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Sep 18, 2019
Dear all,

Everything is in the title : How many of your relatives and friends have CTB ?

In my case the answer is 5 (2 relatives, 2 friends, and 1 colleague) !
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Looking California…Feeling Minnesota
Oct 17, 2022
My neighbor and close friend ctb 12/13/16. Was living out of state at the time, hanged himself with a belt. Dude had a rough upbringing. Saw his little sister get hit by a garbage truck and pass, rough family life afterwards. Can't imagine what his mom feels like losing two children.
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Oct 26, 2020
One, my friend. A little over 2 years ago
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Sep 16, 2022
Dude I knew in HS got dad's 38 went into the family garage and little Ronnie blew his brains out. An acquaintance was scared of getting a prison term and what the gays world do to him in prison.... He hung himself. Next was I guy I knew, Peter called his brother said"l'm going to get some peace of mind." Petey then blew his brains out on the phone with his brother still listening. Last is an honorable mention. Another guy I knew, was at a bar got drunk he and his lady had a fight, she broke up with him. He told people at the was gonna commit suicide....went home grabbed a,( of all the worst calibers to ctb with), 22 shot himself, survived and got a nice stay at a medical hospital, and then a trip to a psyc ward!


Oct 14, 2022
one friend like 5 years ago
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I found my light again. Namu Amida Butsu
Sep 26, 2021
3 total, my former partner and two friends. All since 2020.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
No one from my family as far as I'm aware, although there are mental health issues dotted about including self harm.

A former landlady's Grandma jumped into a river. Interesting to talk to her because she's very level headed and very pro choice but has also seen it from the side of a grieving relative. I don't think she even left a note.

Also, a former tutor was found either hanging or aesfixiated with a bag over his head. Although there were rumours about some kinky sex act gone wrong. You know what schools are like for rumours...

5 for you? That must play on your mind a lot.


Just another statistic
Jul 7, 2020
None. But I don't have many friends to begin with and most of my family members hate each other
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Jul 15, 2022
No one in my circle of friends or family has committed suicide. Maybe a distant family member I never knew. I've never known that, it seems abstract to me. However, depression is commonplace in my family circle.


Feb 28, 2022
My mother had lung cancer (she was a heavy smoker) and saved enough pain pills to successfuly ctb. She was 81.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yes 5, may be it's why I have suicidal thoughts. Add to that my mother died at 53 from cancer. Bad karma I suppose.
I'm sorry. That's got to be so hard. Bad karma? I'm sure you don't deserve all that. Wish karma was a thing but from what I've seen, it's often the nicest people who get dealt the worst hand in life. If some entity is running this show, they have a very odd way of doing things.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2022
Two. My childhood best friend hung him self when we were in our late teens. My aunt's ex-husband hacked himself to death w/ a hand saw.
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Apr 15, 2022
The only one of I know of is a distant cousin, not even by blood, but by marriage. He was very young, like 19, and successfully did partial using a rope tied to a clothes rod in a closet. His mom found him.
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In the state of shock of what happened
Apr 30, 2022
No one, despite widespread mental health issues on both sides of my family. Some of them thought about suicide, but never acted on it. I'll be the first.
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Oct 16, 2022
1 family member in my direct bloodline, if you will, has. I suspect another member has as well, but my family is quiet about it. As for friends, 2 that have passed under suspicious circumstances. Its hard to say when deaths really are accidents.
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Jul 15, 2022
Yes... a little girl around 9-13 years old.
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Oct 18, 2022
Both my cousin and little sister attempted within about a month of each other back in 2018 but both were unsuccessful and haven't re-attempted since. My high school had a real rough year my senior year though- 9 student deaths 8 of them suicide. I knew two of them personally and a few of the others knew less well. Seemed like everyone was trying that year.
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Dying Failure

Oct 9, 2022
Relative wise only my brother. Schoolmate wise 2 I graduated high school with. I'm jealous of them that they are better and I'm still suffering in this crappy world
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hurt by life
Aug 7, 2022
4 relatives and 2 I did not know
The father of my ex by hanging, a friend by overdosing, one of my uncle by partial hanging and one of my aunt by car accident.
I also witnessed two persons jumping from an old church and from the stairs in a bulding.
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Oct 11, 2022
My grandmother tells me that two people in our family have CTB. I actually met one of them when I was a child, but we barely knew each other. Can't say I felt any particular way about her death.

I have a billion friends that struggle with suicidal ideation, but I have a funny feeling none of them are ever actually going to go through with it. Just from the way they talk about it.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I don't know that many people in the first place, but to me it could never be surprising how so many people in this world decide to ctb. Leaving at a time of my own choosing would always be preferable to dying at a time out of my control anyway.
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Sep 16, 2022
I don't know that many people in the first place, but to me it could never be surprising how so many people in this world decide to ctb. Leaving at a time of my own choosing would always be preferable to dying at a time out of my control anyway.
When sufficient stressors are applied long enough. People lose it,(I'm one of em)!


Oct 12, 2020
Grand parents and Dad. I think losing a parent is a different type of loss. I never thought I would feel that, because at times I hated my dad. But it felt like a greater loss, even though I was closer to my grandmother. But now my Dad's not here, I'm actually more intune with him. Oh yeah, I also had an uncle die from Cancer. I never met anyone that loved life like him, so that was really sad.
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Oct 13, 2022
I had a relative who did it many decades ago. Due to an illness he completely lost the eyesight on an eye and almost all of it on the another. One day his sister asked him where he was going, because he wanted to leave, after seeing their father, and he answered with a saying resembling the english "to go the way of all flesh". She didn't took him seriously. That was the last time when somebody saw him ever again.
He was alone, unmarried, in his 50s, and with nobody to take care of him. But besides this, the prospect of him completely losing his vision was devastating. His sister often talked about him and regretted him until the day she died.
For some particular reasons sometime I think that I'm his reincarnation. He died 2 years before I was born.

I also had a neighbor who hung himself at 17. He didn't had a driving licence, as he was under 18, he took the car of his sister's boyfriend and crashed it a little in front of it. He panicked so bad that he killed himself. I alaways feel sad for him because it wasn't something unfixable.
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Jul 23, 2022
My grandmother tells me that two people in our family have CTB. I actually met one of them when I was a child, but we barely knew each other. Can't say I felt any particular way about her death.

I have a billion friends that struggle with suicidal ideation, but I have a funny feeling none of them are ever actually going to go through with it. Just from the way they talk about it.
Most of the commenters will never go through with it. That's the way it goes.
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Sep 18, 2019
Most of the commenters will never go through with it. That's the way it goes.
I hope so. Maybe because It's so hard to have a peaceful pill like N.
Not everyone has the courage/energy/money for other painful/complicated/expensive methods.
My colleague jump in front of the train, reports said it was horrible. RIP Alain.
Forest Fire

Forest Fire

Jul 19, 2019
No family members have done it, but i knew 5 people that have. 4 of them were before i left primary school, then one friend in 2020
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Apr 5, 2022
Nobody--But as my brother's lung cancer has now spread to his brain, bones, and spine, platelets down to 39,000(normal is 150,000)pain, insomnia with night sweats, and him being an animal doctor with access to drugs like Fetanyl, he may wind up being the first to CTB in our family history--and of course I'd be the second to CTB soon after
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Dying Failure

Oct 9, 2022
Nobody--But as my brother's lung cancer has now spread to his brain, bones, and spine, platelets down to 39,000(normal is 150,000)pain, insomnia with night sweats, and him being an animal doctor with access to drugs like Fetanyl, he may wind up being the first to CTB in our family history--and of course I'd be the second to CTB soon after
I'm sorry to read that about your brother. It's tough to lose a family member. My brother and I weren't as close as I wanted but when he passed I completely lost it. My grandma then passed from copd and chf shortly after within 2-3 years and now it's gonna be my turn to go home with them. So I can completely relate to wanting to be with family forever.