
Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
I just feel so bad for my parents and siblings and extended family.
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Feb 15, 2020
I'm not sure I can comfortably say that my mother or brother will ever truly get over my passing. My son probably won't give a shit, so that's something.
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Mar 14, 2021
Hey guys,

A thought has come up recently. People seem to be concerned about leaving others behind, leaving people who'd 'miss' them or otherwise notice if they were to leave. Personally, I don't recall spending more than maybe a few months missing my friend after he took his own life. I was a kid and bounced back fairly quickly, and as an adult I wonder how long it'd take someone to move on. I fully understand it's a vastly different consideration, but I often compare it to a really significant breakup. You built a life around this person and then it's gone in a single day. My whole deal is that I never dwell on it too long. The other party will move on, find someone almost immediately and live their life with no concern for anything else. So that brings me to this topic. We all have people who say they'll miss us if we go, how do they know? Why would they care? If we mattered that much, why don't they call? (For me that's easy, I ghosted them all so they wouldn't miss me)

How long do you think it'll take your partner, or friends, or even family to move on? Based on what you know about them?
Example: My mother will move on immediately, that's just who she is. My father will make it all about himself and maybe my friend will remember me. But truth be told, based on my experiences, I foresee a lot of criticism in my decision to ctb. I anticipate a few snide remarks along the lines of "Of course he'd do this, always gotta be the center of attention."

So for those comfortable enough to share, how long do you think it'll take the people in your life to mov
Hey guys,

A thought has come up recently. People seem to be concerned about leaving others behind, leaving people who'd 'miss' them or otherwise notice if they were to leave. Personally, I don't recall spending more than maybe a few months missing my friend after he took his own life. I was a kid and bounced back fairly quickly, and as an adult I wonder how long it'd take someone to move on. I fully understand it's a vastly different consideration, but I often compare it to a really significant breakup. You built a life around this person and then it's gone in a single day. My whole deal is that I never dwell on it too long. The other party will move on, find someone almost immediately and live their life with no concern for anything else. So that brings me to this topic. We all have people who say they'll miss us if we go, how do they know? Why would they care? If we mattered that much, why don't they call? (For me that's easy, I ghosted them all so they wouldn't miss me)

How long do you think it'll take your partner, or friends, or even family to move on? Based on what you know about them?
Example: My mother will move on immediately, that's just who she is. My father will make it all about himself and maybe my friend will remember me. But truth be told, based on my experiences, I foresee a lot of criticism in my decision to ctb. I anticipate a few snide remarks along the lines of "Of course he'd do this, always gotta be the center of attention."

So for those comfortable enough to share, how long do you think it'll take the people in your life to move on?
I don't care they never cared about me


Mar 27, 2021
Parents and siblings - Absolutely destroyed
Close family - Few years
2 close friends - A year
5/6 not as close friends - 2 months
Everyone else - sad for a day/week
No one's ever loved me romantically

I'd never fully know though. It's a weird thought that I will never know or see how everyone reacts but that it will still happen anyway.
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Mar 20, 2021
My brother killed himself when he was 17. I was 10 years old. My family still celebrates his birthday, and it's been 10 years.
People dont move on. Nobody forgets you. Not even the person who has treated you with the most cruelty. It leaves everybody sad, and traumatized, and even when they start to feel okay again, it never leaves them.
My mother, who found his body, is severely traumatized because of it. I know that image is never going to leave her bead. Hell, when my parents told me what happened, it traumatized *me* and I hadn't seen him in months.
Its part of the reason I'm going to ctb in a motel. I could never let my mother find the body of two of her children.
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Jan 17, 2021
I asked the person I care most about how long it would take them to move on, and they said roughly 6 months. I swing between being okay with that amount of time and it absolutely crushing me. I've seen him completely numb himself to people and cut them off in a day, so thinking that it would take him that long to move on from my death... I'm not sure.

As for family, I couldn't care about what they think. They brought me into this hellhole and made it worse, I have little sympathy. I'm not close with my brother, but I have no harsh feelings towards him. I suppose he'll be a little sad if I die, though not strongly affected. Though I do think there are a few online friends who would take a while to move on if I stopped responding one day. I can't quite bring myself to ghost anyone though.
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