

Devil’s Advocate
Apr 9, 2019
I've asked something similar before but didn't quite get an answer that is satisfactory.
And I've done some further research, I think Propranolol OD with anti-emetics and decent amount of benzos should be quite effective relatively fast.

Which combo seems be more effective and reliable?
Meto + Propranolol + Benzo (Standard)
Meto + Digoxin+Propranolol + Benzo (Digoxin should help boosting the effect)
Meto + Digoxin+Propranolol+Verapamil + Benzo (Propranolol+Verapamil is considered to be rather dangerious combo and according to ppeh Digoxin+Propranolol works quite well too, so I thought to add all 3 in one combo, not sure about the possible interactions, hence creating this post).

I'm thinking anti-emetic regime of 48hours, Take 20 mg Metoclopramide every 8 hours, i.e. 3 times per day, starting 48 hours in advance with last dose dose of Metoclopramide HCl (anhyd) 45-60 min before the drug ingestion. Should this dosage be increased as I'm thinking of taking a rather significantly large amount of Propranolol?
Propranolol 8g or more.
Not sure about Digoxin+Propranolol or Digoxin+Propranolol+Verapamil , nor do I have a proper idea about the dosage with these combinations.
Benzo, possibly Midazolam(Dormicum or another) 500mg to 1g or Diazepam, probably 500mg to 1g.