My niece is here today, so I have to put on a happy face for her. Then my sister and bother-in- law are coming over, and I'll have to keep the happy face alive. I don't know if it's my depression, my personality, or just the way life is, but every little thing about being around other people drives me nuts. Aside from "triggering" conversations about jobs, money, and my being single ( No, I don't want to go on a blind date with an acquaintance of your favourite barista), every little thing makes my skin crawl. The way my mother breathes too loudly and talks too loudly. The way my Dad is always hovering, and telling everyone what to do all the time. The way my brother in law makes sure we know his opinion on absolutely everything, whether anyone asked or not. The way my sister does this annoying baby talk voice (not just with her fiancée or kid, with everyone!). The way my sister always brings up stupid things I said/did years ago, and always looks at me like I'm inferior. The way everyone has to chew so damn loudly! Why? Why such loud chewing?! Aaarrrggghhh! I know I should be grateful to have people who want to spend New Years with me, and none of these people are being rude or trying to hurt me. (I'm sure I have tons of habits that irritate them too). I suppose if I were suddenly alone, I might wish for some of the very annoyances that are driving me crazy right now. I try to remind myself of this, but as much as I can recognize it on an intellectual level, I am still dreading participating in New Years.