Two, both were impulse and neither was planned out well as I was younger and had no idea resources like this existed. Guess this is a good enough way for a first post
First one, I had gotten into a car accident a few months prior and had about a 2 1/2 month supply of both muscle relaxers and painkillers. Was going through some major issues, and just downed all the pills within a minute or so of each other. In about ten minutes, I was shaky, and I remember laying on the floor, and that's it. Apparently someone, still don't know who, called 911 and woke up four days later at the hospital. No short term or long term consequences from it, and a little after I came too, a priest (was a religious hospital, the closest) came to talk to me and asked if I did it intentionally, told him no, I just finish playing basketball and was in pain and didn't realize how much I took (they only found one of the 3 bottles and assumed I had been taking them regularly I guess), which he believed, and I was released a few days later, no suicide watch or anything.
Second was a bit more recently but still a whiles back, and looking back, was probably one of the stupidest methods I've thought about and not sure why I thought it would work. I'd heard stories of people using Visine to kill their SOs and another of a woman dying from water intoxication to win a Wii, decided to combine the two with minimal research. I downed about five-six bottles of Visine and drank 4 gallons of water (about 15 litres for those metric folk) in about 20-30 minutes and just sat in my car, watching an episode of a show, and passed out near the end. Woke up about 16 hours later, absolutely pissed the hell out of myself (car smelt bad for weeks) and just felt no more drowsy and tired than someone who sleeps that long would. Did catch a UTI as it burned when I peed, but I'm sure that was due to me constantly pissing myself in my sleep, but that was it.
Since then, I hadn't even considered the thought of ending it until recent issues, which led me to finding this outlet, and considering it soon with either CO or HS in the car.