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No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
My self think they utterly useless let me tell you why . A long time ago i got into drinking and pills was taking painkillers and washing them down with a bottle of vodka every night sum times two. Any way one night i bin going a bit heavy on the drink think I was on my third bottle and ended up fall over and demolished best part of my flat. Next door heard the noise and rang for an ambulance they new i used to get wasted every night. Well the ambulance turn up one of them had to kick the door down the cops were they to . They got in put me in a wheelchair my flat was very small any way the guy who kicked my door down i threw up all over him LOL ;P . Any way i spent a few days in hospital and this shrink popped up he thought I had try to kill my self wss not st thst time. I try to tell him but would not listen was trying to tell me i had my life ahead of me . And my folks would miss me dearly and i would be shellfish in taking my life as was the most precious thing ever given to me. By this time i was getting piss off i try to tell him to go away it my life and i can do what the hell i like with it . That did not go down to well i can tell you he all most flew off the handle told me i would lock up in the nut house until I was better according to him . I told him him can only hold me for so long then i am out he said I can hold you ss long as he like. By this time the old red mist was coming down but he just kept on and on like he pump me full of drugs and give me electric shock treatment and so on . Next thing he new was me laying in to him i was beating the crap out of him they had to sedate me to stop me from killing him . Lets just say he never bothered me ever again what go me through is how much he was up is own backside. He would not admit he was wrong in what he was saying to me about locking me up for ever . I think after that he lost his job good glad he did when I met other shrinks they all seem the same up they're own backside. Its like the little bit of power over you goes to they head never ever trust them ever again. Any you lot think they next to useless? Any sorry for the long story was trying just to do a short one LOL ;P :D
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Aug 11, 2018
some heavy story you try to display in a light tone. very violent in your way. I am violent, too, at times. In different ways. In different levels. Mostly against myself. But when I lose it I lose it, too. trying not to physically hurt others, though.


Jumpin Jack Flash, it’s a gas gas gas
Jan 16, 2019
I've never physically assaulted one, but out of all the all mental health professionals I've encountered, the shrinks who do rounds for people waking up after coming through the Emergency Department are the worst. They like to assess you in 10 minutes and sometimes even add a new diagnosis to your file. I would be careful with that physical violence though. Even if I do understand it.


"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Sometimes Jibbers Crabst is a little shellfish, too. praise Jibbers.


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No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
I've never physically assaulted one, but out of all the all mental health professionals I've encountered, the shrinks who do rounds for people waking up after coming through the Emergency Department are the worst. They like to assess you in 10 minutes and sometimes even add a new diagnosis to your file. I would be careful with that physical violence though. Even if I do understand it.
Well was a lot younger then learnt to control my self better these days. Most my anger is turn in on its self to tend to do stupid things to my self . And i keep my self to my self glad this day and age you can do a lot of things on line they sum times a hole week go by and i do see any one . I call them good week's :)
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chronic pain
Jun 14, 2019
Well I can't afford one at $200 per 50 minutes and "make too much money" to get free counselling. Maybe I'm not really missing out
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Jun 30, 2018
Well I can't afford one at $200 per 50 minutes and "make too much money" to get free counselling. Maybe I'm not really missing out

It's kind of like, a double edged sword... If you receive any benefits from seeing one, your quality of life will become worse due to having much less money unless you are lucky enough to be able to spend $200 like it's nothing.


Jun 27, 2019
Most psychiatrists I've seen have been a waste of space! But, I was on a psych ward for nearly 2 years after failing to ctb and the ward psychiatrist was great! She actually listened to me (something I find is very rare in current MH services) and did everything she could think of to help me. Most people hated her because she was very to the point and no nonsense but I found her straight talking helpful. She is one of only a handful of people I've ever really trusted. Unfortunately she was moved to a different part of the service and replaced by a complete dick! I sometimes wonder if I was still under her treatment things might be different. Hmmm...


Apr 3, 2019
Never, they never give any real advice or do anything helpful, just repeat the same shit that never works.


Jun 8, 2019
I will say that CBT was helpful but I've stopped doing it because I'd be doing nothing but "this happened so I feel this" all day. I just meditate now.


Feb 2, 2019
They recommend CBT instead of CBT.

Pun aside, I've seen two. The experience was mediocre, but since I didn't have to pay anything (make too much for that now, but not enough to throw money at a new one) it was ok. I appreciated having someone to talk to, even if the first, a college counselor, would seemingly correct me when I was describing my emotions in a way he didn't believe was "correct". The last was a lady, rather nice, but we were both bored with it by the end of our sessions.
I think the only way therapy could genuinely work would be
a) make it a daily process (which would require an insane amount of money, of course)
b) have positive, socially-oriented group activities with similar "sufferers", also on a daily basis (again, an insane amount of money)
Since most of us work, and get paid scant wages in recompense, this sort of top-down reinvention of a lonely soul into a being with meaningful social contacts is simply unfeasible, even if it were possible. The rest of what therapists do is just trying to make up for the fact that whatever they're doing isn't enough for isolated and angry individuals--not enough time, and not enough resources, so it's easier to say, "you're not trying hard enough; be mindful; want meds?" I feel sorry for the ones who care, because they're stuck in a system that doesn't.
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Feb 2, 2019
Effin' christ, my mind's so mushy I can't get my puns straight... am I the only one who's confused CTB for CBT while typing?
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Feb 18, 2019
Well I can't afford one at $200 per 50 minutes and "make too much money" to get free counselling. Maybe I'm not really missing out
There's a lot of other options that aren't $200/hr and don't require you to be low income. There's plenty of text therapy options that are under $200/mo for daily messages, or telehealth that's under $100/hr even without insurance.