

Oct 1, 2020
I don't know how bad things are in Europe, so I would like someone to explain to me what situations are going on there, more than reading news and headlines, I would prefer that some ordinary person tell it first-hand, I wanted to ask this because, it came to me a message from the Staff (I think everyone got the message), where they basically said that things in Europe are getting ugly and that they need to pay for the coke.

So, this thread would be something like "Crisis in Europe Megathread", what measures have been taken and how does it affect you?
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Sep 10, 2018
I can't drive anywhere because the gasoline costs too much. I'd like to go visit my friends or go shopping or visit the city or at least drive to a nearby forest to take a walk, but can't because the fucking gasoline costs too much.

I remember years ago when mother was driving and I looked at gas prices and said "Look, it's 1,13€! I've never seen such a high gas price! I'm sure it will never get higher!". Now it's over 2€. 2,2€ maybe?

Do the idiots realize that gas prices will affect everything? Farmers will charge more for food, because it will cost more to drive them to shops, same with clothes, electronics, all items. There are no products that were born in the shop, all were carried there by vehicles that use gasoline.

No masks in shops anymore though. Even cashiers don't use them anymore and they've taken down the notes about masks.

What else? When we were in school, we were taught that nothing is worse than a nuclear plant and that they get destroyed easily and explode and ruin the whole country and that there's nowhere to put all the ehh... what the hell are they called hard to think while having a brain fever... whatever those atoms create, atom shit, that they put into caves and stuff. Ten years ago they were all "All nuclear plants must be closed!". But now it's all "Let's build more nuclear plants! They are safe and effective!".

I remember about a dozen years ago when everyone spoke about how bad Nato is now and how we must have good relationships to Russia. Now they are all like "Nato is the best thing ever! Let's anger Russia!".

They are like a cave. You yell and it echoes.
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Oct 1, 2020
I can't drive anywhere because the gasoline costs too much. I'd like to go visit my friends or go shopping or visit the city or at least drive to a nearby forest to take a walk, but can't because the fucking gasoline costs too much.

I remember years ago when mother was driving and I looked at gas prices and said "Look, it's 1,13€! I've never seen such a high gas price! I'm sure it will never get higher!". Now it's over 2€. 2,2€ maybe?

Do the idiots realize that gas prices will affect everything? Farmers will charge more for food, because it will cost more to drive them to shops, same with clothes, electronics, all items. There are no products that were born in the shop, all were carried there by vehicles that use gasoline.

No masks in shops anymore though. Even cashiers don't use them anymore and they've taken down the notes about masks.

What else? When we were in school, we were taught that nothing is worse than a nuclear plant and that they get destroyed easily and explode and ruin the whole country and that there's nowhere to put all the ehh... what the hell are they called hard to think while having a brain fever... whatever those atoms create, atom shit, that they put into caves and stuff. Ten years ago they were all "All nuclear plants must be closed!". But now it's all "Let's build more nuclear plants! They are safe and effective!".

I remember about a dozen years ago when everyone spoke about how bad Nato is now and how we must have good relationships to Russia. Now they are all like "Nato is the best thing ever! Let's anger Russia!".

They are like a cave. You yell and it echoes.
I understand, I don't know to what extent it will affect everyone, a few days ago the administrators of Hispachan (a kind of 4chan for Latinos), announced the total closure of the site because they didn't have enough money to pay for the coke and the site was hosted on holland, they had to pay approximately €6000 twice a year to be able to maintain the site and due to inflation, they were having problems
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Sep 10, 2018
I understand, I don't know to what extent it will affect everyone, a few days ago the administrators of Hispachan (a kind of 4chan for Latinos), announced the total closure of the site because they didn't have enough money to pay for the coke and the site was hosted on holland, they had to pay approximately €6000 twice a year to be able to maintain the site and due to inflation, they were having problems
6000€ twice a year is a lot! It's always sad to see websites shut down. They hold lots of memories and entertainment. And of course when it's a social media site, you'll also miss the community and people in there.

Really makes me wanna live in another world.


trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
Things in the U.K. are very bad but a big reason for that is having a Tory conservative government for the past 12 years.

There are many people who have to choose everyday do I turn the heating on today or do I eat food instead? They can't afford both. There was an elderly lady on television that says she leaves her home and sits on buses during the day to keep warm. This is the 5th "richest" country on earth mind you.

We have higher inflation than the US or many countries in Europe. Food banks are everywhere now.. they didn't used to be. There are even nurses that use them.

As for what measures have been taken to help people.. absolutely none. Literally none. We have a corrupt shameless Conservative party in power. They are the party of the rich and the privileged and they are there to protect their interests and not those of working people.

So to summarise.. things are bad and they are going to get a lot worse.. we have 2 years until another election so we have at least another 2 years of chaos and corruption to get through!
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May 9, 2022
Pandemic killed everything in this world.
At first people were scared to see other people then they started competing for everything whenever they could.
Governments printed banknotes and inflated the debt.
At the end crazy Putin decided to start a war.
Now all resources are so expensive, few people can afford things ....
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Nothing much has happened in Spain so far. We got a bunch of Ukrainian refugees, most of them women, and there's a big ass Ukrainian flag in front of the city hall.
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Dec 15, 2021
I don't know how bad things are in Europe, so I would like someone to explain to me what situations are going on there, more than reading news and headlines, I would prefer that some ordinary person tell it first-hand, I wanted to ask this because, it came to me a message from the Staff (I think everyone got the message), where they basically said that things in Europe are getting ugly and that they need to pay for the coke.

So, this thread would be something like "Crisis in Europe Megathread", what measures have been taken and how does it affect you?

In Sweden, society has opened up again after the Corona pandemic, but prices are rising sharply. In addition, many people are worried about the war in the Ukraine and what will happen here - one person at work has even expressed thought like "Well, I don't even know if I'll be alive next year", and I don't think that that person is the suicidal type.

Regarding the cost of running a business and similar, we can probably expect that companies will downsize by getting rid of excess personnel and unnecessary IT systems.

These are the only signs that I have noticed so far.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Well, if anything has happened, I haven't heard much because I've been out of the pandemic for a while and I only watch the news from time to time. I don't have a car and I don't take public transport, I don't go to shopping malls or libraries ...

My mother tells me things, but I'm pretty mentally isolated lately and I only find out about the most obvious things like inflation soaring, the war in Ukraine ... but from the moment the neighbors are partying and they don't stop getting drunk on the street in the morning I think maybe it's not time to be scared yet.

And this is what is happening in Spain, in a city in Catalonia in particular. Always according to my experience, all subjective.

Doncs si ha passat rés no m'he assebentat gaire perquè surto poc de casa desde la pandémia i només miro les notícies de tant en tant. No tinc cotxe i no agafo pas el transport públic, no vaig a centres comercials ni a Bilioteques...

Ma mare em comenta coses, però estic força aïllat mentalment ultimament i només m'assebento de les coses més evidents com la inflació disparada, la guerra d'Ucraïna... però desde el moment en que els veïns estàn de gresca i no paren de passar borratxos de matinada pel carrer penso que potser encara no és l'hora d'espantar-me.

I això és el que passa a Espanya, en una ciutat de Catalunya en concret. Sempre segons la meva vivéncia, tot subjectiu.
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
Inflation is pretty bad in France (local organic stores don't seem to be affected though), the agenda is advancing is a very bad direction for us behind the scenes plus the awful puppet stole the elections again (we're kind of like the US now but less funny, at least Biden has his comedic moments), we need to organize locally seriously, yet I still haven't found a way to unite us, especially young people, and lovelessness is killing me... I'm gonna have to find help before it's too late.

On a lighter note : there are a bunch of Ukrainians on dating sites now and it's funny in a way, I don't know how much they're exploiting the situation though and I'd rather have Swedish for instance as they're more my type lol.
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Oct 1, 2020
Nothing much has happened in Spain so far. We got a bunch of Ukrainian refugees, most of them women, and there's a big ass Ukrainian flag in front of the city hall.
The good thing is that things in Venezuela are improving,. lmao
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May 10, 2022
Better than everywhere else or almost.
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Mar 26, 2022
Better question:
Is it easier to die in Europe?


Mar 18, 2021
not that bad, it's probably a lot better than the rest of the world if u talking western/north europe
also there's not that many legit problems except i guess high living costs if you're not rich. that's pretty much it honestly

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