
Jun 10, 2018
I'm contemplating telling a person I know about my suicidal thoughts. Maybe mostly as a way of saying goodbye. I was therefore wondering about how a person might react to this.

Have a friend ever told you about his or hers suicidal thoughts? How did you feel about this and in what way did you react? Did he or she later succeed to ctb?
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Jun 28, 2018
I'm contemplating telling a person I know about my suicidal thoughts. Maybe mostly as a way of saying goodbye. I was therefore wondering about how a person might react to this.

Have a friend ever told you about his or hers suicidal thoughts? How did you feel about this and in what way do you react? Did he or she later succeed to ctb?
It mostly depends on what kind of person your friend is. I haven't told anyone personally, but I've known people who told others with varying responses. Some people are extremely pro life and will literally preach to you about the "meaning of life", some will either tell an authority figure or literally call the cops and some will be very nice about it and respect you. If you trust someone enough to even think about telling them, and it's what you want, then I think you should trust your instincts and do what you think will give you the most peace and satisfaction.
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Jun 10, 2018
I'm contemplating telling a person I know about my suicidal thoughts. Maybe mostly as a way of saying goodbye. I was therefore wondering about how a person might react to this.

Have a friend ever told you about his or hers suicidal thoughts? How did you feel about this and in what way did you react? Did he or she later succeed to ctb?
I've been told by a close friend. All I did was listen hopefully without judgement. It was the only time we talked about it. So far this person has not ctb.
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Jun 7, 2018
I spilled it out one time I was super drunk & high to a close friend of mine. Good for me he probably blamed it on the drugs. I would not recommend telling them openly, especially if you're so close to your deadline as it potentially could evolve into risking your plan.
Then again, I don't know your friends so that lays upon your personal evaluation of the situation.
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Any person I know won't never have the guts for kill theirselves. They all are pathetic cowards who prefer suffering and living in despair the rest of their lives, believing life is a "blessing".
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Jun 7, 2018
Told my crush cum friend few months back that I tried CTB by jumping in front of a truck and failed. She said I should see the positives, that have a friend like her and she would come and slap me if I ever thought of doing it again. I probably just wanted to see how she would react. Fucking retarded me.
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Jun 26, 2018
I told a close friend of mine a few months back. He has been suffering from depression as well so I thought he will understand. But, NOPE!! I got the usual "life is beautiful", "it'll get better" and other generic crap.
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An appropriate painting
Mar 19, 2018
I made the mistake of discussing this with a friend who has some health problems. At one point, there was the possibility that he might have some kind of encroaching brain damage, due to get worse, and he was looking for an exit strategy of his own. Luckily for him, he turned out not to have any kind of ongoing trouble, just a one-time issue from which he can recover.

However, I had told him that I had been looking into it myself, due to my different, but similarly distressing, health problems. Given his situation, he was largely interpreting it (and rightly so) against the background of his own despair.

I'm of two minds about it. I know he is a little concerned about my state, but on the other hand he will not be so shocked when the event occurs. He might have even forgotten; his memory is not what it used to be.

He is the only one whom I have told anything about this.
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Jun 26, 2018
If you have a friend that might understand and respect your feelings, then go for it. Otherwise I wouldn't recommend it unless you're looking to risk your plan. Since our generation tends to make a joke out of suicide and suicidal thoughts, you might be able to phrase it as a joke, for example: I want to die haha xd. That way your friend might not be too surprised when you actually do it.

I had a friend mention her suicidal thoughts to me a few months ago. I was taken aback since she didn't seem to be the kind of person to struggle with suicidal thoughts. She told me she would "kill herself if it weren't for her religion forbidding suicide". It was just a passing comment and our life went on as normal after that.
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Apr 18, 2018
I would not tell anymore. All you get is "it will get better. You can't do that. Don't try again" So I just make a smiley face and don't let anybody see how I feel
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Mar 31, 2018
I have told a friend about that. He obviously doesn't like the idea, but he knows he can't do anything to stop me.
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Apr 8, 2018
Not any real-life friends. I did have an Internet acquaintance who told me. I was less "woke" then and replied with a heap of platitudes that reeked to high heaven of bullshit. I don't know what happened to them - they stopped messaging me, presumably because they realized how useless my platitudes were.

I wouldn't do it if I were you, because most of the reactions don't matter, but if they decide to get authorities involved, that puts a lot of extra pressure and a narrow time limit on your plans.

It's odd that most of the people in this thread don't actually appear to be answering OP's question.
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Jun 10, 2018
It's odd that most of the people in this thread don't actually appear to be answering OP's question.

I wasn't very specific in my first post. Mostly I'm interested in hearing experiences from people that have had a friend confide in them who later successfully committed suicide. Most people would probably like to see their friend keep living, which is why I can imagine that giving a feeling of guilt, of failure to keep the friend alive. This is what keeps me from not telling anyone.
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Mar 31, 2018
Actually, I do have a person who told me about suicidal thoughts, but her instance on it was more of a "what if I killed myself and put all of this nonsense behind" rather than a "I will kill myself". I told her I would be open to talking more about the subject if she wanted to, but obviously I never told her to do it, as I am pro-choice rather than pro-death. Though, for me anyways, I would rather lose a friend than have them suffer pointlessly in this life. I am not important enough to keep someone alive for my own selfish reasons.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Never had any, so no. In my case, both my mother & father are aware that I'd like to commit suicide. Their mutual reaction/position on it is mostly indifference. They both know there's not much they can say or do to change my mind on the subject plus, more importantly, they also know I'm too much of a pussy to go through with it. In other words, they acknowledge my desire is genuine, but, at the same time, don't take it seriously since, to them, it's just empty words that will never be backed up with action. Just a proverbial eye roll is all I get basically.
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May 20, 2018
Never had any, and also never heared of anyone who has commited suicide (apart from famous people on TV).
I told my mom and brother that i'm feeling suicidal but they don't want to hear anything more. They think there is still hope for me, but i've lost it a while ago.
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Jun 27, 2018
My friend didn't give a crap when I told him, all he said was not to message him about this subject again cause he was scared he'll get arrested if he doesn't report me to authorities knowing I'm suicidal.
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Apr 30, 2018
My friend didn't give a crap when I told him, all he said was not to message him about this subject again cause he was scared he'll get arrested if he doesn't report me to authorities knowing I'm suicidal.

Great friend (eye roll).

He's also wrong about the law, while displaying a glaring lack of empathy. You are not required to report anyone to the authorities if someone is a danger to themselves—suicide is not a crime but assisting someone is (in most us states).
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Chronic Pain
Jun 7, 2018
Quite a few, accepting them and tried to be warm and loving but all of them have since abandoned me like other friends so idk
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Jun 11, 2018
I told my family and they just don't care.
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Mar 20, 2018
I had a very close friend when I was in kindergarten. I remember her saying she wish she was dead. I felt the same and still do to this day...
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Jun 29, 2018
I had an ex girlfriend who had some what I consider really bullshit overdose attempts. At the time I couldn't understand what she was doing because I would never kill myself over mental health issues. Chronic and debilitating physical conditions which I am now facing definitely have me considering it. No disrespect to anyone who has attempted before or who is struggling with severe mental health issues which I have struggled with before, but I would much rather lose my mental health than my physical health.
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Jul 12, 2018
I wouldn't suggest telling anyone except for people you know EXTREMELY closely, because 1) It's an evolutionary mechanism, a last-ditch attempt to get help and fit in with the rest of society, and 2) There's a chance your supposed friends would do something like call the cops, which is the exact opposite of what you want.
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Jul 9, 2018
In 2006 a very close friend of mine took his life. He never mentioned a word about it to me or others. His mom called and asked if he had ever said anything and I had to tell her that I was clueless. He seemed like a happy guy.
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Told maybe 2-3 persons irl over the years. If i could go back i wouldn't tell a living soul about my state of mind.
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Gray Wounds

Gray Wounds

A Phantasmagoria
Jun 27, 2018
One told me. Idk. it sounds like a threat. she told me that she'll kill herself. and I was so angry. if the intent is to torture me, then she succeeded. but if the intent is something else similar to her doing pranks on me, then, idk how else I could react to that before.
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Jun 16, 2018
Got three relevant stories 'cus am a mess these days who can't shut up (clearly)

One, a person for whom I had a lot of affection for, though in any world, I think for whom I'd called a bad friend- not to their face, but in my head, I described them as "emo" and "middle school" and cringed when they expressed their feelings of loneliness. It was the manner in which they expressed themself that I disliked, found cringeworthy. They killed themself and.. it's gruesome.. to look back and see how elitist and unaffected I was. They were suffering and I did nothing, I saw their eyes and scoffed. Even someone like me, who also knows those feelings, had that reaction.... I am still struggling to reconcile with this, of course. Self-awareness of villainy is wild

Second, I told a friend about my suicidal feelings. Like me, they're rather a bad friend; we're bad friends to one another. Not supportive, not healthy, it's just a joke dependent on money and food. The crux of my confession was my asking them essentially for their blessing. Tell me it's okay and they'll be alright with the decision and not condemn me and they can live anticipating my suicide. They said they couldn't do that, and I've forgotten why which must be a huge nod to my narcissism...you know, you remember what you say in a conversation but not what the other person says, ugh. Anyway they've never brought it up since. So, still kind of supportive. No cops called. I'm grateful. I told them because I was venting desperately.

Three, I moan about "wanting to die" at work all the time. Coworker once asked in a voice like casual incredulity if I was suicidal so of course I laughed and said no. Because am a dark cloud of bad vibes, I've pestered coworkers like, "Don't you ever want to die? How are you living right now??" At first, their reactions were chill. Since, two have come back with affirmatives, that they dream of death and want to kill themselves.


FOUR, when i was like 12 or 13 and suicidal for the first time! Confessed scared and very sad to a friend with whom I was growing apart over the phone! They simpered no don't kill yourself. We fell out of contact. I lived, suffering.

FIVE, at like age 15, a dear online friend confessed they had every intention of killing themself, and they asked if I would be alright. In my vanity, I assured them that yeah, I'd be fine. Actually, I was shaking, physically, but didn't tell them that. They're still alive and doing much better, afaik, and i'm very very glad

I tell people and nothing happens; people told me and I did nothing. still, i'd advise anyone to be careful. even with my results, i'm still wary of wards and certain people finding out. don't be tooo dumb...
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I've waited so long

I've waited so long

Jul 11, 2018
Got three relevant stories 'cus am a mess these days who can't shut up (clearly)

One, a person for whom I had a lot of affection for, though in any world, I think for whom I'd called a bad friend- not to their face, but in my head, I described them as "emo" and "middle school" and cringed when they expressed their feelings of loneliness. It was the manner in which they expressed themself that I disliked, found cringeworthy. They killed themself and.. it's gruesome.. to look back and see how elitist and unaffected I was. They were suffering and I did nothing, I saw their eyes and scoffed. Even someone like me, who also knows those feelings, had that reaction.... I am still struggling to reconcile with this, of course. Self-awareness of villainy is wild

Second, I told a friend about my suicidal feelings. Like me, they're rather a bad friend; we're bad friends to one another. Not supportive, not healthy, it's just a joke dependent on money and food. The crux of my confession was my asking them essentially for their blessing. Tell me it's okay and they'll be alright with the decision and not condemn me and they can live anticipating my suicide. They said they couldn't do that, and I've forgotten why which must be a huge nod to my narcissism...you know, you remember what you say in a conversation but not what the other person says, ugh. Anyway they've never brought it up since. So, still kind of supportive. No cops called. I'm grateful. I told them because I was venting desperately.

Three, I moan about "wanting to die" at work all the time. Coworker once asked in a voice like casual incredulity if I was suicidal so of course I laughed and said no. Because am a dark cloud of bad vibes, I've pestered coworkers like, "Don't you ever want to die? How are you living right now??" At first, their reactions were chill. Since, two have come back with affirmatives, that they dream of death and want to kill themselves.


FOUR, when i was like 12 or 13 and suicidal for the first time! Confessed scared and very sad to a friend with whom I was growing apart over the phone! They simpered no don't kill yourself. We fell out of contact. I lived, suffering.

FIVE, at like age 15, a dear online friend confessed they had every intention of killing themself, and they asked if I would be alright. In my vanity, I assured them that yeah, I'd be fine. Actually, I was shaking, physically, but didn't tell them that. They're still alive and doing much better, afaik, and i'm very very glad

I tell people and nothing happens; people told me and I did nothing. still, i'd advise anyone to be careful. even with my results, i'm still wary of wards and certain people finding out. don't be tooo dumb...
Thanks for sharing those personal tales.
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Jun 30, 2018
A friend confided in me earlier this year that he was actively suicidal. It took me by surprise because I have been suicidal myself for a few years and distinctly pro-choice, and pretty much kept it to myself.
Nonetheless, I counselled him against it. After he sent me a 'goodbye' message I even contacted his family. It was basically instinctual because he is a close friend. Pretty much he was describing to me circumstances which, as far as I could tell, were temporary events in his life and would resolve with time. If he had been facing unbearable chronic health problems I would have been more likely to accept it and open up more about my own struggles. It made me feel like a hypocrite though.
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I've waited so long

I've waited so long

Jul 11, 2018
A friend confided in me earlier this year that he was actively suicidal. It took me by surprise because I have been suicidal myself for a few years and distinctly pro-choice, and pretty much kept it to myself.
Nonetheless, I counselled him against it. After he sent me a 'goodbye' message I even contacted his family. It was basically instinctual because he is a friend. Pretty much he was describing to me circumstances which, as far as I could tell, were temporary events in his life and would resolve with time. If he had been facing unbearable chronic health problems I would have been more likely to accept it and open up more about my own struggles. It made me feel like a hypocrite though.
It Happens, we all think we would do different things, but in the moment it different. Don't let it flood your thoughts. :)
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