I would choose the abusive home based on the description of it being emotional abuse only.
Simply because they likely have not wiped their dick all over the sandwich you are about to eat. Probably not coming in your room pissing on you for shits and giggles. Or stealing your shoes and throwing them in a ditch. Probably not setting your bedding on fire and filming it on their smart phones either. They are not going to be beating you up and mugging you either. It is also doubtful police are going to bust in your room and disturb your sleep, telling you what a waste of life you are and no one wants you round here. Your toes are likely not going to get frostbite and go black. Since you wont need to walk so much blisters that seemingly multiply won't get to form in the first place, then seem to become one large variety of a peeling foot. That later bursts and create awful smelling pus, becoming infected later because you have walked miles in shoes saturated in grime and bacteria just so you can get a drink or make it to a soup kitchen before it closes. You also won't get religious sanctimonious assholes making you feel grateful for their charity, acting in passive aggressive ways insinuating that all your suffering is god's fucking plan and you chose this due to your sins.
Rather wonderfully you will have access to clean clothes and bedding and a shower. Meaning various illnesses born of dirt won't be working their way into your blood so readily making you sick with nowhere to lie down comfortably and recover making the demands of survival harder. With other homeless viewing you as an easy target. Like a diseased caribou hounded to death by wolves soon to be picked clean. Also means no chronic boredom of people watching, As unless the emotional abuse involves no access to media then you at least can watch something to distract from the pain.
But while you are in your abusive situation you should do everything in your power to get out of there. Building towards landing safely somewhere where you set the rules for yourself and the roof over your head is yours even if it is rented and can barely afford to put the heating on. If you are homeless this is even harder because you will constantly be sidelined by immediate needs. Demands of work appearance are also harder to satisfy.
While you build towards that view the emotional abuse for what it is. Absolute shit! I mean this quite literally, when words are excreted all over you designed to provoke a reaction. View it as shit, if you have to imagine literally stools launching out their mouths and splatting against the wall in fanciful patterns. Then do that. Because it is important you realize that everything coming from them is shit. Do you take advice from shit? Do you believe what shit has to say? Do you ever do a dump and ask it to define your self worth for you?
If you are the sort that analyses hateful words spoken, then twist those words bend them back on themselves. Ask yourself if it also applies to them? Congratulations they are likely projecting their own failings on you. If it helps imagine them talking the most stupid nonsense you have ever encountered. Turn them into a parody, imagine them eating the candy floss in the attic, or setting themselves on fire for youtube likes. Whatever it takes to diminish their power.
Because if you internalise their shit and stupidity you will simply wind up torturing yourself. That in itself becomes a habit long after the original abusers are gone.