

Apr 5, 2020
We're not at the top of the food chain.. bugs, worms etc are eating at you from the inside as we speak.. it's part of aging.
I think it's important to clarify, that there are no bugs or worms involved in ageing. Ageing is, generally speaking, self-inflicted damage to the body caused by metabolic processes, which may either be biologically programmed or incidental (not yet determined). It's a purely mechanical process, much like how a car will become worn after much use, as its parts begin to fail.


Nobody gets out alive
Sep 10, 2020
I think it's important to clarify, that there are no bugs or worms involved in ageing. Ageing is, generally speaking, self-inflicted damage to the body caused by metabolic processes, which may either be biologically programmed or incidental (not yet determined). It's a purely mechanical process, much like how a car will become worn after much use, as its parts begin to fail.

As the body ages the immune system gets weaker. We all have bugs, good and bad, the good ones help us assimilate nutrients, the bad ones eat cartilage, Leech minerals, cause inflammation, etc.. it's all part of the design..
Everyone has bad bugs, but a healthy immune system keeps them in check

I've done dozens of live blood analysis I've seen healthy blood from friends and diseased blood on myself, and others.. I've had to fight chronic infections for 10 years, ever since pharma ruined my endocrine system.. when my blood is clean my skin buoyant and springs back.. when Infections are raging, I'm fatigued , face is drawn, skin is thin.. that's not aging?

I've read hundreds of publication regarding post viral syndrome , chronic Lyme, and the interplay with respect to genetics.
Why do u think older people are more susceptible to covid for example? We're all carrying bugs, some are stealthier and smarter than others just like people, but yes they feed on us nevertheless.. and wreak all sorts of havoc , throwing off our th1/th2 immune balance.

everybody on this board in chronic pain and chronic conditions are loaded with bugs, some young some old. but i guarantee you it's speeding up the aging process.. either way. they go hand and hand together..
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
I can get why you might want to hate someone who allows suffering but the Christian worldview, if you actually read it biblically, is that we humans are the cause of suffering and misery on this world and we spread it like a plague (sin).

If we're going to get Biblical about this, then it makes perfect sense for God to take the blame for everything. It clearly says in the New Testament that humans are incapable of being good because we have a sinful nature that is programmed into us. If that is true, then it means that God intentionally designed humans to be evil and will punish people for doing what they were designed to do, unless they love him and demonstrate unquestioning loyalty, in which case he will supposedly turn them into a better person.

I don't know if you interpret the story of Adam and Eve literally or allegorically, but it's clear that the Bible places a lot of the blame on the first humans for failing a test without the capacity to understand what death means or the knowledge of what consequences their decision would cause. It says that God intentionally cursed ALL future generations with painful childbirths, disease, natural disasters, and all other horrible things that happen in our world, all because they dared to question him and ate a piece of fruit.

I do agree with you that humans are a major contributor to the pain and misery that exists, but certainly not all of it. If we're going to bring Christian beliefs into the equation, then there is NO way to do it without at least blaming God for some of it.
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Jul 14, 2020
If we're going to get Biblical about this, then it makes perfect sense for God to take the blame for everything. It clearly says in the New Testament that humans are incapable of being good because we have a sinful nature that is programmed into us. If that is true, then it means that God intentionally designed humans to be evil and will punish people for doing what they were designed to do, unless they love him and demonstrate unquestioning loyalty, in which case he will supposedly turn them into a better person.

I don't know if you interpret the story of Adam and Eve literally or allegorically, but it's clear that the Bible places a lot of the blame on the first humans for failing a test without the capacity to understand what death means or the knowledge of what consequences their decision would cause. It says that God intentionally cursed ALL future generations with painful childbirths, disease, natural disasters, and all other horrible things that happen in our world, all because they dared to question him and ate a piece of fruit.

I do agree with you that humans are a major contributor to the pain and misery that exists, but certainly not all of it. If we're going to bring Christian beliefs into the equation, then there is NO way to do it without at least blaming God for some of it.
Nice reductio argument.
Christian theology doesn't deal with logical scrutiny very well.
It's actually fascinating to contemplate the millions of pages of Christian theology that have been written since around the 2nd century ad which try to explicate and justify biblical absurdities and logical nonsense by inventing and conjuring up even more absurdities and logical nonsense, and so on, forming a very intricate and convoluted structure with no grounding at all in any kind of practical or sensible reality.

It makes me think of the flying island of Laputa in gulliver's travels, whose inhabitants only study and codify the arts, music, maths, astronomy all day, but cannot put any of it to any practical use. It's just a pointless flying island whose inhabitants literally have their heads in the clouds and are totally disconnected from practical reality.
God directs the flow in the macro level (ie nations, the bigger picture, universe, etc) and is in control but allows random chance and events to happen at the micro level (ie our interactions with other human beings and freak accidents in nature)
But aren't bigger entities like nations just the result of everything that happens at the micro level?
How can God both be in control of a larger process yet allow random chance to occur at its lower levels?
And think of all the wars and destruction that have happened at the level of nations throughout history. Do you think God directed the flow of that?
In which case that makes him responsible for all the suffering that resulted?

And why would he allow random chance to be part of events at the micro level anyway? If by random chance you mean 'free will', how does randomness allow us to be responsible for our actions?

I think the simplest and most rational thing is to just assume that there is no God, as thinking there is a God creates more problems than it solves.
In fact, positing a God only creates problems and solves none.
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Dec 25, 2019
Do we honestly need religion to tell us that life is suffering when the theory of evolution explains that already? It's also conceited to always bang on about human suffering when there's also a fair amount of animal suffering in the world.
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Jan 4, 2021
I recently read that a Monotheistic "big" God , is an invention of Civilization.
A virtual " all seeing eye" a panopticon , to keep order in a Civilization where we are all surrounded by strangers ...
The "normal" tribal restraints on 'anti social behsviour' didn't work any more , so an over arching deity was invented.

Prior to this ... read about the 'invention' of monotheism , as prior to this , "gods" were plentiful and projections of human behaviour ( thunder gods , forest gods etc etc )

Makes sense to me.

Also ... God is an excuse to be Evil , because it is "His" Will .... Fuck that excuse ... also fuck any excuse for Evil (Ideologies / Beliefs ... ) Culture is not your friend - Terrence McKenna
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