Tried to die in hurricane laura Even that failed
- Aug 25, 2020
- 28
Hello everyone. Im back here after being inspired to live and keep going these past 4 years. Well…as i am back now it just didnt work out for me. 4 years i tried to keep going and all it did was mess with me. I get up a little just to be set back to square one. The years got worse over time and i have been "living" in complete hell. As small as this may seem my last straw was 40 minutes ago when i got a speeding and no insurance ticket. Yes that seems small but infact thats all it took for me to finnally give up. This isnt about the ticket. This is about this tug of war to keep going but my entire life is a shit show and unfortunately this ticket was my final straw. It feels good to be back and find the courage and best method for me to finally be able to reach euphoria