
Jun 26, 2020
this reply has been in the back of my mind for a long time, so I'm sorry about the random late response.

for almost my entire life I've been told by almost all of my family that I'm very talented in a certain field of work and that I HAVE to work in that field or I'm basically wasting my talent. I believed them too for a long time but I've slowly realized over the 3ish years of being an adult that I am simply not cut out to work in this field. I am horrified at the prospect of admitting this to my family as they would most likely just immediately deny it. some people succeed in life even when noone expects them to/has almost no expectations or support for them, I'm the opposite. I had everything going for me, family support and high expectations, and I still managed to fuck it up.
I've been struggling super badly with community college, and my parents expect me to not only complete community college, but to transfer into a 'real' college after. If I'm fucking it up this badly with just community college how the hell am I supposed to do this in another, longer college? I feel incredibly guilty of the fact that they're paying for me to fail as well.
I've just built my entire future on being able to go to college for and get a job in this specific field and I'm realizing that I'm too stupid and worthless to succeed. I don't have any goals that I realistically believe I can achieve anymore. I know it would upset my family if I CTB and I know I'm "just" 21 but I'm only ever going to get older and I don't think they'd be that much happier if I stayed alive and failed at everything they were so confident I could do from childhood.
Now, a small part of me understands that personal success isn't everything, but I don't even have like, a good personality to at least make up for it. I somewhat recently lost a friend group entirely due to my ridiculous fucking behavior and the guilt has been eating me alive. I understand that this one is at least a "this won't matter in five years" issue, but It's been a month now and I still feel horrible, and I also feel like this is more a symptom of a larger problem into who I am as a person.

I am a coward at heart, and that is why I consider myself a failure and why I am going to kill myself.
1st off you are NOT a coward or a failure or anything of those natures ever. You are working at it and that in itself is winning.

Let me explain please, as I went to a community college at the age of 24 and I was going to try and get my AA degree (2-year degree). It was the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life, hands down and I was NOT the greatest student by no means, but I never gave up and neither has you!

I got my 2-year degree and transferred to a 4-year college and toughed it out and got a 4 year in Business Administration and I have 2 minors, one in math and one in statistics.

Harder than hell to get that darn degree, but it WAS worth it, at least for me, as I know some on here will probably say that it did not help them, but it opened doors for me, and I have huge faith in you as far as education is going to help you also down the road.

You are being too hard on yourself, as give yourself a pat on the back and remember that you are a smart, and loving soul who WILL to great.

At the age of 68, NOT being snotty ever, but after hiring so many folks through the decades, I have a gut feeling that you are a smart and likeable person that the business (work) world desperately needs.

Sending you lots of hugs, love and the knowledge that you are a wonderful spirit with so much to not only give yourself but this world who needs you.

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permanently tired

permanently tired

I know you're laughing
Nov 8, 2023
I do, my family is quite sympathetic atm after they found out I tried to kms. I'm emotionally dulled rn, I don't let myself think about my family or fear of failure or I'll start spiraling. I'm turning 19 soon, I dropped out of college but ig I feel like I still have time which is why failure isn't weighing too much on my mind. I'll ctb if I fail at becoming self sufficient in the next couple of yrs 🤷‍♀️. It's ok, I'll tell myself I tried and that will have to satisfy me.
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Aug 1, 2024
this reply has been in the back of my mind for a long time, so I'm sorry about the random late response.

for almost my entire life I've been told by almost all of my family that I'm very talented in a certain field of work and that I HAVE to work in that field or I'm basically wasting my talent. I believed them too for a long time but I've slowly realized over the 3ish years of being an adult that I am simply not cut out to work in this field. I am horrified at the prospect of admitting this to my family as they would most likely just immediately deny it. some people succeed in life even when noone expects them to/has almost no expectations or support for them, I'm the opposite. I had everything going for me, family support and high expectations, and I still managed to fuck it up.
I've been struggling super badly with community college, and my parents expect me to not only complete community college, but to transfer into a 'real' college after. If I'm fucking it up this badly with just community college how the hell am I supposed to do this in another, longer college? I feel incredibly guilty of the fact that they're paying for me to fail as well.
I've just built my entire future on being able to go to college for and get a job in this specific field and I'm realizing that I'm too stupid and worthless to succeed. I don't have any goals that I realistically believe I can achieve anymore. I know it would upset my family if I CTB and I know I'm "just" 21 but I'm only ever going to get older and I don't think they'd be that much happier if I stayed alive and failed at everything they were so confident I could do from childhood.
Now, a small part of me understands that personal success isn't everything, but I don't even have like, a good personality to at least make up for it. I somewhat recently lost a friend group entirely due to my ridiculous fucking behavior and the guilt has been eating me alive. I understand that this one is at least a "this won't matter in five years" issue, but It's been a month now and I still feel horrible, and I also feel like this is more a symptom of a larger problem into who I am as a person.

I am a coward at heart, and that is why I consider myself a failure and why I am going to kill myself.
Ok, you have no reason to believe what I'm about to tell you -- just remember I'm old. 😉

There was a time not so long ago that girls had no say in what they "became." I was raised in a family similar to yours in that my "lot in life" was not mine. It was what my parents said it was going to be. And they had it all worked out. I was gonna go to college, get my degree and come back home and take over the family business so my mom and dad could continue to suck every penny out of it until they were gone.

This was just the way it was gonna be. And I was never gonna marry or actually have a life of my own. Because I was the oldest and a girl. I was to give my life to my parents and make sure all my brothers and sisters got everything they wanted.

They would tell anyone and everyone how smart I was and how much they loved me. And looking back, I think they meant it. Or thought they did anyway.

I was your age (20, 21) and had graduated from community college (no, really) when it became apparent that my parents weren't interested in what made me happy. They were interested in what made THEM happy. Seems like you may be in that place now.

So, YOU are not the failure here. And YOU are NOT responsible for your parents' happiness -- at least to the extent that you have to let them control you the rest of your life. What did I do, you ask? Well, I dropped out of college, left all my friends behind, moved to a town I'd never lived in and had no relatives in, got 2 jobs and proceeded to find my own way.

It was not easy. And though I tried to keep a relationship with my family for several more years, that did not work out and now I do not have any family but my husband. I did finally go back to college and get a degree. And I loved the career I chose -- much more than I would have the career they chose for me.

Don't give up on yourself just yet. You are just at the beginning of our journey to adulthood. Don't let anyone take that from you. Find something that scares the shit out of you and go do it! 😁 Seriously.
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Reactions: JealousOfTheElderly, Praestat_Mori, Jon Arbuckle and 1 other person
Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
Yes- home means a place where you will stay permanently. I have lived here almost one year now and I am still getting more ideas about what to do here.
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Jul 25, 2024
yeah and im 26, i have an okay job and even then it would be extremely hard to be on my own, hoursing is awful here
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Aug 15, 2024
I'm 18 and I don't live with my parents because they are dead. When you lose them, you will realize how good it actually is to live with them
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Aug 26, 2024
33yo, i'm a hermit loser stuck in my parents house, luckily i got the master bedroom and they got the box room
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Jun 26, 2020
I'm 18 and I don't live with my parents because they are dead. When you lose them, you will realize how good it actually is to live with them
I cried reading your post, as mine kicked me out at 18, however the means we are ALL connected.

You are such a wonderful and caring soul, thank you so much for being a good friend to/for me.

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