Problems? Stating my opinion on a subject is a problem to you? Censorship much?
Disagreement? Yes. That's what discussing different problems is about. We might disagree on certain topics and that's natural.
As for the rest of your post - if you plan carefully what to tell your therapist in order to avoid outcome you don't want, you are being dishonest, trying to trick or straightforward lie. No matter what you want to call that, it's not a good idea if you want to get help you need. If you know better what's good for you then why bother with a doctor?
It isn't a problem for you to express your opinions, obviously. The problem is you rudely calling others dishonest when they are not. Did I say rudely? You are being rude. That is in fact a problem.
There's nothing wrong with stressing the understanding of how the system works. In fact most therapists explain these boundaries in the first visit.
It is absolutely in no way shape or form dishonest to be careful and certain that when you express suicidal thoughts that you are sure to express you don't have a plan when you in fact do not have a plan. No matter what you say. It is not a lie to be careful about being fully honest and emphasizing that one doesn't have a plan.
No I'm not censoring you lol. Just pointing out that you are in fact incorrect. It's not cool to call other liars when they are not.
As for carefully planning your interactions with others. Socializing is not as easy for some as others. For many it's downright difficult. Careful study and planning and practice is quit helpful in building rapport and confidence. There's many books on this topic.
Yes, it's most important to be careful especially when you might get locked up for saying the wrong thing. Especially when they may interpret it in a way you didn't truly mean.
If me telling you you're wrong comes off as a form or attempt of censorship... wouldn't it th n be censorship for you to tell oth re they are wrong? You see the hair man logic inconsistency here? It's okay, all humans operate on inconsistent logic.