
Aug 18, 2020
Because many people want to bring this forum down. I just want to emphasize how this forum helps me. I really like the social connections. This helps me to deal with loneliness and depression a lot. Moreover the knowledge that there is a peaceful way to end my life if things get worse again helps me. I can share my suicidal thoughts without being shamed. I have other people who deal with suicidality and depression too who understand me. I hate the stigmatization of suicidal people in our society and on other websites.
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
its saved my life, but now I sit and question if that's a good thing or not :pfff: :pfff:
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Makes it easy to go joker-mode and not ruminate on how shitty my life is. The people here are very easy to talk to and for the most part not overly sensitive. I didn't know about partial before coming on here, and it looks like that's what I'm using to attempt suicide (with emphasis on "attempt" since it is partial, after all).
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My wings were cut and now I can fly no more!
Oct 3, 2020
SS has made me less suicidal for some reason
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Nov 27, 2019
This is the only place where I can share my depressed/suicidal thoughts and feelings where people just understand.

That brings a lot of comfort, especially when I'm in crisis mode. It helps me get through those moments.

Everywhere else, and with anyone else, I have to hold back. Because I'm either bothering them with my negativity, they try and help/cheer me up (which is always counterproductive), people get worried and refer to professional help/call crisis services. There is never a place where I can just be. Except here.
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Nov 4, 2019
It's saved my life too. I can say without exaggeration that I would have been dead now if I hadn't find this place. It's so liberating to speak freely about suicide and death and reassuring to know that you're not alone.
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Feb 8, 2021
It's made me feel a bit better. People here understand and are supportive. Also it's kinda reassuring knowing that however bad things get, there's a way out.
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Mar 22, 2020
Ohh I actually posted a thread about this some time ago explaining that SS has actually made me less suicidal.

I guess the main reason why SS improved my life is because I have a place to share my thoughts and receive lots of advice by people who really understand the way I feel. Also, I can support and understand them too and I always do my best to help because I know what being in hell feels like.

My life wouldn't be the same without SS. I've confirmed these about a 1 month ago when I tried to take a break from SS but not having any support and hiding my suicidal thoughts 24/7 was too much.

Anyway, thank YOU ALL for being here. I'm glad to have met you!

Edit: Oh and here's the thread I had posted in case you wanna understand why you're the best lol

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Mar 10, 2021
It has given me one last surge of motivation to try to better my situation. When I found this place it was shortly after a failed attempt, and I was ready to try again almost immediately, but now I'm waiting a few more months and seeing how I can improve in the mean time.
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Apr 7, 2021
My too I feel like it's a support group for people who ctb is an option. I actually feel less suicidal since I stopped lurking
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Feb 27, 2021
I remember watching a bunch of vids on youtube about suicide (because I felt lonely) but they were either about people who decided not to ctb or people who already ctb. No one like me stuck in the middle.

So basically this place makes me feel less alone. It's also lessened my anxiety about dying and gave me better choices (exit bag/n) I didn't know I had when it comes to ctb methods.
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I'm sensitive
May 2, 2020
The biggest thing is just having a place where I'm not preached at that things will get better, and not being shamed for my suicidal thoughts.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
It helps me understand that I'm not so alone. I struggle with loneliness all the time and feel like a freak most days. This website helps me feel some small sense of belonging I'm not sure I have ever felt.
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May 27, 2020
It is a community where you can find someone with similar experiences to yourself, and this can make it easier to open up about whatever you are going through. It is definitely refreshing to be in an environment that encourages understanding rather than ostracization.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I know that people criticise this website saying that it's harmful, but this forum probably prevents suicides in a way. It can act as cathartic for people as they have a safe space to share their thoughts. It can take away the isolation which can cause them to cbt. In real life others panic and they get sectioned/medicated and put on suicide watch etc if they share their feelings there.
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Mar 17, 2020
I have somewhere I don't have to sugarcoat how I'm really feeling and can be completely honest. Even if I can be honest in other places, most people don't really "understand" why one would be suicidal. They either give generic advice or become hostile.
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Reactions: deadinsideforever, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and LastFlowers
Beautiful Angel

Beautiful Angel

Jul 2, 2020
Because many people want to bring this forum down. I just want to emphasize how this forum helps me. I really like the social connections. This helps me to deal with loneliness and depression a lot. Moreover the knowledge that there is a peaceful way to end my life if things get worse again helps me. I can share my suicidal thoughts without being shamed. I have other people who deal with suicidality and depression too who understand me. I hate the stigmatization of suicidal people in our society and on other websites.
I'll have to applaud you with that reply it was on point it is the only place where all people that feel the same can talk about the thing that is killing them inside
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Nov 11, 2020
Has helped me in preparing my plan to stop the pain. and given me hope for my death. Apart from that I would say it hasn't helped or hurt in any way. just being honest
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
There's been a few times where I was going to end it, but instead I made and browsed other threads.

If this site didn't exist I could confidently say I wouldn't be alive anymore, this community is so loving and supportive like a second family that can discuss topics related to depression and suicide without freaking out :hug::heart:
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Reactions: noname223, deadinsideforever, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and 1 other person


the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
SS has its faults, I've met some hostility from time to time and my specific reason for being here does not seem to garner much more acknowledgment or understanding than it does in the outside world..so that has been extremely frustrating and disappointing, I am sometimes taken aback at how dismissive people can be to something so significant in this superficial society.
Despite that, SS has allowed me to not feel so alone in my concentrated belief that everyone should have the right to die and the right to determine when they have had enough. In that way, it's a (much needed) breath of fresh air.
I've also had some pms and replies that have countered any trivialization I've encountered here, people who have eerily similar situations and struggles, compared to my own. I am thankful for their messages even though I am awful at timely responses.
I do feel the safest on this site, I don't have the kind of burning anxiety or trepidation I may endure while visiting other sites or corners of the internet. (All the more reason why I find the crusade against SS preposterous). I like that we can have off-topic conversations among like-minded people, it helps to know that they know, even if we are conversing about something unrelated to suicide. I used to talk to a few people on the phone about specific issues we shared and I found that the same sentiment holds true...when we feel understood in our darkest hours, it is easier to dip our toes into lighter conversation in the times between the breakdowns. Whereas it's extremely difficult for me to display the normal signs of humanity among people who are willful in their ignorance of my suffering, I would feel like I was acting and betraying myself if I were forced to interact as if nothing were wrong. I can't relax with those I know would spit at my tears.
When I laugh at humorous posts here, people know it's not out of joy, they know I'm still miserable and simply trying to cope.
But if I were to do the same, or much more, in daily life, they would use that to alleviate themselves of the worry that I am not okay, they would think to themselves
"I guess they're fine!"..even though it's abundantly clear I am in HELL.
I'm not so sure I'm describing this phenomenon in the best way, but yea..anyway, I'm glad SS exists.
It is absolutely necessary, especially when we basically have nowhere else to go to speak about suicide so openly, without the very warranted fear of being locked up and further stigmatized and demonized by those around us.
I know that people criticise this website saying that it's harmful, but this forum probably prevents suicides in a way. It can act as cathartic for people as they have a safe space to share their thoughts. It can take away the isolation which can cause them to cbt. In real life others panic and they get sectioned/medicated and put on suicide watch etc if they share their feelings there.
Yes, it also cautions against impulsive actions, so even if we still go through with it (I am) we are better informed and can use the support here to calm ourselves down so that we don't commit the act in a dangerous or more risky manner, bettering our odds against brain damage and becoming a vegetable.
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Dec 20, 2020
Provided means to access low cost end of life treatment should I need it
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Nov 4, 2020
SS has helped me because I've made a good friendship connection with someone on here and I'm so so grateful for that! Thank You SS x
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
The closest to a personal blog where you, my fellow members can see me for who I am, more than just the tip of the iceberg. A safe haven where I do not have to pretend to be someone I'm not. This place is truly a godsend.
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Disco Biscuit

Mar 1, 2020
Sanctioned Suicide has improved my life in a lot of ways.

First of all, I learned about Near-Death Experiences here and this has completely changed my perspective on life. I was probably a materialist before (or agnostic at best) but now I'm fully subscribed to the idea that the universe is made of consciousness and that our thoughts create our own reality. I think we're here on Earth to challenge and grow our souls before we return to the spiritual realm. I'm not afraid of death at all anymore and I'm actually really looking forward to it.

Something I learned about myself recently was that I'm autistic (Asperger's) and it went undiagnosed for so long because I'm a woman. My parents are dead and I don't have a job or any friends so I spent a long time hiding in my bedroom (years) and just existing. This is probably why I felt suicidal. However, now I have everything I need (SN, meto etc) and could go whenever I like, I feel like I'm here by choice and this is very empowering.

So one day, with dying all sorted out, I decided that I would take some action to try and improve things. I started selling things online and it's going really well. I'm a bit shocked at how well it's going. I'm really enjoying it as well and I like having a routine and something to get out of bed for every day. Something that terrified me for years and prevented me from ever taking action was the thought of returning to the workplace (I had very good professional jobs before I exited society) and having to sit in an office all day with noise, harsh lighting and stupid small talk. I would have killed myself before going back to that.

I'm also doing daily meditation and training for a marathon and I think these things are helping me to keep focussed and healthy. Suicide is still there and it provides me with a lot of comfort. I used to stress a lot about things, big and small, that might happen if I did anything. It kept me living in a state of fear and never doing anything as a result. But now I know that if all my worst fears become reality and the challenges become insurmountable, then it doesn't matter because there's a better place waiting and I have an easy way to get there.
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Reactions: WhatDoesTheFoxSay?, LONE WOLF. and deadinsideforever


Nov 4, 2020
Sanctioned Suicide has improved my life in a lot of ways.

First of all, I learned about Near-Death Experiences here and this has completely changed my perspective on life. I was probably a materialist before (or agnostic at best) but now I'm fully subscribed to the idea that the universe is made of consciousness and that our thoughts create our own reality. I think we're here on Earth to challenge and grow our souls before we return to the spiritual realm. I'm not afraid of death at all anymore and I'm actually really looking forward to it.

Something I learned about myself recently was that I'm autistic (Asperger's) and it went undiagnosed for so long because I'm a woman. My parents are dead and I don't have a job or any friends so I spent a long time hiding in my bedroom (years) and just existing. This is probably why I felt suicidal. However, now I have everything I need (SN, meto etc) and could go whenever I like, I feel like I'm here by choice and this is very empowering.

So one day, with dying all sorted out, I decided that I would take some action to try and improve things. I started selling things online and it's going really well. I'm a bit shocked at how well it's going. I'm really enjoying it as well and I like having a routine and something to get out of bed for every day. Something that terrified me for years and prevented me from ever taking action was the thought of returning to the workplace (I had very good professional jobs before I exited society) and having to sit in an office all day with noise, harsh lighting and stupid small talk. I would have killed myself before going back to that.

I'm also doing daily meditation and training for a marathon and I think these things are helping me to keep focussed and healthy. Suicide is still there and it provides me with a lot of comfort. I used to stress a lot about things, big and small, that might happen if I did anything. It kept me living in a state of fear and never doing anything as a result. But now I know that if all my worst fears become reality and the challenges become insurmountable, then it doesn't matter because there's a better place waiting and I have an easy way to get there.
Hi NEW ORDER,l'm glad to read you have a positive direction in life and you feel better than you did a while back,But could l Politely ask what is Autism and how does it affect you, l know l could Google it but I'd rather hear it from a real person,l hope you don't mind me asking,and if you don't want to answer just tell me to sod off,l won't be offended! Thank you for your time :-)


Feb 23, 2020
Being on SS did not improve my life but it's a good place to waste my time.
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Aug 18, 2020
Because many people want to bring this forum down. I just want to emphasize how this forum helps me. I really like the social connections. This helps me to deal with loneliness and depression a lot. Moreover the knowledge that there is a peaceful way to end my life if things get worse again helps me. I can share my suicidal thoughts without being shamed. I have other people who deal with suicidality and depression too who understand me. I hate the stigmatization of suicidal people in our society and on other websites.
It's a place to vent with like minded people but im pretty positive I will be gone soon anyway. It keeps my mind busy as the time passes and I het my things together for my death.
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Aug 18, 2020
Sanctioned Suicide has improved my life in a lot of ways.

First of all, I learned about Near-Death Experiences here and this has completely changed my perspective on life. I was probably a materialist before (or agnostic at best) but now I'm fully subscribed to the idea that the universe is made of consciousness and that our thoughts create our own reality. I think we're here on Earth to challenge and grow our souls before we return to the spiritual realm. I'm not afraid of death at all anymore and I'm actually really looking forward to it.

Something I learned about myself recently was that I'm autistic (Asperger's) and it went undiagnosed for so long because I'm a woman. My parents are dead and I don't have a job or any friends so I spent a long time hiding in my bedroom (years) and just existing. This is probably why I felt suicidal. However, now I have everything I need (SN, meto etc) and could go whenever I like, I feel like I'm here by choice and this is very empowering.

So one day, with dying all sorted out, I decided that I would take some action to try and improve things. I started selling things online and it's going really well. I'm a bit shocked at how well it's going. I'm really enjoying it as well and I like having a routine and something to get out of bed for every day. Something that terrified me for years and prevented me from ever taking action was the thought of returning to the workplace (I had very good professional jobs before I exited society) and having to sit in an office all day with noise, harsh lighting and stupid small talk. I would have killed myself before going back to that.

I'm also doing daily meditation and training for a marathon and I think these things are helping me to keep focussed and healthy. Suicide is still there and it provides me with a lot of comfort. I used to stress a lot about things, big and small, that might happen if I did anything. It kept me living in a state of fear and never doing anything as a result. But now I know that if all my worst fears become reality and the challenges become insurmountable, then it doesn't matter because there's a better place waiting and I have an easy way to get there.
What did you sell? I need ideas how to get money...
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I posted this, and she texted me 10 minutes later. Jesus Christ. The pathetic cycle continues.