Generational trauma has nothing to do with race. Generational trauma can found amongst plenty of brown, black, and white parents. There are plenty of shitty non-Asian parents, just like how there are good Asian parents. This isn't something that can be simplified down to race alone. An Asian parent who can recognize their parent's wrongdoings and tries their best not to repeat the same mistakes their parents made is going to be a much better parent than a non-Asian parent who fails to do the same.
It's more prevalent in Asian societies though. Another example - a lot of Jewish people will only be partners with other Jewish people. It sounds silly like the Asian parents being hard on kids but in 10 years I didn't come across any Jewish couples where one partner wasn't in the faith (regardless of practicing or not).
The issue is - the status aspect infects the masses like the T-Virus decimated raccoon city. Once 5 parents start this comparing nonsense it spreads like wildfire and becomes way more prevalent.
Indian parents do this in the UK however…. Even if their child is completely miserable (becuase they want them to become a doctor) they'll push it to breaking point. All these races all link back to boomer/gen Xs and narcissism/status showing off.
I didn't deal with many African clients or white English people so not sure on that (I can't of don't count as I'm mixed myself).
End result: vast majority of people shouldn't have kids:
1: their genes and giving you shit (epigebetics).
2: their attitude and personality traits
3: their financial situation.
I guess, but someone clearly doesn't know about Confucianism
I don't agree with that statement the other commmenter made - different races operate different to others in terms of family, morals, money, etc. some more extreme than others and some are similar to others.
Edit: and the comment about the African famkly
Beating their child because of cuts. In school (secondary) I had one black friend (we had in common playing GameCube) however I was not allowed in the group during lunch. This is the UK where we had blacks, whites (europeaon and English variants), Asian, etc. it's much more mixed than US. But I didn't fit in becuase of race. I didn't fit in with geek, sports, etc. But with the group is was a race aspect. My friend even apologised once as I said it was pretty backwards but it's just the masses thing again- anything masses do you can't control. Behind closed doors the bullies that were black had really vile parents. This is something I saw at parents evening (I mentioned another child about poverty in another thread).
In London there is a lot of knife crime and unfortunately it's committed by black kids. My 4 knife robberies (3/4 were black guys). It's just how it is sometimes and there isn't much you can do.