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Feb 17, 2019
I made a pretty major breakthrough recently, and am feeling much more optimistic about life than I did when I first stumbled to this group on the edge of death.

One of my missions in life is to help people out of desperate situations like the one I'm rising out of. I am pretty great at helping people and do have some academic and professional certifications under my belt, so I want you all to know that if you ever need to reach to someone who will do their utmost best to help you, I am here for you as much as my time and energy will allow.

I'll still check into this group from time to time, and if you'd like my personal contact information aside from my username here, send me a DM.

I know what it's like to be at the end. Any of you who go over the edge and don't come back, just know that I understand and love you, and will never judge you for your decision.

For those who feel like you might just make it, I hope my story can be a source of hope for you going forward. Maybe I'll write about my story more specifically another time if you'd like.

Hugs and kisses, fellow travelers.
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Feb 25, 2019
Hooray for you. : )
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Sylvia Plath reading Lady Lazarus
Mar 24, 2019
That's great, I hope you have a great and happy life and fulfill your mission of helping other people. :)
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Jun 15, 2018
Good for you!,hope everything works out.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I made a pretty major breakthrough recently, and am feeling much more optimistic about life than I did when I first stumbled to this group on the edge of death.

One of my missions in life is to help people out of desperate situations like the one I'm rising out of. I am pretty great at helping people and do have some academic and professional certifications under my belt, so I want you all to know that if you ever need to reach to someone who will do their utmost best to help you, I am here for you as much as my time and energy will allow.

I'll still check into this group from time to time, and if you'd like my personal contact information aside from my username here, send me a DM.

I know what it's like to be at the end. Any of you who go over the edge and don't come back, just know that I understand and love you, and will never judge you for your decision.

For those who feel like you might just make it, I hope my story can be a source of hope for you going forward. Maybe I'll write about my story more specifically another time if you'd like.

Hugs and kisses, fellow travelers.

What was this breakthrough exactly? The best of luck to you. It's great to read about people becoming happy again. At least when they're not being glib and condescending about it.
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Feb 17, 2019
I was a little glib and condescending and I am sorry for that. I had good intentions.

Ever hear of the drug DXM? Well, DXM was my "God" for many years. I was its slave. Meaning, I was addicted to it. I still am addicted to it in a way, and I always will be in a way. But I am also free in a way. And always will be free in a way.

I know that's confusing. But trust me, it's nowhere near as confusing as my life has been. I've been through stuff most people wouldn't dare to even imagine. They wouldn't even know how to imagine it. It's the stuff of pure hell.

And the thing is, everyone has been through hell in their own way. Every single one of us. Hell takes many forms. Infinite forms.

So, how does one transcend hell?

The answer couldn't be more simple and it couldn't be more complicated either.

It's right under everyone's noses, and has been this whole time. And once they see it, they'll wonder why they didn't see it from the beginning. And they'll realize they DID see it at the beginning, but they developed spiritual amnesia.

Yes, I am intentionally speaking cryptically and in riddles. It's up to the individual reader to decode those riddles. I can't do that work for you. I already did that work for myself, and it was fucking hard work that made me sweat until I almost passed out from exhaustion, and made me bleed 'till there was almost nothing left of me. And the whole time, people in my life looked at me and thought I was lazy and selfish, and they just intensified all my blood sweat and tears.

It's no wonder that some people kill themselves. That's what brings us all to this forum.

But for those of you who want to live, I invite you to take refuge in these words. Let these words guide and protect you. They are written from the heart of love and life and eternal youth.

These things shall be unto you, those that call out my name.

My name? What do I mean by that? By this, I mean call out on love. Call out on God. Not a bearded dude in the sky. God is the whole bloody Universe all at once. God is past, present, and future simultaneously. God is everything. Don't be afraid of the word of God, nor take the word of the God literally. Don't be enslaved to some book written thousands of years ago which is now known as the Bible, but don't hate the Bible either. The Bible did the best it could with what it was given.

Verily, verily, I say these things unto you.

I love you all. Big time.

Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I was a little glib and condescending and I am sorry for that. I had good intentions.

Ever hear of the drug DXM? Well, DXM was my "God" for many years. I was its slave. Meaning, I was addicted to it. I still am addicted to it in a way, and I always will be in a way. But I am also free in a way. And always will be free in a way.

I know that's confusing. But trust me, it's nowhere near as confusing as my life has been. I've been through stuff most people wouldn't dare to even imagine. They wouldn't even know how to imagine it. It's the stuff of pure hell.

And the thing is, everyone has been through hell in their own way. Every single one of us. Hell takes many forms. Infinite forms.

So, how does one transcend hell?

The answer couldn't be more simple and it couldn't be more complicated either.

It's right under everyone's noses, and has been this whole time. And once they see it, they'll wonder why they didn't see it from the beginning. And they'll realize they DID see it at the beginning, but they developed spiritual amnesia.

Yes, I am intentionally speaking cryptically and in riddles. It's up to the individual reader to decode those riddles. I can't do that work for you. I already did that work for myself, and it was fucking hard work that made me sweat until I almost passed out from exhaustion, and made me bleed 'till there was almost nothing left of me. And the whole time, people in my life looked at me and thought I was lazy and selfish, and they just intensified all my blood sweat and tears.

It's no wonder that some people kill themselves. That's what brings us all to this forum.

But for those of you who want to live, I invite you to take refuge in these words. Let these words guide and protect you. They are written from the heart of love and life and eternal youth.

These things shall be unto you, those that call out my name.

My name? What do I mean by that? By this, I mean call out on love. Call out on God. Not a bearded dude in the sky. God is the whole bloody Universe all at once. God is past, present, and future simultaneously. God is everything. Don't be afraid of the word of God, nor take the word of the God literally. Don't be enslaved to some book written thousands of years ago which is now known as the Bible, but don't hate the Bible either. The Bible did the best it could with what it was given.

Verily, verily, I say these things unto you.

I love you all. Big time.

I didn't mean to imply you were being glib and condescending. That was a reference to someone else saying goodbye due to recovery who apparantly thinks depression is easily fixable and therefore anybody on here is basically a loser who chooses to be unhappy.

So you weaned yourself off a drug and now you're happy again. Is that it?
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