But they haven't given you any indication of what you have? I mean you have cyanosis, don't you (the blue nails denote it) and this can be due to lung, heart or blood problems... but the variety of conditions that can cause it is very wide.
What tests have you had to narrow down the problem?
Come to think of it, I have something similar to your problem. I have had circulation tests, blood tests, resting electrocardiograms and they found nothing. But it is also true that due to anxiety I did not go to all the doctors I had to go to (it is very tiring to go to doctors). And also because I only had the pain when it was very cold outside (or very hot), usually what I have is itching.
I hope the doctors can soon find out what is wrong with you and you can freely decide how you want to deal with it (at best an asthma drug).
Good luck
Però no t'han donat cap indici del que tens? Vull dir que tens cianosi, no? (les ungles blaves ho denoten) i això pot ser degut a problemes pulmonars, cardíacs o de la mateixa sang... però la varietat d'afeccions que ho poden provocar és molt amplia.
Quines proves t'han fet per acotar el problema?
Ara que ho penso, respecte al teu problema tinc alguna cosa semblant. A mi m'han fet proves de circulació, anàlisi de sang, electrocardiogrames en repós i no van trobar res de res.. però també és cert que degut a l'ansietat no vaig anar a tots els metges que havía d'anar (és molt esgotador anar de metges). I també perqué el dolor només el tenía quan feia molt fred al carrer (o molta calor), normalment el que tinc són picors.
Espero que els metges puguin trobar aviat el que et passa i puguis decidir lliurement com vols afrontar-ho (en el millor dels casos un fàrmac per a l'asma).