From a materialist perspective you don't really ever adapt to capitalism.
Capitalism in the modern age ( and I know some orthodox materialists will shit the bed at this but I'm going to reference Fisher ) has culture, mass media, and art as a tool it can export. Capitalism has seeped into every crevice of society to the point where most people will never even think that a different system is possible. Not to mention most of the first world has had free markets so ingrained into everyday life for thousands of years it makes any sort of change almost impossible but that's just the first faucet here.
Theory of alienation is a simple idea that can be grasped in a few sentences, firstly human life is tied to work its what we do its what we like to do. When we work we reach catharsis and when we reach catharsis it feels good. However capitalism destroys work, it steals work, it necessitates work and the exportation of the workers labor. You will not plant seeds you will not grow anything, everything you do will always go to the top. You will never truly own your work. You lose the ability to control your future and you have no control over what you produce, you have no say in anything. The system is built to be dehumanizing and to make it worse we import vast amounts of goods ( unless you live in the third world then you give it to us ) from the third world made cheap using practically slave labor 2.0 making ethical consumption impossible but this also has the negative outcome of dissociating people from the production of items. It removes another layer of catharsis from production and consumption leaving only what the mass media says is good. We are told to buy for social standing more than anything these days.
"This sucks!"
Indeed it does but there is always going to be a movement. Capitalism produces conflict between the ruling and working class, it is essential to its existence that people suffer because there needs to be a reason to work. Without threat of worse "sucking" nobody would want to generate capital for those who own production and our workplaces so its actually required that we suffer. But this is bad, this sucks, who wants to slave away their whole lives for nothing. It creates a contradiction with the system, the system is built on a contradiction. The shitty nature of capitalism necessitates its destruction. As long as this conflict exists capitalism will always be at threat which is why it is prudent for the system to distract us from issues like class divide with issues like immigration and social issues.
"How do I cope?"
Well for me what helps is the works of Martin Heidegger.
Other than technological dissociation or alienation one thing that causes more issues for people is not living authentically. Now in this system it can be impossible to live as truly authentic as possible and society asks us to conform to the "they-self" or the collective idea of what your existence and consciousness should result in. But you are the master of your own consciousness. As another user stated producing things can help but I would also recommend surrounding yourself with nature whenever you can, art, whatever you can. Producing things that ARE YOURS and experiencing some of the more enjoyable parts of the world are a good way to live more authentic! But this isn't enough, capitalism is also destroying the environment. Get involved with local ecological and labor groups, helping to resist against this oppressive system might make you feel more important and it might make you feel like you are actually doing something good in the world. In my experience it feels good to do good things, we are social creatures after all and we rely on each other.
Live authentically, organize, read, never lose hope.