
Aug 18, 2020
Honestly I don't even like the question. I have met some people in my life who were very obsessed by IQ (tests). They really worshipped it. And instead of educating themselves or spending the time in a useful way they started being obsessed with IQ. I have met some people who were not into career. I know a guy who is unemployed and more or less gave up (he has no problem with poverty) and in order to get approval that he is smart he reads so much about IQ.

I think it is a way for him to get self-esteem. Usually people try to achieve something with their career/ or contribute something to improve the world. But the people I have met were too lazy for that. There is nothing bad with being lazy. But they kind of substituted something meaningful with something self-serving. They could contribute something positive to this world. And instead they are stuck in this race to prove yourself that they are smart. I have the feeling this guy who I think about has encapsulated himself from the real world. I think he is in his filter bubble. Only reads sources which confirm his world view. He kind of radicalised.

He is into psychiatrists from centuries ago. And he believes in theories which were falsified decades ago. His world view is really weird.

There is another reason why I don't like IQ tests. You can train for them as far as I know. And I think it is kind of useless to train for IQ tests. Because basically most people who do that just like to brag in front of other people with their high IQ. And this behavior feels kind of needy for me. Like the whole obsession with IQ is a little bit self-absorbing. And it is kind of ironic that exactly I say that. I think I am quite self-absorbed.

Though maybe I am only scared to get a low result. Maybe this is one reason why I don't like these tests. I think I have not done one since years. And I cannot remember the results if I ever done one. I have made some cognitive tests for studies though. For people with psychosis I am above average.

Yeah maybe I just ruin with this take some people's way to spend their time. But it is just my opinion. I can also be wrong about that. I am not an expert concerning IQ (tests). But I get bored when people cannot think of anything else.

It is kind of weird to ask you the question of the title. Due to the fact I criticize the whole concept and the way it gets measured. Because in order to answer the question you must have done one.
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Who knows, who cares
Apr 7, 2022
I took the Mensa tests with a proctor and I am in the 99.7th percentile. The problem is that I have PTSD and am broken emotionally, and it's our emotions that "drive the bus." So I've been useless. Maybe with a little less violent abuse I mighta come to something. Also a correlation has been found between higher IQs and mental illness. I have never obsessed about my IQ or bragged about it because I have nothing to show for it. It's a nothingburger, like you say, unless you do something with it. I used mine to figure out how to survive and become a master dissociator. Unmarketable skills.
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Aug 18, 2020
I took the Mensa tests with a proctor and I am in the 99.7th percentile. The problem is that I have PTSD and am broken emotionally, and it's our emotions that "drive the bus." So I've been useless. Maybe with a little less violent abuse I mighta come to something. Also a correlation has been found between higher IQs and mental illness. I have never obsessed about my IQ or bragged about it because I have nothing to show for it. It's a nothingburger, like you say, unless you do something with it. I used mine to figure out how to survive and become a master dissociator. Unmarketable skills.
Yeah with my thread I don't want to blame people. It is okay just to live without having a job. Mentall illness and other conditions can be pretty crippling. I have a lot of experiences with it.

I also often feel like my intelligence was wasted. My goal is to contribute to something meaningful even though my contribution is very small. Not always a job is needed for doing that.

The dude I am thinking about believes in eugenics (for humans). And I don't need to be a professor for telling you this is not a smart idea. He thinks especially people with high IQ should procreate.(maybe only them). Because IQ was the most important trait. Crazy ass bullshit.
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Jul 8, 2018
Guys, do any of you have a link to some free online test that doesn't say you're a genius, and is somewhat reliable?
I would like to take the Mensa one but I'm broke as hell. Would be cool to do one for free..
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Rabbits on the Moon
Dec 3, 2020
Long ago my parents took me to do it and, if I remember correctly, I got 123 haha one two three, I think that's above average. As you can see, it hasn't helped me at all and even I wonder if there was a mistake.
Guys, do any of you have a link to some free online test that doesn't say you're a genius, and is somewhat reliable?
I would like to take the Mensa one but I'm broke as hell. Would be cool to do one for free..
I think MENSA had an official one online but I don't know, most of them on the internet are somewhat deficient, they are useful if you want to have an idea but normally you will get a higher or lower result than it should.
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Who knows, who cares
Apr 7, 2022
Yeah with my thread I don't want to blame people. It is okay just to live without having a job. Mentall illness and other conditions can be pretty crippling. I have a lot of experiences with it.

I also often feel like my intelligence was wasted. My goal is to contribute to something meaningful even though my contribution is very low. Not always a job is needed for doing that.

The dude I am thinking about believes in eugenics (for humans). And I don't need to be a professor for telling you this is not a smart idea. He thinks especially people with high IQ should procreate.(maybe only them). Because IQ was the most important trait. Crazy ass bullshit.
Same here, intelligence wasted. I remember reading that people who have average IQs, but who have been raised right and are strong emotionally, got a lot of support, are the most successful people. I have made some contributions to the world but they are laughable compared to what I could have contributed. One of my joys is synthesizing information from different sources into new ideas. Not so much anymore, though. Tired.

That eugenics bullshit would result in a nonfunctioning world. I don't know why someone smart would even think that. The truth is that we need all kinds of people in order for a society to thrive. Somebody has to pick up the trash, clean the hotel rooms, and make your burger. Having everybody be some ivory tower freak spending all day thinking deep thoughts and solving math problems isn't going to cut it. We need to recognize workers as valuable and necessary and their professions should be seen as honorable. So if anything I propose whatever the opposite of eugenics is...recognizing that everyone has the potential to be valuable in their own specific way.
Long ago my parents took me to do it and, if I remember correctly, I got 123 haha one two three, I think that's above average. As you can see, it hasn't helped me at all and even I wonder if there was a mistake.

I think MENSA had an official one online but I don't know, most of them on the internet are somewhat deficient, they are useful if you want to have an idea but normally you will get a higher or lower result than it should.
Yeah, I think Mensa has some kind of pre-exam to give you some kind of idea if you should pursue the "real" tests. Getting the Mensa stamp of approval opens the door to higher IQ societies.
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Lone Wanderer

Jul 28, 2022
I know my IQ is below average. 🤷‍♀️
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
115. I'm smart enough to program but recursive functions make my brain overheat.
He is into psychiatrists from centuries ago. And he believes in theories which were falsified décadas ago. His world view is really weird.
I have a feeling that what you think is falsified and overcome might just be realities which the social engineers want the populace to believe are absurd theories from the past.

What does he believe in?

And why should I for example, want to contribute to a society that I despise or that hates my values? I'm currently employed and I do It for my self esteem, pass time and acquire money, if it was on me I'd contribute to the COLLAPSE of society instead. Many things need to die before something better is built, if that's even possible.
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Mar 28, 2022
I had to take one while I was being diagnosed with autism and scored 101. As I've always been told I'm highly intelligent by teachers, psychiatrists, and pretty much everyone around me I got quite the inferiority complex with a dash of impostor syndrome from that score. I suppose it doesn't matter in the end, but still, doesn't exactly improve my confidence.
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Jun 28, 2022
Never taken a test, probably below average at best.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
145 according to a short test I took in school. I doubt the number, but I did get into a PhD program and test very well on the vast majority of standardized tests. My scores tend to be very lopsided though with verbal being dominant over mathematical and spatial skills.

That discrepancy is not unusual from what I know of IQ tests, but it is annoying. The factors tend to be less correlated at the ends of the distribution. I met a Harvard researcher with an IQ I suspect to near 160. He was good with both and could make experts in their fields look like idiots.
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Message In A Bottle

Message In A Bottle

đź“ś Just me, myself, and I
Apr 1, 2022
Not high enough
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Jul 14, 2022
I completely agree with the people being obsessed with IQ thing you wrote about.
i believe some people are so absorbed with IQ it actually makes them dumber.

as for my IQ… i don't understand IQ tests at all. I never paid attention to any form of education when i was younger so while i'm pretty sure the little blocks of grey and white they show you on online IQ tests is something everyone learned in school and makes sense to them i have no clue what i'm supposed to do so i pressed random buttons and got 84 IQ according to the online test. In actuality I believe it's somewhere closer to 32 or 24. I am very dumb and only understand biology, psychology, and corpses. That's it. Being an autopsy mortician (forgive me, i'm not sure the term for it in English but by "autopsy mortician" i mean a mortician that doesn't work in the funeral palor part of the job) doesn't require you to know much.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I have been tested several times in my life, but I don't know if they are of any use to me.
When I was little they told me I was retarded (but testing someone who takes 'Luminaletas' -phenobarbital- is not very wise).
When I was 26 years old they made me take another test and when they saw that I was over 130 they told me that I was gifted (and at home they laughed in my face... my mother specifically).

Then to enter the MENSA I did another test (a ridiculous test that has nothing to do with the one they use in hospitals) and I did not pass it. It must be said that they put me in a room on a big table with other people and with little light... precisely me, who has social phobia, vertigo with little light and I see quite bad in dimly lit rooms... it was a big nonsense, especially when they asked a test question and people answered immediately while my eyes were still focusing on the drawing... I console myself thinking that Daredevil would not have passed it either... mmmh, can blind people be members of MENSA or be gifted?

I had another test done, at a center to diagnose me with Asperger's, and I came out between 125 and 130.

The truth is that it goes up or down as they please and it is of no use to me. Hospitals only use it to evaluate if you have impaired cognitive abilities and to what degree, nothing else. It is outside the healthcare environment that they use it as a measure of certain academic skills or job performance when it was not designed for that purpose.

Me n'han fet diversos al llarg de la meva vida, però no se jo si em serveixen de res.
Quan era petit em deien que era endarrerit (però fer tests a algú que pren 'Luminaletas' -fenobarbital- no es pas molt assenyat).
Quan tenĂ­a 26 anys em fan fer una altre prova i quan van veure que pasaba de 130 em van dir que era superdotat (i a casa s'em van fotre de riure a la cara... ma mare concretament).

Després per ingresar al MENSA vaig fer un altre test (un ridícul test que res a veure té amb el que fan servir als hospitals) i no el vaig pasar. Val a dir que em van posar en una habitació en una gran taula amb d'altres persones i amb poca llum... precisament a mi, que tinc fóbia social, vértigens amb poca llum i veig força malament en estances poc iluminades... va ser un gran disbarat, sobretot quan van fer una pregunta de prova i la gent va respondre de seguida mentre els meus ulls encara estaven enfocant el dibuix... em consola pensar que Daredevil tampoc l'hagués passat... mmmh, poden els cecs ser membres de MENSA o ser superdotats?

Em van fer una altre test, en un centre per diagnosticar-me l'Asperger, i em vaig quedar entre 125 i 130.

La veritat es que això puja o baixa com li don la gana i a mi no em serveix pas de res. Els hospitals només el fan servir per evaluar si tens les capacitats cognitives afectades i en quin grau, per a res mes. Es fora de l'entorn sanitari que el fan servir com a mesura de certes aptituds académiques o de rendiment laboral, quan no ha estat dissenyat per això.
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Kind enby

Kind enby

Aug 2, 2022
110, wich feels painfully low but I was stoned when I had the test lmao I didn't even heard an instruction well and did very poorly so who knows.
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Dec 15, 2021
Honestly I don't even like the question. I have met some people in my life who were very obsessed by IQ (tests). They really worshipped it. And instead of educating themselves or spending the time in a useful way they started being obsessed with IQ. I have met some people who were not into career. I know a guy who is unemployed and more or less gave up (he has no problem with poverty) and in order to get approval that he is smart he reads so much about IQ.

I think it is a way for him to get self-esteem. Usually people try to achieve something with their career/ or contribute something to improve the world. But the people I have met were too lazy for that. There is nothing bad with being lazy. But they kind of substituted something meaningful with something self-serving. They could contribute something positive to this world. And instead they are stuck in this race to prove yourself that they are smart. I have the feeling this guy who I think about has encapsulated himself from the real world. I think he is in his filter bubble. Only reads sources which confirm his world view. He kind of radicalised.

He is into psychiatrists from centuries ago. And he believes in theories which were falsified decades ago. His world view is really weird.

There is another reason why I don't like IQ tests. You can train for them as far as I know. And I think it is kind of useless to train for IQ tests. Because basically most people who do that just like to brag in front of other people with their high IQ. And this behavior feels kind of needy for me. Like the whole obsession with IQ is a little bit self-absorbing. And it is kind of ironic that exactly I say that. I think I am quite self-absorbed.

Though maybe I am only scared to get a low result. Maybe this is one reason why I don't like these tests. I think I have not done one since years. And I cannot remember the results if I ever done one. I have made some cognitive tests for studies though. For people with psychosis I am above average.

Yeah maybe I just ruin with this take some people's way to spend their time. But it is just my opinion. I can also be wrong about that. I am not an expert concerning IQ (tests). But I get bored when people cannot think of anything else.

It is kind of weird to ask you the question of the title. Due to the fact I criticize the whole concept and the way it gets measured. Because in order to answer the question you must have done one.

I also criticize the whole concept of IQ, since humans can only understand what we already know, basically, which means that so-called high-IQ people only understand what's within our known limits. The whole concept lacks any kind of self-reflection, I believe.

For example, if we take an ant for example - if we teach it some basic Algebra and how to use a computer, it may think that it's extremely intelligent, when in actuality, it's still just an ant which doesn't know anything else.

If there were legitimate geniuses walking on this round globe, I'm not exactly sure how they would act. I'm afraid, though, that they would end their lives quickly after realizing how utterly useless our society is, and how self-centered so-called intellectuals are, and how completetely useless we are in the grand scheme of things.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I completely agree with the people being obsessed with IQ thing you wrote about.
i believe some people are so absorbed with IQ it actually makes them dumber.

as for my IQ… i don't understand IQ tests at all. I never paid attention to any form of education when i was younger so while i'm pretty sure the little blocks of grey and white they show you on online IQ tests is something everyone learned in school and makes sense to them i have no clue what i'm supposed to do so i pressed random buttons and got 84 IQ according to the online test. In actuality I believe it's somewhere closer to 32 or 24. I am very dumb and only understand biology, psychology, and corpses. That's it. Being an autopsy mortician (forgive me, i'm not sure the term for it in English but by "autopsy mortician" i mean a mortician that doesn't work in the funeral palor part of the job) doesn't require you to know much.
24 IQ is that of a squirrel, lol. You really put yourself down, Mr Mortician.
I also criticize the whole concept of IQ, since humans can only understand what we already know, basically, which means that so-called high-IQ people only understand what's within our known limits. The whole concept lacks any kind of self-reflection, I believe.

For example, if we take an ant for example - if we teach it some basic Algebra and how to use a computer, it may think that it's extremely intelligent, when in actuality, it's still just an ant which doesn't know anything else.

If there were legitimate geniuses walking on this round globe, I'm not exactly sure how they would act. I'm afraid, though, that they would end their lives quickly after realizing how utterly useless our society is, and how self-centered so-called intellectuals are, and how completetely useless we are in the grand scheme of things.
IQ tests use pattern recognition and other skills that shouldn't be too affected by what you know. But they probably are, it's not easy to gauge intelligence objectively.
110, wich feels painfully low but I was stoned when I had the test lmao I didn't even heard an instruction well and did very poorly so who knows.
90 is low, 110 is above average.
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Jun 14, 2019
Probably 100, enough to get me by right there in the middle.
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May 21, 2022
not low enough to avoid painful self-awareness
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I remember that the last test they gave me was based on the WAIS-IV, in case it helps anyone:

They update them from time to time and you can't get more than one every four years (I think, I'm not sure) to be valid.

In the game 'The Fate Of Atlantis', at the end of it there was an IQ rating according to the skill of the player, I got 164 or 167, I don't remember it well. It obviously made me laugh, since Monkey Island took me a lot longer to finish than this one, haha... 🤔maybe graphic adventure players are geniuses?

Recordo que l'Ăşltim test que em van fer va estar basat en el WAIS-IV, per si a algĂş li serveix:

Els van actualitzant de tant en tan i no t'en poder fer més d'un cada cuatre anys (em sembla, no n'estic segur) per tenir validesa.

En el joc 'The Fate Of Atlantis', al acabarlo sortia una valoració de IQ segons la destresa del jugador, em va sortir 164 o 167, no ho recordo bé. Evidentement em va fer grácia, ja que Monkey Island em va costar molt més d'acabar que aquest, jaja.... potser els jugadors de les aventures gráfiques són genis?

* It is localized in Spanish:
And it's very expensive...

https://www.pearsonclinical.es/mwdownloads/download/link/id/890/ <-- Localized in Spanish
http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/bitstr...ligencia de Wechsler para adultos-WAIS-IV.pdf <-- In Spanish
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Fourty 3
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Aug 18, 2020
115. I'm smart enough to program but recursive functions make my brain overheat.

I have a feeling that what you think is falsified and overcome might just be realities which the social engineers want the populace to believe are absurd theories from the past.

What does he believe in?

And why should I for example, want to contribute to a society that I despise or that hates my values? I'm currently employed and I do It for my self esteem, pass time and acquire money, if it was on me I'd contribute to the COLLAPSE of society instead. Many things need to die before something better is built, if that's even possible.
Okay you asked what he believes in. I think he is into a lot of theories from Freud. But not sure. He is kind of inconsistent.
I think he once said that women don't deserve human rights. I think a guy who lived centuries ago gave him this idea.

Of course it is absolutely idiotic. But the far more shocking thing is: the dude had 2 girlfriends at the same time. I ask myself why women approve such a behavior. He says he treats women nicely. But honestly denying them human rights is not really nice.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Okay you asked what he believes in. I think he is into a lot of theories from Freud. But not sure. He is kind of inconsistent.
I think he once said that women don't deserve human rights. I think a guy who lived centuries ago gave him this idea.

Of course it is absolutely idiotic. But the far more shocking thing is: the dude had 2 girlfriends at the same time. I ask myself why women approve such a behavior. He says he treats women nicely. But honestly denying them human rights is not really nice.
Huh? Is your friend Andrew Anglin? Hahaha.

Yeah, women tend to put things in a scale and surprisingly being a dick or even misogynistic sometimes doesn't weight more than your charms. Well, they even fall in love with serial killers sometimes.
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Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
I have fridge temperature IQ .
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Atari hazure?
Jul 24, 2022
does it matter?
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Everything's gonna be OK
Aug 28, 2020
does it matter?
Yes, there is a higher propensity of people with high IQs committing suicide versus people with lower IQs who generally tend to be less aware.
I doubt anyone posting here has an IQ of less than 100.
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Deleted member 847

I've done a few online tests
I usually get
100 in most of them
Most of these online tests were just puzzles
they show you an image like this
◇◇◇ ?

And you have to choose an answer
(here I would choose another â—‡)

I think my IQ is the same as my penis,

I'll never be a mathematician but who cares
Yes, there is a higher propensity of people with high IQs committing suicide versus people with lower IQs who generally tend to be less aware.
I doubt anyone posting here has an IQ of less than 100.
IQ is just how good you are at math/solving logical problems (in a limited amount of time)

What does it have to do with people hating their life and wanting to end it?
Obviously if you're a chimp or a 2 year old you won't be thinking about suicide, but other than that I think everyone can make sense out of suicide
does it matter?
people that say it doesn't are just
sore losers of the genetic lottery
I would never be able to compete with someone
that has the IQ of a genius
Look at your brain as a computer
your cpu can be a pentium 3
or it can be a corei7
I also criticize the whole concept of IQ, since humans can only understand what we already know, basically, which means that so-called high-IQ people only understand what's within our known limits. The whole concept lacks any kind of self-reflection, I believe.

For example, if we take an ant for example - if we teach it some basic Algebra and how to use a computer, it may think that it's extremely intelligent, when in actuality, it's still just an ant which doesn't know anything else.

If there were legitimate geniuses walking on this round globe, I'm not exactly sure how they would act. I'm afraid, though, that they would end their lives quickly after realizing how utterly useless our society is, and how self-centered so-called intellectuals are, and how completetely useless we are in the grand scheme of things.
IQ measures how fast you are at working with ideas
When you look at a dirty room that you have to clean, and you have all of these ideas in your mind on how to go about cleaning it, thaf's your IQ

It measures how fast you are at solving problems. Problems that emerge in the present. That's why these puzzles have a time limit.

It doesn't measure your knowledge or wisdom

There were people with 150+ IQ in the middle ages and they never had the idea of how to make or use a computer.
Their brains had to work with the knowledge that was available back then

But of course they did have the potential to invent the computer, it just didn't happen
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Oct 19, 2021
My IQ was considered to be high according to tests, but this was so misleading and inaccurate. My IQ for what they test was in the top 1%, but this is based on knowledge of math and english and was no real measure of intelligence. My social IQ was very low, and this was much more important, because of my horrible things were at home- definitely lower 10% and probably lower 1%. I didn't know how to introduce myself, I didn't know eye contact was normel, and many other things- due to so much abuse and not getting normal socialization at home. My social IQ now is likely in the average range, with some stronger areas and some weaker areas, but I learned certain social things too late to get my life on track. Social IQ and social skills should be taught in school from the beginning, these skills are way more important than all the other school subjects combined. Some areas here woulod be controversial and should just be kept away from- how to introduce yourself, how to carry on a conversation, how to make friends, how to tell real friends from falsse frieneds- these things are so important. The last one would start to get controversial, but people need to know about this. If you look at Da;le Carnegie's How to Win Frineds and INfluence People there are a lot of good tips here for how to connect with nice people, but there really isn'y anything here for how t9o deal with mean and manipulative people.
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Deleted member 847

My IQ was considered to be high according to tests, but this was so misleading and inaccurate. My IQ for what they test was in the top 1%, but this is based on knowledge of math and english and was no real measure of intelligence. My social IQ was very low, and this was much more important, because of my horrible things were at home- definitely lower 10% and probably lower 1%. I didn't know how to introduce myself, I didn't know eye contact was normel, and many other things- due to so much abuse and not getting normal socialization at home. My social IQ now is likely in the average range, with some stronger areas and some weaker areas, but I learned certain social things too late to get my life on track. Social IQ and social skills should be taught in school from the beginning, these skills are way more important than all the other school subjects combined. Some areas here woulod be controversial and should just be kept away from- how to introduce yourself, how to carry on a conversation, how to make friends, how to tell real friends from falsse frieneds- these things are so important. The last one would start to get controversial, but people need to know about this. If you look at Da;le Carnegie's How to Win Frineds and INfluence People there are a lot of good tips here for how to connect with nice people, but there really isn'y anything here for how t9o deal with mean and manipulative people.
Social IQ and all of that I think is related to the hardware of your brain.
People that have autism are probably missing the brain areas that you need to be able to even develop social skills (by interacting with people) in the first place. It's a biological problem, just like those people that don't recognize faces or that have a stammer (speaking with pauses between words).
I can understand people, I'm just afraid of them (I have social anxiety), so I act the opposite of what I'm supposed to act sometimes.
You would think that I'm stupid or mean if you met me in real space, but it's only because I have inhibitions. I can intellectualy understand what I'm supposed to do, but I struggle to actually do it. If you have autism you can't even intellectualy understand, and thqt's not your problem. It's just that your brain is wired differently. No amount of books or experiences/wisdom
will help you.
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