Take a look here at some interesting data relevant to this question:
https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/suicide#:~:text=100,000 in 2020.-,The total age-adjusted suicide rate in the United States,females (5.7 per 100%2C000).
Based on the rate in the US in 2021 it appears that somewhere around 0.00022% of men CTB. Yes I know this is only the US and only the number for men, but the point remains.
The number that CTB in general is simply extremely low. However we must consider that this is, after all, sanctioned-suicide, where no doubt the most depressed and suicidal people (that use the internet quite a bit) hang out.
So it stands to reason that the numbers here, even if they're astronomically more likely to CTB than people "outside the community", will likely also be quite low. Even 1% is
extremely unlikely imo.