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Oct 25, 2020
are you uk based too?
Yeah, so was worried about overseas customs. Won't share the packaging methods on a public forum but got through customs with no suspicion, I'd assume.
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he/they 21
Aug 22, 2023
Yeah, so was worried about overseas customs. Won't share the packaging methods on a public forum but got through customs with no suspicion, I'd assume.
ah in that case i'm glad it got through okay :)


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
Ironically I'm using the UK's anti-suicide stance as a way to overcome SI. Always wanted to be a secret agent fighting against Nazi's...
I understand your feelings.

For the record, I'm pro-choice rather than pro-suicide—it's always very sad when people have to take that ultimate step. Much as I want to know their pain has stopped, I still wish things could have worked out differently for them.

But goddamn … the UK government are making it SO tempting to view ctb as a type of civil disobedience. It's like they're claiming ownership of citizens' bodies and minds. You can only die with official permission, and that is really weird. It's sort of a quasi-religious stance taken by supposedly-secular authorities. I almost wonder if they're somehow serious about King Charles being the Vicar of Christ on Earth, radiating Divine Right to Rule down upon Parliament. From there, authority spills over, fountain-like, to all the various Ministries, and finally to the pitiful figure of the BBC, which chases suicidal former site admins around like a weasel chasing a hare, all while hosts of chorusing angels hover above the journalists' heads.

What I wouldn't give to have Terry Gilliam illustrate that.
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Feb 16, 2022
Is it just me or does it feel like this thread can and may undermine AB as a source potentially for people? Seems these types of threads are the kind that can prevent others from sourcing or add a radar to AB or x source. Know you're not naming the particular seller/vendor, yet this is how other sources ended up coming down. People got excited, posted about it, gave tmi, other users probe, more specific info given, then it ends up gone. Keep in mind anyone not a member can view this content.

May have been better to wait until you got yours and made a post saying "Was able to source sn to the UK. Will share more info pm." Or something like that.

Or left it at this. Then after if users probe for more info can communicate via pm. To me what you said after this is potentially problematic and gives tmi. Many of the comments and questions seem to have been better left in pm as well. For example gbi2's most recent question (won't quote it). Why not go to pm at that point? I'm asking please to pm that answer to the user gb instead of openly answering it here. Seems enough has been said.

I'm a bit surprised at how op is so willing to say AB volunteered to mislabel it, said what they're labeling it as... and provided their shipment method. It's like you're telling customs and others "Hey AB is doing this when they shouldn't be and this is how." Maybe I'm wrong to interpret it that way? But that's what I'm seeing.

Not trying to single you out others have mentioned AB before, however didn't go into as much detail... and the times have changed. Just seems like this thread stemmed from overexcitement (which I understand) to too much said and seems to keep going that way.

Barely any sources as is. Have a feeling this thread will be bumped for a while too. Just makes it easier for anyone anti to just go after AB and next thing you know it won't even be available for sale there at all. They may even use this specific thread and reference this site for said reason for doing so. We know sn is under the radar, has been and that anti are surely seeing this and thinking 'Oh I see how they're doing it now we need to stop them.' Maybe they already know, just saying. Not sure they'd be able to, but still.

Maybe I'm overthinking this. Idk just have a bad feeling about the original post and direction this thread will go/is already going. Get the feeling this will potentially shut down AB for others. Wouldn't surprise me if soon others say they tried and it isn't a thing anymore. Hope I'm wrong.
AB is just a listing/forwarding order-type company. Naming the company that gives the invoice could be hazardous. As for the description, do you have any idea how many freight containers arrive for sorting daily?
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A tiny penny rolling up the walls inside.
Jul 29, 2023
Yeah, so was worried about overseas customs. Won't share the packaging methods on a public forum but got through customs with no suspicion, I'd assume.
Hey, I obtained mine from Ukraine (mds) source. Have you tested yours? I actually had a welfare check today (some two months late) but now I'm kicking myself bc never got the chance to test it properly
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Nov 1, 2023
No not at all. I haven't said anything. I sent a query asking for a price for a 1KG MOQ and rapid UK shipping, they replied I agreed, then they replied saying they can't ship it due to the rules so they're labelling it as a detergent. I haven't actually had to say anything at all.
do you know if there's a way to get it smaller? 1kg is a bit much lol


Nov 12, 2023
do you know if there's a way to get it smaller? 1kg is a bit much lol
Having had a LOT of messages, now mine has arrived I'm weighing up morally where I sit on reselling it to others in the UK
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Spiritual Warrior
Jun 17, 2023
110 USD seems very steep for delivery?

With the possibility of not receiving it, it's a bit of a gamble for the majority of folk.

At 110USD, Is that the suppliers fee being skimmed?

losing hope

Apr 27, 2022
Well done & thanks for informing everyone OP of this. Having followed the IC takedown very closely & even received a welfare visit off the back of that (see my prev posts for details) my understanding was it was not the info given here that led to their takedown. I mean IC was being discussed openly on here since I joined in Apr 22 until May this year.

But instead IC's owners crossed the line of selling a legal product to advising/encouraging on ctb, which is def illegal. So don't think it is much of a prob discussing the Ukraine source, provided they learn from the mistakes of KL.

To OP, if you can keep us updated on your plans that would be much appreciate by me. You are a saint in a toxic world.
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Deleted member 65988

But instead IC's owners crossed the line of selling a legal product to advising/encouraging on ctb, which is def illegal. So don't think it is much of a prob discussing the Ukraine source, provided they learn from the mistakes of KL.
Yeah this is where KL messed up big time.
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Life’s a bitch
Nov 9, 2023
Having had a LOT of messages, now mine has arrived I'm weighing up morally where I sit on reselling it to others in the UK
Understandable, I suppose you've had more than enough enquiries but I'd definitely PM you if this was an option.
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Spiritual Warrior
Jun 17, 2023
I've searched on said site for SN, returns nothing. Has it been taken down already?

Or is it not listed specifically as SN?


Nov 1, 2023
Having had a LOT of messages, now mine has arrived I'm weighing up morally where I sit on reselling it to others in the UK
so you're considering reselling it yourself?

as for the 1kg thing, i realise beggars can't be choosers in the case of SN, and i'm very much being pushed to the position of beggar with the way things are going. if 1kg is all i can get, then i'll order it. i might ask the seller if i can get a smaller size though. fuck knows what i'm going to do with 1kg of SN.
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A tiny penny rolling up the walls inside.
Jul 29, 2023
Having had a LOT of messages, now mine has arrived I'm weighing up morally where I sit on reselling it to others in the UK
I don't wish to bombard you further but I think I'll drop you a PM bc whilst 1kg won't feed the 5000 per se and you're naturally grappling with your own moral qualms - I think I might have some precautionary advice to keep u "safe" if it comes to that etc x
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
Having had a LOT of messages, now mine has arrived I'm weighing up morally where I sit on reselling it to others in the UK
Hmm. My immediate reaction was nope, don't resell - the risk is just too high.

Then I thought, well this is a pro choice website and people get their chosen method from all different outlets.

Next was the, well if you're going to kill yourself you won't need the money and you probably don't care about the outcome of others as you'll be dead. So why not.

I settled on - it's a fine line between actively supplying someone with a means to end their life and just helping them understand what options are out there. It's not a line I would cross, but I'm not you and I probably wouldn't judge either way.
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A tiny penny rolling up the walls inside.
Jul 29, 2023
Hmm. My immediate reaction was nope, don't resell - the risk is just too high.

Then I thought, well this is a pro choice website and people get their chosen method from all different outlets.

Next was the, well if you're going to kill yourself you won't need the money and you probably don't care about the outcome of others as you'll be dead. So why not.

I settled on - it's a fine line between actively supplying someone with a means to end their life and just helping them understand what options are out there. It's not a line I would cross, but I'm not you and I probably wouldn't judge either way.
Second this. As someone who's been wound up in some illicit stuff online for a while I often catch myself giving myself a lot of shit for inadvertently further something that I'm sure is ruining many lives. Then I remember that there are cases like mine - where circumstances are essentially terminal and so agonising that the best I can do is advocate for other's harm reduction, compassion, education and precautionary measures re. legality and safety. I'd rather be anaesthetised than eternally bed bound or in a prison cell, sue me lol. Doesn't make me morally corrupt. In some far off utopia maybe we'd be able to govern these choices on a case by case person by PERSON basis instead of lumping everyone into the same old tired box

Yuna is My Waifu

Nov 19, 2023
Tag, I'd like to know more. Let us know how the testing goes and how much trouble the authorities cause. Trying to get it passed shipping would be the hard part for me.


A tiny penny rolling up the walls inside.
Jul 29, 2023
Update: expect welfare checks. It's 1 AM and I've just had a second police check and my second house. They have all my details and not even the details I used for the order. This is check number 2. Police are definitely investigating M Store / MDS. Can't speak for other sources. They wouldn't have this bible of information otherwise. But they have everything on me now
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Yuna is My Waifu

Nov 19, 2023
Update: expect welfare checks. It's 1 AM and I've just had a second police check and my second house. They have all my details and not even the details I used for the order. This is check number 2. Police are definitely investigating M Store / MDS. Can't speak for other sources. They wouldn't have this bible of information otherwise. But they have everything on me now
Looks like people wont be able to use that store anymore if the police are all over it.
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A tiny penny rolling up the walls inside.
Jul 29, 2023
Looks like people wont be able to use that store anymore if the police are all over it.
I'm gonna try make a separate post about this after I've calmed down. That was a heavy interaction. But yeah they didn't just have surface level details they had everything so. I'd advise against it
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Yuna is My Waifu

Nov 19, 2023
I'm gonna try make a separate post about this after I've calmed down. That was a heavy interaction. But yeah they didn't just have surface level details they had everything so. I'd advise against it
I'm in Australia but it would probably be just as bad over here. I also have stuff on my PC i don't want people looking into if they had warrants or something.


A tiny penny rolling up the walls inside.
Jul 29, 2023
I'm in Australia but it would probably be just as bad over here. I also have stuff on my PC i don't want people looking into if they had warrants or something.
I mean I just lied like 100 times in a row there but yeah, i have reason to believe they have access to my PayPal and honestly the amount of shit I could be in if they got into some of my other accounts… it's to the point I don't even wanna discuss it on this forum now lol

Yuna is My Waifu

Nov 19, 2023
I mean I just lied like 100 times in a row there but yeah, i have reason to believe they have access to my PayPal and honestly the amount of shit I could be in if they got into some of my other accounts… it's to the point I don't even wanna discuss it on this forum now lol
Same lol, i guess I'm getting reckless because i just don't care anymore. I think i need to be more mindfull.
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A tiny penny rolling up the walls inside.
Jul 29, 2023
Same lol, i guess I'm getting reckless because i just don't care anymore. I think i need to be more mindfull.
That's been me for a while now. But let's just say I've wound up in a state of self induced chemical dependency so I kinda NEED to be able to freely use my addresses and accounts. Otherwise I'm utterly screwed. I think I'm gonna have to make a quicker exit than I originally planned now since my address and details are probs burnt


A tiny penny rolling up the walls inside.
Jul 29, 2023
That's been me for a while now. But let's just say I've wound up in a state of self induced chemical dependency so I kinda NEED to be able to freely use my addresses and accounts. Otherwise I'm utterly screwed. I think I'm gonna have to make a quicker exit than I originally planned now since my address and details are probs burnt
Concerning UK update: I don't wish to alarm anyone but upon receiving my second welfare check at 1 AM last night in two days (and still acting under the precursor that it's not actually illegal to possess) I've had a bit of a freak out and gone to read in further detail. Check the section under Criminal offences. It reads:

Importing, acquiring, possessing and using

It is an offence for a member of the public to import, acquire, possess or use any of the substances without holding a valid EPP licence issued by the Home Office.

If found guilty of this offence, there is a maximum penalty of 2 years' imprisonment and/or a fine.

Kinda shitting myself now bc they said they have all my details and could be in touch. If anyone has any advice for me that'd be much appreciated because the whole thing did have an ominous tone to it.



Nov 12, 2023
so you're considering reselling it yourself?

as for the 1kg thing, i realise beggars can't be choosers in the case of SN, and i'm very much being pushed to the position of beggar with the way things are going. if 1kg is all i can get, then i'll order it. i might ask the seller if i can get a smaller size though. fuck knows what i'm going to do with 1kg of SN.
I was 'lucky' to find that MOQ. Most of them are fully registered/legit and have a one tonne MOQ
Old Friend

Old Friend

Sleep well, Airstrip One.
Sep 24, 2023
How's bothering someone at 1am in the interest of their welfare? Sounds like intimidation to me.
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he/they 21
Aug 22, 2023
I'm gonna try make a separate post about this after I've calmed down. That was a heavy interaction. But yeah they didn't just have surface level details they had everything so. I'd advise against it
understandable.. thank you for the updates. i hope you're doing okay after both those interactions, they could not have been pleasant


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021

"DO NOT Sell, purchase, offer, gift, or request products, materials, or money. We don't allow any transaction or offer for transactions whatsoever on the forum. This website is not a marketplace."

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