
Mar 24, 2021
I'm really sorry I should have been WAY more careful with my wording. I was just talking about my personal experiences. Please don't copy my blame mindset, I would not wish my feelings about myself on my worst enemy. And yeah I did say that the family thing may not apply to you or other people. Again, I was just talking about my experiences.

To weak, too emotionally unstable, have let minor things completely ruin my life, eventually got too disillusioned by the mental gymnastics of every trying to put any blame on other ppl and just realised it's my fault.
You're right. Revenge is not worth it. Forget revenge. I was angry and I'm working on my anger. Not hard enough tho. I will never let down my walls for anyone. I am exhausted from feeling too much at once. And honestly, being hurt… it's not so bad. I'm going to use it as a motivating tools. I'm too tired to care anymore. I'll be fine. I've been dealing with this shit on my own since before I was a teen. If I could deal with that then I can definitely deal with a little hurt from people.
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Vapor Self
Apr 11, 2023
You would think it would be worth it, hurt them, for what? Because they wronged you? You deserve it. They should feel the pain you went through.

All thoughts I've endured throughout my life. Revenge won't do much but sink you deep into the pit, as if you were drinking poison and expecting it to kill your abuser. Feel the rage and anger and let it go is the best I could come up with, without destroying myself.


Wandering with no destination
Mar 27, 2023
Yah it's the only way to stop being pissed at the person who hurt me is to teach them a lesson. It's also a good way to make someone realize just how much they hurt you which can convince them to stop being so hurtful. So yeah I love revenge, love it.


🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Revenge has its place. Has healing power. And it shouldn't only be individual. If someone's brutal enough, they should live in fear wondering when a bunch of people will show up with baseball bats

That would preempt a lot of brutality against the weak. Like children. Who naturally get attacked more, because they have fewer defenses
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Jan 23, 2023
all my life, i have never had to deal with bad people..., like real bad people....actually i've never encountered evil as real evil... REAL EVIL...., NO. .., and none of us, hopefully has ever. i'm 50. .., ok, have met petty, idiotic, despicable people...., but never met an evil person.... have met people with lots of power. Like power......, many people do not know or ever come close to power..., you know power. ..., like there's so much power owned by people nobody knows about. .., but, do not revenge.


Mar 21, 2023
Sure I would love to get revenge on all the people who ever hurt me but do you have any idea how long that list would be?

I left you with a phrase my mom told me once when I said I wanted vengeance on all the people that ever hurt me: "Do you think they even remember you? (said it in a condescending way). Wonderful woman. Fucking whore.


Apr 12, 2023
Revenge only brings more conflict and pain. Even when the trauma is still there. I would simply leave and not look back.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
I'm all for revenge. I used to practice revenge spells, and I love this incantation: "the pain and grief Name gives/ must be returned, so it can live"
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Life boat
Aug 29, 2022
Revenge doesn't help either party.

"If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink." Rom. 12:19
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Nov 5, 2022
It's always been better for me to leave it as fantasy rather than make it a reality. Real life revenge has always backfired on me or made me feel worse. That being said, I still think about all those who have tormented me getting what they deserve, all the way back to when I was in school. Well... that was probably the time of the worst emotional abuse I can think of off the top of my head so I guess it makes sense that it stuck with me. Eff all those people wherever they are now, I didn't deserve to be humiliated consistently just because I was anxious, quiet, and strange.

I'd always get asked why I sound like a girl. Funny that I ended up being trans but damn, I can't imagine how I would of been treated if I had came out back then. Now that would have been horrendous.


Dec 15, 2021
I used to believe that revenge would never be the answer, but the more time passes, the more I change my stance on that. Honestly I don't think revenge is bad, maybe as long as it isn't extreme. I truly believe that there are people out there that deserve it, in fact I don't know why people are just so quick to say "let it go".

Don't get me wrong. I think letting go is typically the best thing to do and might help you not attempt revenge. However, to me, it just feels like in most cases, abusers or bullies are just able to get away so quickly because people will typically blame the victim or they'll usually leave it to god or the law to judge these people, even though we don't even have proof of god actively punishing sinners and the law in some places might not even punish these people. And if they did, they'd just be released early or bailed.

I don't know, but I remember getting payback at some people for wronging me, it felt pretty good to me and soon after I just moved on. Petty shit, yeah, you probably just move on from that, but like scum of the earth (rapists, abusers, pedos), like you just going to let them go ?? In my opinion, the choice is up to you, you'll just have to deal with whatever consequences that come after. My point being that I don't think it's inherently bad.
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Apr 13, 2023
Getting revenge before you kill yourself seems kind of ridiculous to me. You're going to be dead soon, so what the heck does it even matter? One last smile before you die? If a person has these kinds of ambitions then maybe it's an indication that you're not quite yet ready for suicide since you still hold important desires.


Mar 12, 2023
It is totally reasonable (as long as not by illegal means) and people who think you should let go of all your grudges and just suck it up are genuinely stupid. Though, I don't think it would feel that good. Just a moment of pleasure, and then it's all just emptiness once more. I don't think it leads anywhere, but maybe for others it's different.


Jul 12, 2020
I think the best idea is not becoming a victim in the first place but it's easy to say. I think the best revenge would be becoming a better person earning a lot of money. The only thing you would get from real revenge would be going to prison and loosing even more. I would definitely file a police report or something like that if a person is doing harm to me or change the location but I don't have that mindset to do something clever and malevolent for a true revenge. In my case even if a person dies with all his family I won't get my money and time back so it's become irrelevant to make a revenge.


A day in the life
Jan 8, 2021
I personally don't like to stoop to other people's level. As a teenager, I remember being all for revenge, and wishing it upon people who wronged me. But as I've gotten older, I've really changed my view. I just stop communicating to somebody if they're toxic. I literally will not waste any energy on them, and will just move on with my life. There are almost 8 billion people in the world- a lot of them are complete assholes, but a lot of them are also kind and compassionate. I don't have the time, patience, or energy to deal with shitty people. Any energy used towards revenge could be spent seeking out friendlier people, or bettering myself.

Most people who are on this site are people who have been mistreated in their lives. My depression and low self-esteem is the result of being mistreated throughout life. If the world had more empathy and kindness, I very likely wouldn't be in the situation that I am in. So as cliche as it sounds, I honestly just try to be the change the world needs, and revenge just doesn't fit into that equation.

If you don't agree with my response, that's okay. To each their own. 🙂
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Apr 12, 2023
What's your thought on revenge? Hurting the people that hurt you? Is it crazy? I'm not talking about physical pain necessarily. More of a mental or emotional agony type of thing.
I think it will sadly end up hurting you more :(


Apr 14, 2023
Revenge is an endless cycle - the abused abuses the abuser, the abuser abuses them in response, then the abused abuses the abuser... Is a discovery I made, sadly.
This kind of cycle can go on forever until whoever of the two becomes exhausted to the point they give up.
I think it's not worth the effort.
milk is sweet

milk is sweet

emily <3
Apr 11, 2023
personally, yes, I've went for kind of emotional and mental torture, I know this doesn't make me a good person either, but afterall we all have our dark sides

Mr. ‘K so?

Mar 4, 2020
What's your thought on revenge? Hurting the people that hurt you? Is it crazy? I'm not talking about physical pain necessarily. More of a mental or emotional agony type of thing.

The idea of making someone suffer consequences for their actions is great to me. I will water board the fuck out of someone and feel nothing, hell babies won't sleep as good that night. But if I don't believe they deserve it, it's impossible to make them suffer.
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Infinite Child
Mar 4, 2023
I have also thought about that but it could mess up my ctb plan.
I would have some fun before dying then but it isn't worth the consequences.
It is also hard to get away with a proper revenge anyway except if you ctb right after your revenge you would realistically go into prison for your revenge if your kind of revenge is like the revenge I would think of.
I can't ctb if I am in jail forever except hanging and I have no way to directly ctb that I would enjoy so I won't revenge.

Besides that it is really pointless in the end, my view on the world is that I am just a brain that doesn't work correctly and is in constant search for stimulation and if I am dead the problem would be fixed, in the end it doesn't make a difference if I revenged myself or not if I am dead anyway, my goal is to not exist, they have already broken me so revenge won't fix me it would only give me a stimulation that I seek which is a reason to ctb in the first place.
Sorry for the confusing second paragraph.


Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
I dreamed about getting revenge on the one that made my childhood a living hell, that made me an adult who doubts herself, feels not good enough a lot of the time, who struggles trough life like a little girl who's scared and just wants to hide.
But made me also an adult who doesn't want to give up, who knows what happiness feels like, and still won't let go of hoping she will be again.

Feelings of revenge bring me nothing except anger and sadnesses.

He doesn't deserve that.


Apr 13, 2023
What's your thought on revenge? Hurting the people that hurt you? Is it crazy? I'm not talking about physical pain necessarily. More of a mental or emotional agony type of thing.
I think it's important to let the person know they've hurt you. I think even giving them the cold shoulder is natural, or ending the friendship is natural, to hurt them and also because you no longer have a friendship. I think sabotaging them further might be a bit too much.


Mar 24, 2021
I have also thought about that but it could mess up my ctb plan.
I would have some fun before dying then but it isn't worth the consequences.
It is also hard to get away with a proper revenge anyway except if you ctb right after your revenge you would realistically go into prison for your revenge if your kind of revenge is like the revenge I would think of.
I can't ctb if I am in jail forever except hanging and I have no way to directly ctb that I would enjoy so I won't revenge.

Besides that it is really pointless in the end, my view on the world is that I am just a brain that doesn't work correctly and is in constant search for stimulation and if I am dead the problem would be fixed, in the end it doesn't make a difference if I revenged myself or not if I am dead anyway, my goal is to not exist, they have already broken me so revenge won't fix me it would only give me a stimulation that I seek which is a reason to ctb in the first place.
Sorry for the confusing second paragraph.
Revenge doesn't have to be murder or a crime. It could be something like mental. Sometimes, and honestly it's very concerning i like to play mind games or maybe it's a coping mechanism either way it's not a good thing. Or like paying someone to date them and break their heart or like something crazy.
I think it's important to let the person know they've hurt you. I think even giving them the cold shoulder is natural, or ending the friendship is natural, to hurt them and also because you no longer have a friendship. I think sabotaging them further might be a bit too much.
But is it? I just don't like that people can hurt people and move on with their lives. It's not fair or right. And I really don't want to hear that generic "the best revenge is moving on" because that does nothing. I mean you can move on but it doesn't stop them from hurting the next person.


🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Maybe best to ask "Is tit-for-tat a good strategy?" Revenge always sounds more rational when phrased as game theory


Apr 3, 2023
What's your thought on revenge? Hurting the people that hurt you? Is it crazy? I'm not talking about physical pain necessarily. More of a mental or emotional agony type of thing.
My opinion? Just cut out hurtful people from your life. Ignore them and surround yourself with people who compliment you. There are all types of people out there good and evil and all in between (granted good and evil are subjective terms)

Wanting to inflict emotional, mental, or physical pain on others is cruel no matter how they behaved towards you. Unless it is self defense or an act necessary to preserve your life and the lives of innocents, I suggest to avoid these thoughts.

I say f*ck them, cut them out of your life, move on with yourself. Karma will handle the rest


Mar 24, 2021
My opinion? Just cut out hurtful people from your life. Ignore them and surround yourself with people who compliment you. There are all types of people out there good and evil and all in between (granted good and evil are subjective terms)

Wanting to inflict emotional, mental, or physical pain on others is cruel no matter how they behaved towards you. Unless it is self defense or an act necessary to preserve your life and the lives of innocents, I suggest to avoid these thoughts.

I say f*ck them, cut them out of your life, move on with yourself. Karma will handle the rest
Who in this world really cares about being cruel? I've observed all the people around me and just everyone in general and it's all an act. There are only a small amount of people that are truly good. The rest are faking it. And honestly I'm not nice. I'm surviving and if that means being cruel then so be it. I'm tired of faking it. Truth is I'm only nice to people that are genuinely nice to me. I'm not going to be nice to cruel people. And moving on does nothing UNLESS you forgive them. And honestly I don't know how. I don't know how to forgive anyone because I spend most of my life forgiving because it was the godly thing to do but I was never actually forgiving them. And maybe I'm just tired and exhausted but it's not right for people to get away with being cruel. Moving on doesn't actually help the next person. But I guess everyone for themselves? Which is cruel within itself but no one have a problem doing that.
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Apr 3, 2023
Who in this world really cares about being cruel? I've observed all the people around me and just everyone in general and it's all an act. There are only a small amount of people that are truly good. The rest are faking it. And honestly I'm not nice. I'm surviving and if that means being cruel then so be it. I'm tired of faking it. Truth is I'm only nice to people that are genuinely nice to me. I'm not going to be nice to cruel people. And moving on does nothing UNLESS you forgive them. And honestly I don't know how. I don't know how to forgive anyone because I spend most of my life forgiving because it was the godly thing to do but I was never actually forgiving them. And maybe I'm just tired and exhausted but it's not right for people to get away with being cruel. Moving on doesn't actually help the next person. But I guess everyone for themselves? Which is cruel within itself but no one have a problem doing that.
Very Understandable. But being "nice" is just another way of saying 'expected and acceptable social etiquette', and that's not what I was implying. I've dealt with enough a**holes and abusive people in my life, including my own father, and I found that harboring hatred and anger and ill-will to these people was making me worse off, expending my energy and wearing me down, and giving them exactly what they want.

If someone treats me in way I don't like, I'll let them know very bluntly and tell them to f*ck off, and they are out my life just like that.

I've been lucky enough to have never suffered from physical mistreatment because I was always naturally bigger and stronger than most, and I could have easily went the physical route and retaliated that way. But that would have made me exactly what they are, and what I despised.

So I just stopped putting up with people's shi* by kicking them to the curb and moving on, and finding the kind of people I was compatible with.

It's easier said than done I admit, and I'm not saying you're wrong either, but one way leads to long term peace and the other to conflict and internal turmoil and pain. I'm only saying this based on my own experience.


Jan 16, 2023
When I'm hurt, I don't think. I hurt. I had to learn to use my words to hurt people and for most of my life, that was the only thing that worked. It hurts them more than it hurts me. Yes, I am putting myself out of character but I'm not emotionally or mentally where I need to be. I am tired of it yes but it's the only thing people react to. I can be nice and they try to gaslight me anyways. I can be nice and they ignore me. Nice never works for me. And honestly, I'm not nice. I used to be but somewhere along the road, I kind of lost it. I've been pretending, trying so hard to be nice but i always go back to that defense mechanism. Anger is my safe place. If I'm angry, I can't get hurt.
It's that "hurt them before they hurt me" defense mecanism. Thats because you are afraid and i get that. But getting revenge that way is just going to make you more miserable in the end...
And you keep saying "they" very vaguely, are you reffering to your bullies? Friends ? Family? We need a context here, who exactly hurt you to become so angry

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