
Feb 2, 2021
I realize I am consumed about what the narrative of me will be once I'm gone. Maybe it's because in my culture it is customary to have many memorial services. Every day after death until one week, then every week till one month, then every month till one year, and then every year for perpetuity. I feel that if I CTB it will bring too much shame for my parents during these memorial services. In my culture, suicide is frowned upon greatly. I feel that they will forever paint me as selfish, weak, and it's going to be too daunting for my parents to withstand this.

A neighbor of mine CTBed a year ago and many people in my community said he is in hell, because of the big sin he committed.

This is a big thing still keeping me alive. The narrative once I'm gone. And it's making me want to just disappear. Not CTB. But just disappear without a trace. Have them know I'm alive, but make it near impossible for them to find me. After all, it is my current surroundings that is putting me over the edge.

How many of you care what people think about you once you're gone?
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Dec 8, 2020
I realize I am consumed about what the narrative of me will be once I'm gone. Maybe it's because in my culture it is customary to have many memorial services. Every day after death until one week, then every week till one month, then every month till one year, and then every year for perpetuity. I feel that if I CTB it will bring too much shame for my parents during these memorial services. In my culture, suicide is frowned upon greatly. I feel that they will forever paint me as selfish, weak, and it's going to be too daunting for my parents to withstand this.

A neighbor of mine CTBed a year ago and many people in my community said he is in hell, because of the big sin he committed.

This is a big thing still keeping me alive. The narrative once I'm gone. And it's making me want to just disappear. Not CTB. But just disappear without a trace. Have them know I'm alive, but make it near impossible for them to find me. After all, it is my current surroundings that is putting me over the edge.

How many of you care what people think about you once you're gone?
I'm trying to be distant with everyone so they miss me less. I honestly only care what they think of my parents afterwards
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Mar 23, 2018
I'm mostly concerned about family. I think a few friends will also be devastated. I just can't stay around for them.... If I ever get the courage to end it.
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Dec 8, 2020
A neighbor of mine CTBed a year ago and many people in my community said he is in hell, because of the big sin he committed
This stood out to me. I want to point out that, if Hell does exist, they don't know for certain that he is there. And just wanna make sure I understand correctly; are they saying he's in Hell because he died by suicide? Personally, I don't think suicide is a ticket to Hell.
I feel that if I CTB it will bring too much shame for my parents during these memorial services. In my culture, suicide is frowned upon greatly. I feel that they will forever paint me as selfish, weak, and it's going to be too daunting for my parents to withstand this.
This is a difficult spot to be in. It's nice that you are concerned about your parents despite your pain. I guess this is something you have to decide for yourself: Do you want to ctb despite the possibility that your parents will be condemned? Is there a chance that you can hang on and explore other options for your life? Etc. I don't think there are any right or wrong answers to these types of questions.

As for myself... I don't care what people think of me when I'm gone. I know a lot of people will be relieved, some people will be sad. If I'm considered weak for ctb, then so be it, but I don't view suicide aa a sign of weakness (in most cases). If people say I'm selfish for ctb, oh well. Suicide is the most selfish thing a person can do imo.
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Oct 27, 2020
I'm all alone in this world so I really don't know how they react when I'm gone may b few people will b devastated...
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Mar 23, 2018
Suicide is the most selfish thing a person can do imo.
I think bringing another life form into this shitty world is the most selfish thing a person can do.
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Dec 8, 2020
I think bringing another life form into this shitty world is the most selfish thing a person can do.
Fair enough. I'm also, uh, a bit of an antinatalist. Your comment did make me think, though.
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
I care a lot. There is a nasty story about me on the internet that isn't even true, for the most part that is. It's been out there for two years now and it has ruined my life and is the reason why I want to ctb. I have hired a company to get the story removed and will pay them only if they are successful. So far, there is no progress to report. If they are successful, I will pay them, and then ctb in peace using SN. If they are not successful, then I am thinking of going to the offices of the organization that is hiring this horrible story on its website and dousing myself with gasoline and lighting myself on fire.
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May 27, 2020
It does not matter that much to me; I am a nobody - nothing special. The majority of humans on this planet do not even know of each others existence, because there are just so many of us. Not a lot of people will think any differently about me after I am gone than when I was (and still is) alive.
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Jul 23, 2020
I'll be remembered for years to come, and I am afraid I'll be badmouthed plenty. Still, that's not enough to make me even consider not attempting. Being alive the way I am makes me much more ashamed.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Could not care less. I just don't want to weaken my family as long as I can take the pain.
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Mar 22, 2020
Oh, I used to worry lots about it.
Then, I realized that I'm only worrying because I'm still alive, have a brain and consciousness. All that stuff will probably be gone when I die so, they can tell whatever they feel like about me.
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Nov 30, 2020
It's a hard one. I can't say many people will be that bothered by my death, maybe some will be upset, but no more than that. I'm not exactly likeable let alone loveable. I won't lose any sleep over it.


Sep 21, 2020
I don't care at all, and I don't mean that in a nasty way. But it is my decision and the two people who really know me will understand and wish me peace. Maybe it will give some of the pretentious people who judge and kind of "feel sorry" for me something to reflect on. Sometimes it seems others want to throw "pity" as a way to justify their self centered behavior. I don't ask for sympathy now and surely don't want it after I am gone.


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I wouldn't care, I'm dead, they can spin whatever story they want on me to make them feel better.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
The people around me will spout off whatever suits their narrative despite not knowing anything about me. They're human garbage and I could not care less what they have to say.
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Dec 11, 2018
I don't care at all what people will think about me after I'm gone.
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Dec 8, 2020
Oh, I used to worry lots about it.
Then, I realized that I'm only worrying because I'm still alive, have a brain and consciousness. All that stuff will probably be gone when I die so, they can tell whatever they feel like about me.
I'm a little worried about how they're going to feel about my family, but me? They can call me a tragedy, the can call my a satanist, they can call me a coward, I couldn't care less.
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Apr 26, 2020
No I do not care and it is fine whatever they say whoever they are, because it should probably mostly hopefully all be good stuff right up until the end, and then it will be like what the heck happened? I am sure there will be some confusion and I will not be around to care about it anymore once I am gone, and I am really just kidding because I am hoping to get to die in my sleep.
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Circling the drain
May 13, 2020
No, I'm past caring. I'm pretty much the black sheep anyway and there 12k miles away. They may be upset for a day or two but I'm sure they'll move on quickly, they always have. I'm ready for the 21st June.
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Dec 4, 2020
I couldn't care less. Or more precisely - I won't care. Cause I'll be dead. I spent a tremenduous ammount of energy throughout my life worrying about what others would say, I will treat my death as a liberation from that.
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Feb 27, 2021
The only people I really care about right now is my parents. Also I'm scared about what their families will think of them as parents (even though they never really should have been ones). I don't want to bring more shame to them. Other than that I don't care what other people will think about me ctb.
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Mar 30, 2021
I used to care because I've spent so much of my life giving people a false impression of me. Forcing myself to get ready each morning, be social, smile, anything to avoid people expressing concern or probing me with questions about mental health. So for a long time I kept thinking about the kind of impression I would leave when I die and what people would think, but now I know that it simply doesn't matter too much and it's probably best for people to know the truth about how I've felt for so long
Milly Fenn

Milly Fenn

May 5, 2019
This is why we distance ourselves from others. Hopefully life carries on as normal once we go through with ctb.


Aug 18, 2020
Another religion telling people they can't die but they have to live as slaves and be miserable while paying taxes. CTB is not a sin. It's understandable that the people you leave behind can't act like it's ok once you are gone by your own hand because of public scrutiny which is equally sick IMO. They will have to keep it inside that they might be happy you are in a better happier place. Once you go everything here will be more or less over. You will go on whatever journey there is on the other side and all the things here will not be important for you. You could make it look like an accident or something somehow.
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Mar 21, 2021
I don't care what people think while I am here let alone after I am gone.
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