Feb 18, 2022
Back in high school, had to do some tests for getting extra time in school. The first time it was administered, I got 129 and the second time I got 130, so it seemed reliable. Anyways, pattern recognition tests on the internet aren't going to give you an accurate score because they test much more than that. Also, people misunderstand what they're intended to test in the first place. IQ tests are very predictive of how well you'll do in school, but not much else.
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Deleted member 847

Back in high school, had to do some tests for getting extra time in school. The first time it was administered, I got 129 and the second time I got 130, so it seemed reliable. Anyways, pattern recognition tests on the internet aren't going to give you an accurate score because they test much more than that. Also, people misunderstand what they're intended to test in the first place. IQ tests are very predictive of how well you'll do in school, but not much else.
Intelligence is all about recognizing patterns
It's just about being able to understand the causes that lead to the effect you're dissecting, or the effect you're trying to create
Everything your brain does has a cause
Even emotions are there to inform you
of what's happening to you and in your environment
What else would there be to test? Memory
Memory just means remembering patterns,
but it's not intelligence itself, which is the ability to use logic/math
Everything in the universe is just causes and effects

You have an IQ of 130 and you don't understand that intelligence is all about solving problems, understanding the causes of things?

I would never do an IQ test that tells me to memorise things,
waste of time

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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
180+(capped) a long while back. If anyone can find a reliable and semi-official online test that doesn't max out at 145 please link it for me, all of the online ones I tried cap at 145. I definitely still feel like all the PTSD and health problems and problems with my family etc have made me dumber than I should be, and feel like I've been getting dumber for years. I probably don't think fast or accurately enough now to score 145 on anything except an online test anyway.

I think its just a number anyway, I was just good at maths, word logic and patterns which is all it really measures. If you get all the questions right it just says you have 140-145 or so.
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Deleted member 847

180+(capped) a long while back. If anyone can find a reliable and semi-official online test that doesn't max out at 145 please link it for me, all of the online ones I tried cap at 145. I definitely still feel like all the PTSD and health problems and problems with my family etc have made me dumber than I should be, and feel like I've been getting dumber for years. I probably don't think fast or accurately enough now to score 145 on anything except an online test anyway.

I think its just a number anyway, I was just good at maths, word logic and patterns which is all it really measures. If you get all the questions right it just says you have 140-145 or so.
What else is there to measure?
How good you are visualizing red apples with your eyes closed?
How good of a singer or soccer player you are?

You can probably teach yourself anything
What the hell are you even doing on this forum
You have so much potential as a person
Go and become a brain surgeon
or unify general relativity and quantum mechanics

Don't waste that precious brain power on this forum

Being good at math (and physics) means you're good at everything
the atomic bomb wasn't made by a singer
the computer you're using wasn't made by a singer either
your fridge wasn't made by a singer, it was made by people like you
the car, the lightbulb
and so on and so forth...

I wish I had your brain girl

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Dec 27, 2021
I never found out because I forgot the password to the account because "I don't need to write it down, I made the password so obvious that I could never ever possibly forget it. Smart right?"- Me to concerned teacher.

Did the same thing to the recovery email as well.
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Jun 19, 2022
We don't really do IQ tests over here but if I had to guess-probably wayy bottom of average or below...those shape and pattern and rotation things on IQ tests are something I'm particularly bad at. I'm very slow and can't follow instructions. I remember one time in school we got taught origami-I was like 16 so not a kid, and I lost my place and couldn't follow it and didn't finish it. All the other students did no problem. Just another reason to CTB. No intelligence, no coping skills, no skills generally, incompetent. Complete failure. Seems like everyone else is a genius.


May 1, 2020
never had a legit test but i got 130 on some online shit once so that's probably a good sign
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
We don't really do IQ tests over here but if I had to guess-probably wayy bottom of average or below...those shape and pattern and rotation things on IQ tests are something I'm particularly bad at. I'm very slow and can't follow instructions. I remember one time in school we got taught origami-I was like 16 so not a kid, and I lost my place and couldn't follow it and didn't finish it. All the other students did no problem. Just another reason to CTB. No intelligence, no coping skills, no skills generally, incompetent. Complete failure. Seems like everyone else is a genius.

This has always happened to me. I can neither keep up with others nor understand things as easily as other people find them very simple.
and yet I'm around 130...and unable to go to University and get a degree.

A good IQ test allows you to know how you reason, what are your strengths, your difficulties... sometimes it is very important to treat patients with mental disorders and various comorbidities.

I don't feel intelligent, but from what you can see I am even if I don't have this to live better.


Això m'ha pasat a mi sempre. No puc ni seguir el ritme dels altres ni entendre amb la mateixa facilitat les coses que a d'altres persones els hi resulta molt senzill..
i tot i així estic al voltant dels 130... i sóc incapaç d'anar a la Universitat i obtenir un títol.

Una bona prova d'IQ permet saber com enraones, quins són els teus punts forts, les teves dificultats... de vegades es molt important per tractar pacients amb trastorns mentals i diverses comorbilitats.

Jo no em sento inteligent, però pel que es veu ho sóc encara que no disposi d'aquesta per a viure millor.
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Jun 19, 2022
@Dead Ghost I just completed one of those online tests and got around 107-pretty much average, at least I'm not below average! 130 is awesome-that is an achievement! I know what you mean, I started questioning my intelligence because I could get good grades at the end of the year but not understand in class. I usually have some sort of meltdown when I don't understand something as well and lots of crying! It's pathetic but it's how I deal with things (in private). Maybe I just need to work on my critical thinking skills. I'm doing some studying right now but it just upsets me more when I don't understand it.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
@Dead Ghost I just completed one of those online tests and got around 107-pretty much average, at least I'm not below average! 130 is awesome-that is an achievement! I know what you mean, I started questioning my intelligence because I could get good grades at the end of the year but not understand in class. I usually have some sort of meltdown when I don't understand something as well and lots of crying! It's pathetic but it's how I deal with things (in private). Maybe I just need to work on my critical thinking skills. I'm doing some studying right now but it just upsets me more when I don't understand it.
Maybe it would be better if you asked for a test done by qualified people. For me, the tests were done by psychologists, the ones that are online usually don't take many aspects of your personality into account and sometimes they erroneously score lower.


Potser fora bó que demanessis un test fet per gent qualificada. A mi els tests me'ls han fet psicòlegs, els que són en línia no solen tenir en compte molts aspectes de la teva manera de ser i de vegades puntuen mes baix de forma errònia.
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Aug 7, 2022
I used to believe that a higher intelligence would make me a more likable person, because when being successful and having all kinds of degrees one has more friends and is loved.... what an illusion. also one thing is the intelligence messured by an IQ test a nother is social intelligence. I ve met smart people with university degrees who were such arseholes characterwise and also they were only experts in their field(unable to think for themselves). some people also will never understand what is really happening on our planet with us humans and why it doesnt work for us. a big reason is because they were so occupied learning and repeating everything the system has thought them was so important to know. you can take as much pills as you want, look as pretty as you want and get as much degrees as you want. this will not give you love and safety, wich is what humans REALLY need ! be kind and empathic, share love and care. this is what I believe counts most :) hugs to everyone :)
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Everything's gonna be OK
Aug 28, 2020
We don't really do IQ tests over here but if I had to guess-probably wayy bottom of average or below...those shape and pattern and rotation things on IQ tests are something I'm particularly bad at. I'm very slow and can't follow instructions. I remember one time in school we got taught origami-I was like 16 so not a kid, and I lost my place and couldn't follow it and didn't finish it. All the other students did no problem. Just another reason to CTB. No intelligence, no coping skills, no skills generally, incompetent. Complete failure. Seems like everyone else is a genius.
I have a higher than average IQ. I was always bad at those things and I'd make up my own instructions. It doesn't mean failure. It simply means you do things differently.
If you had a low IQ and you were dumb, you'd be complacent and accept your lot in life. There's a high correlation between people with average to higher than average IQs and suicide. Animals don't suicide. Neither do retards.
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Whoa Whoa Yeah Yeah

Jul 7, 2020
My school scored me at 148 as a teenager, but that was many moons ago. I think it's mostly a load of irrelevant horseshit; I've certainly never acheieved anything that would typically be expected of someone with such a score.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
128 from tests done according to neuropsychologists who made me do the Mensa test a couple times, same result both times.


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
My school scored me at 148 as a teenager, but that was many moons ago. I think it's mostly a load of irrelevant horseshit; I've certainly never acheieved anything that would typically be expected of someone with such a score.
Intelligence is overrated for achievement AFAIK. Socioeconomic, personality, and plain ol' luck are more important, IMO.

There is also the problem of getting bored with topics too quickly, though personality also factors into that.

As I said before, I scored 145 on a test my school gave me. I think that number may be wrong, but it's in-line with my academic accomplishments. Though I don't take pride in my intelligence anymore, I am grateful for it. My career change will probably be easier than it is for most other people because of the subjects I have to study.


Nov 16, 2021
IQ just tells how fast you learn new things, nothing more. Doing IQ tests is a good way to measure your brain's power though, and I would recommend to take it yearly if you want to know if your brain is deteriorating, e.g I got and 130 before I got depressed, after a year or two of depression my IQ has fallen down to 110. It clearly tells what depression does to your brain. I just have to hope that my brain will bounce back since I'm still young.

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