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Aug 18, 2020
I just came home from my self-help group and man it was rough. I will stay vague but there was a new person he told us he does not have mental illness and I was kind of confused. He opened up and told us very recenty his uncle committed murder suicide and killed himself and his minor children. He himself is so shocked by that fact that he is suicidal himself. He told us he fantasizes about killing himself violently and depicted it graphically to us. I am not sure how shocked the others were. The last extreme case was me telling them my therapists gave up on me and think that I gonna kill myself eventually. And I also told them when I was acute suicidal. It is good that I am not the sole extreme case.

I am not sure how much that burdened me. After our session I asked someone in this group whether it burdened him. And he told me no the opposite happened it actually distracted him from his problems. And his issues were that the right wing populist party got the second best result in the elections of the European parliament in our country. Like bruh. I wish I had these problems. He said he barely could sleep because of that. After I opened up about my severe suicidality I asked someone's honest opinion whether my suicidality burdened him and he said not really. And I am pretty sure it was the truth. Actually I like that this group allows talks on such topics. In our clinic suicidiality was a red flag. I am not sure how much it affected the only woman in our group. I am slightly interested in her. Honestly, I have the feeling she is quite compassionate and struggles listening to such stories. But we are one of her few social interactions. I begin to be interested into her. But that's overthinking. I barely know her she barely talks about herself. I am not sure how she was doing after this talk.

Actually I am really unsure how it affected me. The explicit descriptions of violent actions to commit suicide reminded me of my rock bottom. The desire to punish yourself combined with nightmares. It sort of distracted me. The session on relationships certainly burdened me way way more. I almost died that session. I would not say it improved my mood as the other guy. I think it rather made me feel worse. I am not sure why. The person was in so much pain. It was palpable in how much pain and despair he was. At the same it seems like a temporary crisis in comparison with my problems. I think he will manage to deal with it eventually. He did not sound like a hopeless case at all. In contrast to me. The story was sort overwhelming and reminded me of some traumatic events in my lifetime. Though I think the worst is the following for me. I am pretty sure I am going to kill myself. I try to avoid it or to postpone it as long as possible. But it seems unlikely that I can wait till my parents have died. My mom had a stroke and my dad is not that healthy either. It was his uncle and the children who died. In my case people close to me will have to suffer. At the same time this dude said he could have lived with it way way better if his uncle only had killed himself and let the children live. I certainly only kill myself alone. There is no need to hurt anyone else. It was frightening to experience the consequences of such drastic actions in front of myself. His pain was extreme.

However, I think most people don't care about extreme suffering. Most people are pretty cynical about it. Probably most of us are cynical sometimes. Otherwise we could not cope with all the violence we see on the news etc. It is also a defense mechanism but we have to be aware of that. Also as members of suicide forums we should not become cyncial just becuase there are so many of us in extreme pain. If we hear extreme brutal stories frequently we also can become numb to it. At the same time we should not be coldhearted in our interaction and remind us that everyone on here is an individual with a backstory.

There is an anecdote I have to think of. In Germany when you google suicide encouragement there comes a scienctifical report about suicide encouragement. Or at least when I searched for it a couple years ago. There is an example to demonstrate the definition. Seemingly a person stood at a bridge for quite some time. A big traffic jam was caused. At this time clock many people wanted to return from work to their homes. It passed some time and the person barely moved the police tried to convince him not be jump and stuff like that. Then someone shouted from their car "Finally jump you coward!". The person was seemingly annoyed not being able to return to their home. Well as response the person jumped and died. The person who shouted that was sentenced to prison time for several years. In my opinion he or she deserved it. But it shows us that our actions and words can matter. What matters more your personal inconviences or someone else's life? But there is this great DFW speech "This is water." It is easy to judge the person who shouted that. But can we be certain whether it was an evil person. Maybe that person had a mental breakdown, one of their loved one's were in danger and she or he shouted in an impusle not expecting anything to happen. I still think a prison sentence is the right thing. But we don't know the context of this action. It is easy to judge.
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and if i’m turning blue please don’t save me 🌛
Dec 14, 2023
About the story from the last paragraph - it may be controversial but to me the guy who shouted at the jumper was not at all guilty of this death. The man was already on the railing. Something else brought him there.
They want us to believe they care, but the minute you're off that bridge they disappear. You're on your own. All the time. No one really cares. You're suicidal? Call a helpline. They won't answer lol that's first of all, and if they do, they just send you to psych ward where you're forcefully kept until you admit you don't have a plan to kill yourself anymore and that's the spiral that goes on and on.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
I think people generally don't care.

I don't want to speak for all people, so I will speak for myself.
I have limited empathy.
When I hear about a great tragedy in the world, in which, for example, many children died, I think: "ok, but what should I eat for dinner today?"
I don't feel any sadness, nothing.
I think this is normal behavior and most people feel the same way. But I can be wrong.

If a tragedy does not affect people with whom we are very emotionally attached, we often feel indifference.

Even on this website, when I read about the tragedies of various people, I do not feel the sadness that haunts me. I also don't feel any intense emotions.
Someone else's tragedy does not burden my mind.

At the end of the day, each of us has our own lives and our own problems.
If we cannot cope with our own thoughts and lives, it is sometimes difficult to find room for other people's problems.
If we cannot save ourselves, how can we save the world?
Not literally, of course.

I understand other people's coldness, so I don't blame anyone, because I am such a person too.
I really don't want to be a hypocrite on this topic.
I know that I am not a helpful person to others, so I do not require help from others.
If someone helps me with something, I will be very happy, but I don't expect anyone to help me.

Sometimes I have the impression that people try to convince themselves that they care about another person's fate. Of course, I'm not saying they don't always care. But in my opinion, people often fake emotions and cheat.
I don't like to fake sadness, but sometimes I do it.

As you wrote, this is probably our defensive reaction.
If we worried about everyone and everything, we would go crazy very quickly.
Especially in these times when we have an abundance of information.
We need to filter information and emotions.

I appreciate empathetic people who selflessly help others. I appreciate it very much.
But I also understand the other side of the coin of our world.
The brutal, bloody, selfish and cold side.

But let's also remember that the world is not black and white.
We can't simplify everything.

In my opinion, the punishment for the person who screamed is a joke. This is a very unfair punishment.
Honestly, this is a scandal to me.
Of course, I only know a small part of the context of this situation.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
People don't care at all. They're too busy with their own lives to care about others. They only care as to whether we are alive so that we can be a productive wage slave for the government and contribute towards the economy. Aside from that, they don't care about us at all and they never have. If you believe that they care about you, you are extremely gullible
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Mar 4, 2024
When you get tested like garbage, gas lit, abused, manipulated, etc for most of your life and the only sentient creatures that DONT do that are mammals, birds, reptiles, etc - you know humans have gone off the deep end.

When you entangle wage slavery, Prussian indoctrination schooling and worshipping money (as it's the only thing that allows you be left the fuck alone) then there is no point dealing with others anymore.

People on this site are the exception given that the circumstances involve not being here anymore which is so extreme but when the world is extreme there aren't a lot of options.

I have better interactions with two fucking geese that sometimes bite me (as they were abused before they went into the sanctuary) than people. Another exception possibly people that have animal sanctuaries.
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Yes, the everlasting contrast.
Jul 14, 2023
i struggle with caring for anything, nevermind major tragedies or whatever, but i'm an exception not the rule. i'm under the impression most people probably give a quarter of a shit

i'm more of a sympathiser for the ones that do the bad things. not all of them. but i can't help feeling sympathy, and if i don't, then who else is going to? everyone needs sympathy, at the very least. i don't ever support what they ended up doing, i just understand very well how someone in severe pain can go to extremes as i struggled with severe anorexia at one point


Aug 28, 2023
People don't care. Sure they can show that they feel bad about other's situations, but there is really not much more they can or will do other than that. Everyone has their own problems they are dealing with. We only have ourselves and it is such a lonely feeling


Apr 20, 2024
I think a small fraction of the world does truly care.
I can say that there are people who truly care though because I feel I am one of them and because I've met them. Anyone's pain hurts me, I find I have to actively block out things happening on the other side of the world that I have no control over because otherwise I will have sleepless nights and pain over it.

I come from the idea that it could be anyone. That it could just as easily have been me as it was those people. I also believe in 'it takes a village to raise a child' and that we are responsible for the wellbeing of everyone not just ourselves and our family. I see all kids as my kids and all decent people as my family.

One of the hardest parts of maturing was realising that not everyone feels this way, that so many people are so detached from the suffering of others. It scared me because I knew I would do anything in my capacity to help someone else suffering but now I was realising that most others wouldn't for me.

I think part of humanity is intentional empathy (unless you have something which means you can't feel empathy). Which means making yourself take rhe time to try to understand others pain, even for a bit. Empathy doesn't always come naturally to me and I'm definitely very flawed in this aspect but I try anyway. One of the reasons for so much of the world's (and my) suffering is because people haven't been empathetic and thought of others' pain as their own, they think their needs and feelings are above others.
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