
Jun 27, 2019
Because many people want to bring this forum down. I just want to emphasize how this forum helps me. I really like the social connections. This helps me to deal with loneliness and depression a lot. Moreover the knowledge that there is a peaceful way to end my life if things get worse again helps me. I can share my suicidal thoughts without being shamed. I have other people who deal with suicidality and depression too who understand me. I hate the stigmatization of suicidal people in our society and on other websites.
This forum helps me so much every day. Would have ctb long time ago if it wasn't for this forum, and even when/if I do, this forum never made me question my choice.. just nice to find ppl who think a lot a like


"Everything is meaningless" ~King Solomon
Apr 10, 2021
It's kept me alive for years now, so yes, absolutely.


A Visionary
Mar 15, 2021
SS showed me there is something much better than the corrupt national suicide "prevention" lifeline, at least there is still something good in humanity, I found it here.
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Sinai Silence

Sinai Silence

I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Jul 6, 2020
Without SS I would've never met my girlfriend. Some lovely souls, who aren't around on here anymore though I think about every day, convinced me to take a leap of faith and somehow it worked out. Its definitely had its ups and downs with lots of smiles and tears. But I adore her and without her I wouldn't be here today.
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