Sorry for replying late :/ If I didn't ping someone it's because I didn't know what to reply with.
And that's why utopia cannot exist. Our problem solving methods create more problems instead of minimizing them and looking for an optimum.
I guess you are right but I don't think people have changed. They always were like that.
It's not off topic it is the same.
You're right. And the worst is the fact that it makes the minorities silenced even more. If they feel victimized by people eating or by "wrong" proportions then why would we care about their feelings?
Yes, that's another problem. In Poland we have a right-winged guy who knows absolutely nothing about society yet he wins EVERY discussion with a leftist because the leftists can't control themselves and discuss calmly. The right side is just as wrong as the left side but it's hard to see as the right doesn't pull stunts so badly and so often.
It is said that the truck driver was attacked. We only know he was driving but he didn't attack firstly. Maybe he was forced to drive the truck? So it's unknown whether the truck driver deserved it or not but probably no.
You want an example? Ok. So in Poland the right-winged people say "everybody should be free, capitalism is good, fuck the guys who are pro slavery" and then they say "homosexual marriages must be banned, abortion is always a sin and should be banned". So are they pro freedom or pro slavery? They don't think critically about Christianity and Catholicism and it's annoying.
You noticed a problem with the left that annoys me too. They redefine terms without warning us and that just fucks up the entire discussion. Or when they ban a neutral word because, when you've have analyzed it for 5 hours, using the sophisticated language knowledge, that regular people don't have, you will notice, that in one context of 300 possible this neutral word is bad. No one else would notice the word is somehow rude but it should be banned!
No, you're simply a peaceful, pacifist soul and I'm a bit jealous I'm not that calm. Though it must be hard to be ignored and muted by this loud world.
@Mr2005 And that's another problem. People are unwilling to leave their bubbles to confront their views and then they vote... You think we're all normal here? It would be awesome if SS has no extreme leftists or rightists. You're right the media want to create more and more division... But why?
You can always justify but this justification is just crazy for me. Ok I can understand that the trans woman attacked someone but why did so many people say that it was okay? Normally people say "violence is not the solution".
I don't want this world to change into a world in which I can get beaten down because someone from a minority dislikes me.
Yup the Catholicism is full of contradictions. It's a hypocrisy that they believe in everything the "God" said.
Thanks for the comment that's what I wanted to read. The left is degenerating unfortunately. :( I'm not good at history but I recall at least one positive change that happened peacefully... What was that? Sorry I forgot.
Someone on Polish Youtube talked about fighting as a leftists by aggression. He said that if the leftists fight with the rightists on the streets the leftists will be wiped out as the rightists are strong men and the leftists tend to be physically fragile. So the left side should fight with words as the muscles aren't at their side.
Ahh yeah I remember it. The Western was afraid of another war so they didn't want to fight. Eh, Hitler could have been easily fought at the beginning. Before he started the war he was weak. He didn't sign the pact Ribbentrow-Mołotow (Idk how to type it right) until the August 1939.
But what do you mean? You think it's okay to fight back? But I didn't say the violence was justified in this case. It is alleged.
Yeah one thing is the Bible and the original Catholicism and Catholics are another thing. They aren't necessarily following their religion but that doesn't mean they are not hypocrites. And there are many right-winged atheists who behave like believers despite their lack of faith.
Wkurzyłabym się. Tak, są obrażani. Ja się pytam, o to, jakie są opinie lewaków w ogóle. Ja rozumiem, że oni chcą się bronić, ale jedną rzeczą jest napadnięcie na kogoś a inną bronienie napadu. Chodzi o to, że nie podoba mi się agresja w stylu "czuję, że on mnie obraża, więc go pobiję". Bardziej mi chodzi o przyzwolenie na przemoc ze względu na uczucia. Teraz faktycznie mieli powód, ale następnym razem pobiją kogoś bo tak. Eh, polska język trudna język. Czy uważasz, że mogę kogoś pobić, bo według moich subiektywnych odczuć on mnie dyskryminuje?
Poza tym takie akcje wcale nie doprowadzą do większej tolerancji, oj nie. To tylko daje powody, żeby nie lubić LGBT. I przede wszystkim mam na myśli bronienie tej Margot, nie sam jej czyn.
@Sensei oh you're right. I meant the leftists that are against discrimination of minorities. That light kind of the leftists close to the center. Ehh I know nothing.