinate a lot more.

I also tend to feel more comfortable in places that are not extremely crowded... and most importantly... where there is no required interaction with people. I would rather be on a loud and crowded bus, but have other people leave me alone, vs having someone I don't know or like talk to me.
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Jul 3, 2022
Going out at night makes me feel very comfortable

Daytime the opposite

Maybe try night hikes if your area is safe
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Nov 5, 2022
I second pluto's recommendation, spending time in nature can be helpful. It won't necessarily improve your mood, but it will allow you to think more clearly. Getting rid of that brain fogginess that develops when we're stuck inside for a long time. Definitely give this a go if you have any kind of nature reserve nearby.
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Oct 16, 2021
A lot of people find some beauty in the outside world, be it with or without regard for the people out there. Try to think of some of the things you could see outside that might be comforting to you. Maybe you'd be interested in something like a cloudless day, a sunset/sunrise, the sensation of light rain at nighttime, just anything you might reasonably expect to encounter in the area around where you live that would be nice to experience. If you're not into interacting with people, just try to think of going outside as a good way to see the outside world and whatever small beauty you can find in your surrounding environment.
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Oct 26, 2019
Nice new sneakers or boots if you've got the money for them. Yeah maybe rewarding yrself with a substance isn't always the healthiest thing but something to smoke or vape on a walk can be motivating. A good travel mug. Scouting out places where other people don't go too much. A book if it's warm enough to sit outside and read. Oh the website inaturalist is full of cool shit other people have found and you can go treasure-hunt for the places where they marked stuff. 👹


Sep 16, 2022
Hey everyone,

I am still debating on whether going through and ordering N. The warnings for it repercusions seem a bit scary to me. I want to see if I do this, or if maybe I do something different to cope, like my therapist suggested to go outside. I don't go outside a lot, it's typical for me to spend a whole week at my house without ever leaving. Does this happen to some people? How do you motivate yourself to be outside? I don't see a point so its hard for me to find the joy.
Well to get someone to go outside..... you can set the house on fire, place a live tranquilized skunk in the house and wait for the tranquilizer to wear off, a stink bomb can evacuate a house quite nicely, a few smoke bombs, can clear a room, finding a killer with a mask on and a bloody machete in hand has been known to stimulate people to go outside, a tasteful rabid dog in the home can empty most residences, venomous snakes are known for emptying indoor locations, earthquakes can induce a desire to leave the house. Lobbing a live hornet's nest into a structure can assist with evacuation most efficiently, finding a man you don't know naked in your clothes closet has demonstrated the potential for a speedy retreat outdoors.
As always I am delighted to assist! ( ut in my very own kind of weird and warped way. Love to all who are or come here.

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