- Aug 22, 2023
- 264
I don't understand why my father thinks he's always right.
Since I've been dealing with depression, my father has been giving me "homeopathic" remedies to help me recover. The problem is that he denies that I have a mental illness, and it truly annoys me because he doesn't even care about what's going on in my mind. He just thinks I have depression and it's something temporary.
The worst part of it, is that he believes he knows about medicine and what he's doing. There are times when he hates when I say that his remedies don't work, and I feel compelled to tell him that they do, even though I never take them.
His remedies consist of vitamin supplements and some homeopathic droplets (I don't remember their name). He doesn't want me to take the medications prescribed by my psychiatrist because they "harm my liver," and he believes that a good diet and supplements can cure my depression.
My father behaves as if he were a doctor. He watches YouTube videos about illnesses and thinks he knows everything. He didn't even finish high school, but people believe he's a doctor.
He doesn't want me to see my therapist and psychiatrist because "they take my money." Moreover, he doesn't believe I have ADHD and says it's just a "label."
My therapist says my father passed down his ADHD to me because it's very noticeable in his personality. He's impulsive, hyperactive, and has disorganized thoughts. However, he thinks he's a normal person, ignoring the fact that one of my older brothers has autism.
There's a point where he gives me therapy, but all he does is put me in a kind of hypnosis by saying a bunch of nonsense from fairy tales with a song titled "Powerful Music to Attract Angels" on YouTube.
I never pay attention to what he says; I just fall asleep while he talks.
He always asks me if I feel relaxed and gets upset when I say no.
What's wrong with my father?
If he cares so much about me, why does he have to manipulate me into always saying "yes" to everything?
Why can't he accept that I have a problem in my mind?
This doesn't just happen to me; it happens to my family as well.
He's a manipulator and has always suggested that I learn "manipulation techniques" because he believes that's how I'll be successful.
I know he had a difficult childhood and adolescence. My grandfather was a complete idiot and brainwashed my father. He never let him be what he wanted to be. But why can't he leave me alone?
He cares about money. He thinks money is very important in life, even though ironically he hates capitalism because he didn't achieve what he wanted (to become a millionaire).
He believes that being old (over 65 years) means he knows everything due to experience, but he only has the mindset of a boomer who lived in extreme poverty, where it seems that the enemy is capitalism and the US.
I will never understand him, and sometimes it's because of him that I'm away from home. I can't stand living with someone who manipulates everyone, thinking he's always right. Someone who forces me to be in his world, a world where he's the wise one and we are his disciples...
Since I've been dealing with depression, my father has been giving me "homeopathic" remedies to help me recover. The problem is that he denies that I have a mental illness, and it truly annoys me because he doesn't even care about what's going on in my mind. He just thinks I have depression and it's something temporary.
The worst part of it, is that he believes he knows about medicine and what he's doing. There are times when he hates when I say that his remedies don't work, and I feel compelled to tell him that they do, even though I never take them.
His remedies consist of vitamin supplements and some homeopathic droplets (I don't remember their name). He doesn't want me to take the medications prescribed by my psychiatrist because they "harm my liver," and he believes that a good diet and supplements can cure my depression.
My father behaves as if he were a doctor. He watches YouTube videos about illnesses and thinks he knows everything. He didn't even finish high school, but people believe he's a doctor.
He doesn't want me to see my therapist and psychiatrist because "they take my money." Moreover, he doesn't believe I have ADHD and says it's just a "label."
My therapist says my father passed down his ADHD to me because it's very noticeable in his personality. He's impulsive, hyperactive, and has disorganized thoughts. However, he thinks he's a normal person, ignoring the fact that one of my older brothers has autism.
There's a point where he gives me therapy, but all he does is put me in a kind of hypnosis by saying a bunch of nonsense from fairy tales with a song titled "Powerful Music to Attract Angels" on YouTube.
He says something like:
"You're going to close your eyes and imagine a very large garden... You're going to imagine when you were in your mother's womb, when you were a bean... We're going to talk to Archangel Michael to rid us of our negative thoughts... And blah blah blah..."
"You're going to close your eyes and imagine a very large garden... You're going to imagine when you were in your mother's womb, when you were a bean... We're going to talk to Archangel Michael to rid us of our negative thoughts... And blah blah blah..."
He always asks me if I feel relaxed and gets upset when I say no.
What's wrong with my father?
If he cares so much about me, why does he have to manipulate me into always saying "yes" to everything?
Why can't he accept that I have a problem in my mind?
This doesn't just happen to me; it happens to my family as well.
He's a manipulator and has always suggested that I learn "manipulation techniques" because he believes that's how I'll be successful.
I know he had a difficult childhood and adolescence. My grandfather was a complete idiot and brainwashed my father. He never let him be what he wanted to be. But why can't he leave me alone?
He cares about money. He thinks money is very important in life, even though ironically he hates capitalism because he didn't achieve what he wanted (to become a millionaire).
He believes that being old (over 65 years) means he knows everything due to experience, but he only has the mindset of a boomer who lived in extreme poverty, where it seems that the enemy is capitalism and the US.
I will never understand him, and sometimes it's because of him that I'm away from home. I can't stand living with someone who manipulates everyone, thinking he's always right. Someone who forces me to be in his world, a world where he's the wise one and we are his disciples...