Welcome to the forum! Sorry you have to go through this. To me suicide was always and will always be an option I would take should certain circumstances during my life occure that make my life not worth to be lived anymore. This is the case for quite a few years now. I have CTB thoughts (sometimes more sometimes less), plans, and my method ready. I'm not worried about it at all because I'm personally ready for it when my time has come and death is the one and only relief from all agony and suffering.
I also understand your point and probably it's discomforting when someone does not want to die. Do you have an idea why you think about ctb? I may add as long as my life was in order, I never had ctb thoughts but as soon as this changed I had them, but not worried about it as I said above.
I think about ctb because I've tried everything else. I am currently on two different medications for depression and have been seeing a psychiatrist for over a year, after finally finding someone I can (kind of) talk to. I don't feel any different from before I started all this, and it feels like ctb is the only way for me to truly escape these feelings.
Thank you for the reply, your take was interesting to read
you perfectly described how i feel but wasn't able to put in words, death doesn't scare me and i know that because i've had my life on the line and i wasn't scared but still i feel like i'm unable to do it myself. sometimes i feel like i'm being too sensitive and my problems aren't even a big deal. i'm sorry you feel the way you do and i hope you find peace in whichever way works for you in the end, and i hope you find comfort this community <3
I very often invalidate my own feelings by thinking "what am I even complaining about, people have it much worse than you" etc so I can relate a lot.
Same to you, thanks for the message
It might be helpful to know one of the best ways to support people with SI is to let them talk openly, without judgement. It is actually a huge predictor of someone catching their bus or not - whether they had the space and support to talk about it without fear of hospitalization and judgement.
I'm glad you joined and worked up the courage to post.
My current psychiatrist tries to get me to talk openly about my suicidal thoughts, and so far she hasn't tried to hospitalize me. However I'm sure if I said to her I'm actually planning it, she wouldn't think twice about doing exactly that. I have spent time in a psych ward, it is not something I wish to do again