Yes, from insects to centipedes to rats to chickens...
Most of time it was for food or plague control, but for me the reasons don't really matter, if you killed you killed, if you made it suffer you made it suffer, end of history. I tipically get a uncontrollable urge to kill whenever a come across any insect or animal that most people consider "morally acceptable" to kill. The best I've ever felt was when I clubbed a rat to death with one blow, mostly because it was a very clean kill and I felt relieved that the rat would not have to experience death by poisoning, which is excruciating painful.
Sometimes I have to kill for food and I used to be VERY sensitive. Killing any animal bothered me deeply, but now I grew accostumed to it and even learned to enjoy doing that, kind of a coping mechanism I think. The truth is that if you are the butcher and feel pity for the animal you probably will make it suffer even more, because you won't use all your force to kill it, so I try to be as violent as possible. I tipically kill my ducks and chickens with a single machete blow to decapitate them, and when I can't do that properly and they start writhing in pain I feel a little guilty. I don't enjoy torturing any sentient being, the closest I get to this is when I troll animals by scaring them (Idk maybe that could be classified as psychological torture or smth).
Some years ago, bad things happened to my pet cat and her kittens. I still feel I bit guilty that I didn't put a end to their misery with a club. Could have prevented so much suffering.
I don't like the moralism in this thread. If you are terrified by the idea of animal suffering them remember what have you put on your plate today. Most of the time a seemingly wholesome meal carries more suffering in its making than a entire human lifespan has by itself.