

Oct 17, 2023
How do you manage to comfort yourself or distract yourself when you are at your worst? Or just distract yourself to avoid thoughts, things like that.

I listen to music when this happens and it doesn't always help, now tell me your methods!
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Apr 15, 2024
I watch funny videos or gore. If I'm outside or not with my phone/tablet, I think about next time I allow myself to get drunk. And finally, if that doesn't work I fantasize about one day drinking N or SN and are a corpse without worst moments.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I binge eat and watch tv until it stops hurting.
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Knight of Infinite Resignation
May 24, 2024
Uni stuff usually
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Life is a very bad joke
Oct 24, 2023
Quando eu estou tendo pensamentos ruins, eu geralmente procuro sair e tomar um pouco de ar pra me acalmar, escuto algumas músicas, ou eu procuro assistir algo ou ir jogar alguma coisa pra me distrair, mas geralmente acabo me estressando ainda mais por culpa disso😅

Por fim, comer me ajuda a aliviar o estresse e preenche brevemente esse vazio dentro de mim, mas atualmente, estou tentando mudar essa situação e os rumos da minha vida, mas não sei por quanto tempo vou ter motivação pra continuar tentando.

Se você leu isso, fique bem ;)
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in the luminous darkness
Jan 31, 2024
I don't or maybe I should say, I can't. I have terrible anxiety, and when it truly grips me, all I can do is crawl under my blankets and close my eyes. I don't sleep, I don't "meditate", I don't have any coping strategy. I just know it feels less terrible in the dark. When my mind just inevitably gets exhausted from the stress, I fall asleep. My stress levels go down... I wake up. Rinse and repeat. I've been on antidepressants which took much of my anxiety away, along with many sensations. Now, nothing is so interesting to me; video games, movies, books etc, they just have no joy to them. They used to be momentary distractions but the medications took even that away; not that they helped. Those few minutes of focus and separation from reality, inevitably fade into a droning sense of impending doom as it comes back to me; that I am alive, and how meaningless all my effort will be when I eventually ctb. How strange to live.
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daydreaming the pain away ☆.。.:*・°
Sep 9, 2023
i watch people on yt i find funny. sometimes i just have to convince myself not to take life seriously. humor rlly can be medicine
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Staring at the ceiling for 6 hours
Nov 9, 2023
Listening to music, social media, and daydreaming.
I tried to quit social media, but I found then I'd just start getting sucked in by other worse addictions like overeating, shopping, and drugs. I decided that, if I were to have an addiction, I should stick with social media because for me it's the least harmful compared to the alternatives.
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sleep deprived and/or drunk
Jul 23, 2023
uhm, i have only known drinks. in my younger days, i could just probably shoot some pool (not literally) but i could do that til the sun came up.

edit: i watch a lot of dog videos.
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Jul 30, 2020
How do you manage to comfort yourself or distract yourself when you are at your worst? Or just distract yourself to avoid thoughts, things like that.

I listen to music when this happens and it doesn't always help, now tell me your methods!
I fly out to somewhere near the orbit of Neptune in my imagination, and look back at earth. NASA once took a photo from there, and it showed earth as just a single pixel. Anything that is confined to just a single pixel - i.e. all human life and all human problems - can't be very important in the grand scheme of things.
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Mar 29, 2024
When I was younger, it was reading books. I mainly love fantasy and science fiction. Hours and hours, and like every day.
When I got my first computer, I discovered chat rooms, and, craving positive human connection, launched into that heavily.
Then it was computer games, mostly MMORPGs, also hours on end.
Currently it's just reading stuff from the internet, anything, this forum, research papers on psychiatric meds, psychiatric treatment guidelines, articles about different mental illnesses, med leaflets, anything else I stumble upon and find interesting, crime cases, problem solving, philosophy, I don't even know anymore.

If I stop engaging my brain for too long, my feelings will seep in, and I will fall down into a very very dark hole and somewhere along the way will start crying and start to feel immense and overwhelming pain. I'm not even trying to see if it still happens that way now, like, today, if I stop(*), I just keep going until I'm so tired that I start having trouble to keep my eyes open and concentrate. Insomnia is so bad atm, I have been lying in bed for up to like 6 hours, arrived at the triple initial dose of sleep meds and not even that is working anymore and I'm fighting to keep a semblance of a circadian rhythm.

How curious, I just now, in this moment, realize just how intensely I've been using distraction all along since forever. Idk if that's so healthy ... I think not. I mean it works, but there's something serious that I can't sufficiently contain or process anymore. Also today I'm still agitated and a bit uncollected after waking up to the police at my door. My faut, but very unsettling and disturbing the remnants of illusions of safety. It's not. It's not safe. I'm not safe. Nowhere is truly safe. People still possess my keys. The lock can be lockpicked by a professional. The door can be torn down by the fire department. My home is not safe, my thoughts are not comforting, my feelings are not calming, and no treatment brought lasting relief, and human connections are downright destruction. I don't want to be here anymore and I'm sick and tired of the stream of struggle and loss.
(*) Definitely still happening.
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Sep 2, 2021
I daydream about killing myself.
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Jan 1, 2024
Binge eat and sleep
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Jul 3, 2022
Food for me also, thankfully I don't have expensive tastes, I really like just brown rice with soy sauce for example.
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Apr 2, 2024
well... worst moments are at night... when things happen (horrible benzo symptoms)... so... what I do is a couple of these things:

+ think to myself that this won't be forever, only 7 months left and I'm gone for good, no more suffering
+ do a gooood long fap, hahaha
+ watch dr house
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I go online to escape reality. This reality is so boring and mundane. I also listen to music
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Mar 17, 2024
I listen to science podcasts and also try to force sleep.
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Apr 14, 2024
Same my friend.
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Mar 26, 2024
My go to's were playing video games watching stuff on Amazon prime and this website. First two got old now I just browse here and daydream and imagine my life If I had made different choices at times.
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Eternally atoning
Feb 1, 2024
Videogames until I feel like I'm dissociating enough to not feel anything. Marijuana if I have a free day to recover from the effects.

If I'm in a pinch, I press against the carotid arteries until I feel like I'm about to pass out. My mind gets fuzzy and somehow it makes me stop thinking for a crisp 30 seconds, then the general emotional agony hurts a lot less.

I don't recommend it. I can't stop because it works so well and hasn't left any physical scars. It's better then CTBing, but it's not healthy at all.
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
Booze and dope.
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it's still raining
May 27, 2024
How do you manage to comfort yourself or distract yourself when you are at your worst? Or just distract yourself to avoid thoughts, things like that.

I listen to music when this happens and it doesn't always help, now tell me your methods!
Oddly enough, these days, the only thing that gives me any bit of "comfort" or escape is browsing this forum and looking for ways to die.

I can't even watch a favorite show or play a video game to distract myself. I get triggered every other second while doing those things and I'm just in constant
agony and get lost in regret. Nothing works when I'm like this, literally. My head hurts from the pain of the thoughts and my chest is constantly swelling and longing for relief. I shake my head violently or spazz out sometimes cus the intrusive thoughts, memories, or realizations of what I lost are too painful. Its like an insane way of my body trying to escape the pain… I look insane. I can't live for a minute without my brain being uncontrollably pulled to the past, imagining a life if I made a different decision, and realizing how stupid I was for the decisions I've made. My brain automatically resorts to living in the past; not because I want to, but because it gives a break from living in the pain of my present. No matter how much I try to stay with the pain in the present, my brain automatically pulls to the past, and when the uncontrollable daydream is up, its the most painful feeling knowing that you can't go back, and you're stuck with having to accept how bad your present state is comparatively. Living in the past is so futile and pointless, but its automatic and I can't stop my brain from doing it as a way to cope with how much pain exists in the present.

There's this short 30 second video/song by Jack Stauber called "rain", and in the simplest, most generalizable way, it encapsulates my disbelief at my circumstances. Not because I haven't been here before, but I genuinely tried my best to "recover" or "heal" (terms pop culture loves to regurgitate), and due to my past mistakes in going back into relationship after trust was broken (even though in this case it was just my bpd and fear of abandonment; she didn't do anything wrong) and advice from others (normal people advice that I shouldn't have taken, like, you should learn to love yourself and be alone before you love someone else), I left someone that was ideal, and the only thing that was keeping me sane and giving me joy. For 3 months I was in painful agony but committed to "recovery" even though I've never changed significantly in my 25 years of life. It was the hardest and most painful thing to do to leave, but I was doing it because I thought it was the "healthy" and "right" thing to do, and that if I didn't, then I would never get better and continue to be unhealthy. Well, this is where that decision got me, trying to find a way to ctb.

Only this forum gives me temporary relief, but I still feel sick and depressed while browsing it. Addictions used to keep me in limbo (alive through numbing pain but not living) but I'm done living in limbo with addiction, if thats the only way I can live life without being in constant agony I'd rather die.

Anyways thats my midnight rant (you can prob tell I have bpd with the oversharing), I wish I wasn't so mentally ill. Sucks to want to live knowing (only briefly) what joy feels like (since I've experienced joy before but only through a favorite person/partner). But everyday I'm living in a glass box where I am able to see others enjoy things and seeing just how different our internal experiences are, I feel constantly abandoned and aware of how I'm missing out. And if I were to say this to someone normal, they'd say, "you never know what someone is going through" or "everyone experiences pain"…its like, ok, so is everyone suffering for 99% of the day? Are they all browsing suicide forums? Have they all not experienced any sustained period of peace or happiness in their entire life? Have they also spent their whole life ruminating because their emotional intensity and pain is not possible to deal with? I'm actually starting to really resent and get triggered with normal blanket statements and advice. It's what got me in this situation in the first place, but I'm too mentally ill and anxious to trust my own decisions so I relied on others. At the end of the day, I would have probably fucked things up regardless.
Videogames until I feel like I'm dissociating enough to not feel anything. Marijuana if I have a free day to recover from the effects.

If I'm in a pinch, I press against the carotid arteries until I feel like I'm about to pass out. My mind gets fuzzy and somehow it makes me stop thinking for a crisp 30 seconds, then the general emotional agony hurts a lot less.

I don't recommend it. I can't stop because it works so well and hasn't left any physical scars. It's better then CTBing, but it's not healthy at all.
how long does the relief from pressing on the arteries last? Do u find things less triggering or painful for a little while? Why don't u recommend it?
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Peace, Love, Empathy
Feb 27, 2024
Lay down, remind myself that my feelings are stupid, unimportant and dramatic. Eventually numb out and listen to music.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
well... worst moments are at night... when things happen (horrible benzo symptoms)... so... what I do is a couple of these things:

+ think to myself that this won't be forever, only 7 months left and I'm gone for good, no more suffering
+ do a gooood long fap, hahaha
+ watch dr house
Why Nov?
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Aug 18, 2022
I notice the trigger, then I take a deep breath and I hold my breath as long as I can. After that, I release it. And then I remind myself that I have my SN and I can drink it.
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take me to the afterlife
Jun 2, 2024
I can't distract myself from the pain.
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F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
I like to pretend Im dying in different ways. I'll even act it out sometimes.

That or food, video games, and weed.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I escape to online and also fantasise about my death. Other than that, I do nothing
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May 6, 2024
music has been a daily driver for most my life. listen when i'm feeling up or down. truly my first love. so when i can't even listen to music, then i'm really in a down place. the only things that helps me is doing something physical. doing some sort of upkeep inside, like cleaning up, or just getting outside, maybe to replenish supplies from the market, or just take a walk.
  • Yay!
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Not Waving But Browned Off….
Sep 27, 2023
My greatest source of comfort is that at 50, I am over the hill of it. I did one of those 'expected date of death' things, think it's called death clock, where you input your details and it gives you a date you can expect to die. So I have it as a count down on my phone. Seeing the days and hours count down regardless of what I do, is therapeutic. Makes me feel that with each breath I'm closer to end game.
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