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Mar 12, 2023
I dont want to raise red flags. I need a good lie. I just dont want to be put on life support or live like a vegetable. Or or have to live as any more disabled then i already am


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
do not resuscitate

he doesn't wanna be rescued if his heart stops beating or whatever
Thx! Yeah! I don't want this too, just didn't know the acronym.


Apr 29, 2024
I dont want to raise red flags. I need a good lie. I just dont want to be put on life support or live like a vegetable. Or or have to live as any more disabled then i already am
For a DNR to work, people sort of need to know you have it.

For a DNR to binding, you can find one online and then have two notaries assert that they have witnessed it being signed. You can draw up the paperwork using a chatbot like duckduckgo assist and use the Tor browser to access it. Make 1 document that is the DNR and then put multiple spots for witnesses to sign and date and they can also add the notary stamp. It would be good to ask them to meet you at the same place so you can do it at the same time.

It would be smart to create two original documents with original signatures of you and the notories. Keep one in a file folder and keep another with you in an envelope you keep in your pocket. There are smart phones that let you write emergency contact info and you can write you have a DNR in there. There are also medical alert bracelets. You could get one and include that there's a DNR and whether you are an organ donor. You could also get a tattoo that says "I have a Do Not Resuscitate order." and then sign it and have the tattoo artist sign your name to it based on you writing your signature on your body. This would be considered indicating of intent to not be kept alive.

Most hospitals are cesspools of greed and they are eager to let you die rather than deal with the cost of keeping you alive. They will not have to be persuaded that much to pull the plug and any indication of intent they'll want to unplug quickly. The exception is a very religious hospital in which keeping people alive despite a dnr is sometimes a political issue, as though pulling the plug on a brain dead person upsets jebus. If you have a religious family that will demand you be kept alive and try to get a court order, it's harder to avoid semi-alive.

You could do this through a lawyer, especially if you are concerned about a religious family making it hard to die if you are semi-alive. A lawyer is not going to get you locked up or breach your privilege unless it's clear you're planning on ending it. They may asks something like "Oh, at your age? Do you have a health condition?" and if you say "No" they could respond "Why do you need a DNR then if you don't mind me asking?" You could just say you had a friend once who got into a car accident and ended up in a coma for a few months before he died and you would never want to experience anything like that. No one will ask questions and even if they do, you may have forgotten the friend's last name, they weren't on Facebook, and it was years ago. Even if you are a bad liar and the lawyer doesn't believe you, they would have a hard time breaching privilege over a suspicion, unlike a doctor which could have you locked up based on suspicion. A lawyer would have to have really strong evidence to demand you be seen by a medical professional. If you have a physical disability, they may not ask questions and may figure your health conditions could get worse. If you have a mental disability, like you have severe schizophrenia, and you tell them, they will worry about your capacity to contract and their possible liability, but would likely take your money anyway. If you seem mentally ill or mentally disabled they may not take you on as a client if it feels off to them. They would likely also demand you be seen by a professional to assess your capacity to contract for the DNR. A lawyer has no access to your medical information without you granting access or signing a power of attorney, and you wouldn't need to do anything other than pay them to draft the documents. Lawers are expensive and doing this without a lawyer is going to be almost just as likely to work, unless you have religious family members. With a DNR, intent is what matters most, and so even if you mess up the DNR language slightly, it will be valid if it shows intent. A medical bracelet shows a lot of intent. You also may be able to get a medical bracelet indicating DNR without having a DNR formally authorized and notorized. If you do a DNR on your own with two notories, then have a medical alert bracelet, it would be hard for them to keep you semi-alive unless someone was concerned you lacked the ability to contract, and even then, it's not clear what could be done in that situation even if they had concerns about your ability to contract. (For instance, an old person without cognitive thinking abilities may lack the ability to contract if they can't understand what is going on. A person in the middle of a psychotic episode also may lack that ability. If you have a religious family, and a serious enough disability, they could try to claim you couldn't make a decision because of the disability.)

If you have the money, go to a lawyer, if you don't, use an AI language model or get a template online. The important thing is a DNR must be known in order to work and it must indicate a clear intent. A medical bracelet containing this is the safest way. If you have a disorder that is a mental disorder and you have a religious family and they will want to keep you semi-alive to make jebus happy, then you should go to a lawyer and get a cognitive assessment done regarding your ability to contract. If you don't have a lawyer and can't afford one or don't want one, you could do this on your own by having an evaluation done with a therapist. You would tell them you have a disability, want a DNR in case the situation gets worse, and want a cognitive assessment of whether you are rational and capable of contracting. If you don't seem crazy or that disabled, it may seem like a strange request to a therapist. If your family is very religious and you want it iron-clad, do two evaluations, one of them being a psychiatrist. Your risk of getting locked up during an assessment like that is much higher than for meeting with a notary or lawyer, as they can lock you up based on suspicion and can make medical evaluations. If they ask you if you are sad and you break down crying and then say "no, I just think it's important to have a DNR" if they think you are lying they could hospitalize you based on that. If you seem crazy or strange, they could lock you up. There's risk because once you get locked up in the mental health system, you can lose rights and people will not trust your perspective of the situation. They extract money from you and the state in that situation and rarely improve things all, and often make any financial situation much worse. It's less likely a doctor locks you up if they are being paid by you, since it would be bad for business to lock up paying clients, but they'll do it if you seem unstable. If you do get a DNR from multiple professionals, the decent thing to do would be to wait at least a few months before doing anything so a doctor or therapist isn't liable for not having given you medication or it doesn't cause a hassle for them for not hospitalizing you.

You can check when a DNR is binding in your state, but it's likely just once you sign it. Having two notories agree you've signed it makes it hard for anyone to dispute it's not your handwriting. A DNR doesn't require court approval to exist and you authorize it by signing it. Check your local rules to determine if there need to be witnesses for it to be valid or binding.

Here is an article about this. The tor browser is a great way to protect yourself from being IP logged and tracked across different sites.

I mention these things reluctantly and I hope you have explored things like medications, therapy, and all other options prior to doing anything and don't do anything impulsively. Lots of people get DNRs all the time and it's not unusual unless you make it seem that way. If you are already seeing mental health professionals on an ongoing basis and they are the ones you ask for evaluations, they will likely lock you up especially because a dead client can't continue to pay them and if you have a history of depression they would immediately be concerned and try to get you locked up. A DNR would likely be effective without an evaluation by mental health professionals in most circumstances but is iron-clad if mental health professionals sign off on it.

There are online companies like zoom legal that would probably let you create your DNR for a fee with their help and probably companies who can help you with the norories too.

If you are under 18 then you shouldn't be on this forum and it becomes a much more complex issue and if you are still a teenager than you haven't given medication or therapy a sufficient try.
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Jul 14, 2024
You don't necessarily need notaries to sign it, that's going to be huge overkill in most places. In the UK, just get an advanced directive down in writing and give it to your GP.


Looking for Understanding
Mar 7, 2024
I live in the UK and am in my sixty's but it was still 1001 questions when I asked for it but at the end of the day unless they can say you are mentally unfit to make the decision they cannot refuse you.
With you only being 24 unless you have a condition that justifies it I can image it is going to be a difficult conversation with your doctor so stay claim explain that you have a fear of being helpless should anything serious happen to you but they will counter will it could be something such as a heart attack that you would make a full recovery from but with an DNR that would be helpless to save you?
Like I said stay claim and stick to your guns, no outbursts or abuse just keep telling him \ her that you have made the decision
Best of luck
ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
In the USA, you could get what is called a "living will" the laws and forms vary from state to state, so check local laws
It's not that out of the ordinary for someone to have. And hell, I'm in my mid 30s, and when I go to the doctor for check ups, that's one of the questions they ask is if you have a living will. It's basically a form you fill out and then you give it to your doctor, who saves it in your medial record.
living will info for Kentucky (random state)


Oct 20, 2023
if you head to mydirectives dot com, you can create an advance directive that is binding and populates automatically into many hospital systems. you can specify no CPR on this, and hospitals / EMS are supposed to obey it. in some states, they may not follow it outside of the hospital and you need a separate form.

in some states, the form for an out-of-hospital DNR is called a MOLST or POLST and is signed by a physician.

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